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"erica, how's it going?" piper asked the girl calmly as they waited for the girl to talk. the girl only grunted in reosnse, pulling herself to a stop to talk to them as she found another vent.

"alright nerds, i'm there." the voice returned and piper let out a sigh. it would have been really unfortunate if the girl had gotten herself trapped or something.

"do you see anything?'' robin asked as she snatched the radio from the girl next to her. piper throws her an offended look before crossing her arms.

"yeah, i see those boring boxes you're so excited about."

"any guards?'' piper questioned, leaning to speak through the radio, the girl looking through the vents. before giving her answer.


"booby traps?'' robin questioned raising her brow at piper who merely shrugged her shoulders and pulled back once more.

"if i could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps. wouldn't they?"

"actually kid technically speaking you wouldn't be able to see some normally, if you weren't on the inside." piper replied being snarky, this kid was kind of annoying but they needed to get inside and she was their only shot.

"thank you for that." the robin spoke, rolling her eyes at both girls. the sounds of something clattering echoed through the radio followed by a thud. erica's feet landed harshly on the ground as she looked around the room. it was in fact just a room with a bunch of boxes.

"i'm in." erica added as she looked around the room, looking for something. anything. when her eyes landed on a box on the wall next to the two doors. pressing one of the random buttons and the group hidden atop the roof watched in relief as hey doors started to open. erica appeared from behind them.

"free ice cream, for life." erica suited up at the group as piper laughed. grabbing steve's hand as she dragged him up. robin and dustin follow shortly behind. rushing down the stairs tugging the boy with her and then towards the room. the room now they came to realise only had boxes in. no bombs. no weapons. nothing but boxes.

"the boxes, there has to be something in the boxes." piper muebles she ran her finger along the sides of the boxes as robin and dustin joined them in the room. steve nodded agreeing with her. pulling out his knife for cutting boxes and finding the box on a desk. i just sat there. slicing a cut through the tape and opening it. finding another box, but this one was metal and had a little hatch at the top. the air hissing as he opened the wheel on this one.

"that's definitely not chinese food." he commented looking down in the box. before looking up at the group. dustin, piper, robin and erica all staring into the box as well.

"uh. maybe you guys should, you know, stand back.” steve commented glancing between the box and the group. the three girls nodded as they stepped back. iper reaches out for robin's hand as they guide erica to stand between them. but dustin didn't join the ladies. instead insisting stands with steve.

"just step back.'' steve ordered, trying to push the boy away. but he just wouldn't budge.

"no, no! if you die, i die." dustin shouted, before looking up at the older boy. who merely shrugged his shoulders and reached inside the box once more. twisting one of the smaller wheelers until it clicked open. allowing him to lift up the contents of the inside. and the green liquid shimmering in the dim light. there in steve's hand was a vile of some kind of suspicious substance. which seemed to be bubbling.

"what the hell." the older boy mumbled as he grimaced at it.

"what is that?" robin asked and the room seemed to shudder. shaking lightly once. rumbling.

"was that just me, or did the room move?'' dustin asked, looking between the group. robin, erica confused, steve unreadable and piper. piper who had brought her shaky hands to her chest.

"booby traps." erica mumbled and piper could have laughed.

"so much for. if i could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps. wouldn't they?'' piper mocked crossing her arms as she mocked the younger girl who followed her actions. the younger just sticking her tongue out as robin reached for the green vile. as the room gave another whirl. dustin making his way over to the same box erica had opened the door from. randomly pressing buttons. mainly the blue one with the words open button written in text.

"just open the damn door!'' piper exclaimed as she tried to claw at the door, wanting to just pry away the two doors. it was starting to get to her, being trapped in a room with people. she could feel her heartbeat in her ears and the rising panic in her chest. and the wall dropped from in front of the doors. piper falling backwards pulling her hands before they got hurt. slamming against the floor as the lights flickered. and they jolted once more.

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