SCENE THIRTY FIVE. she's with me

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"piper's with me." steve ordered as dustin told the group the plan, everyone agreeing except steve. dustin had said that piper should go with the adults so they could look after her. but steve was quick to disagree, he wanted her at his side.

"steve, we can look after her." joyce added placing her hand on the boy's shoulder but he huffed it off, throwing a look over to piper who still sat at the counter. legs dangling over the edge as she sipped a slushy cup.

"she's with me."

"define. pretentious little douchebag" hopper spat, whispering the last part to himself as he turned around. and murray stepped forward, which was never a good sign.

"are you two like-" murray questioned and nanc's eyes blown wide. he was doing that trick. the thing he did to everyone, the mind trick he used on nancy and jonathan, one he had sure tried to use on joyce and hopper.

"what? no, we are just friends."

"bullshit!" erica shouted from the other side of the fountain. earning a slap across her head from her brother.

"suck it up and fuck her?" murray smiled as he placed a hand on steve's shoulder.

"bauman what the fuck!" hopper shouted as steve huffed off the hand of his shoulder as well, making his way over to piper to help her up. ignoring what murray had said as hopper threw him the keys to a car. dustin, erica and robin running after him.

"oh man, now this. this is what i'm talking about!'' steve exclaimed as the group opened the front doors of the starcourt mall. and she felt a rush wash over her, this would be the first time she's been outside the mall in almost a full day.

"todfather?" robin questioned as she joined the pair.

"oh screw todd, steve's your daddy now!" he laughed as he jumped into the driver's seat, piper following his actions but in the passenger seat.

"did you just talk about yourself in the third person?'' robin spat as she climbed into the backseat.

"did he just call himself daddy?" erica added as she was squished in the car.

"alright, where are we going.'' steve asked as he plugged the keys in. piper fiddling with the radio almost immediately.

"weathertop." dustin added.

"weather-what?'' steve questioned looking over his shoulder to the younger boy.

"just drive."

"okay jesus!" he said as he turned the keys, the enie ignating and he started to reverse out of the car park.

"are we sure steve is the best option to drive right now?"

"what if you're a better choice, didn't you just try and kill el."

"that's unfair, uncalled for actually." piper sat, looking over her shoulder to robin who had kicked her seat up on the drinks compartment between the drivers and passengers seat.

"jesus, how far is this place man?" steve asked as they drove down a dark empty road, one that seemed to be awfully familiar to the girl.

"relax, we're almost there." dustin replied.

"suzie must be pretty special, huh?" robin asked from the back seat. piper threw another glance to the girl sitting behind her.

"i mean if you built this thing ang lugged it all the way to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her?" she added as dustin threw her an not amused glance.

"yeah it's so romantic actually, that's the kind love i want." piper commented and she noticed the twinge of a smile on dustin's face.

"i mean, nobodys scientifically perfect but suzie's about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be." he said, replying to robin's comment about her being perfect. in his mind she wass, the most perfect girl in the world. he wanted her to be his soulmate, because that's one thing dustin believed in. soulmates, someone made for another. wether platonic or romantic.

"young love hits differently." piper mumbled as she turned back to face the empty road.

"she sounds made up to me, she sounds made up to you?" erica asked, looking around the group hoping at least any of them to agree. watching steve twinge slightly. dustin's face falling.

"why are you hesitating steve?" he asked and steve started to stumble over his words straight away, not expecting ht wboy to question him. but at the same time he was dustin henderson, he questioned anything and everything.

"i'm not! i think she sounds real. you know, totally, absolutely real." he stammered out, fingers fumbling to turn up the radio. some beatles song playing as piper upturned her nose, whoever this todfather was had an odd taste.

"steve, don't take the piss." she spat rolling her eyes at the teenger.

"turn left." dustin intergeted.

"left? there's not a road here." steve commented, looking left to find it was just a field that seemed to rise. a hill. they were at a hill.

"turn left now!" dustin shouted, and steve screamed.

"jesus, hang on!" he screamed as his hand flew to protect piper as the other spun the wheel. breaking through a fence gate, the car jolting forwards as they approached the hill.

"henderson, where are we going?!'' steve shouted, noticing the steep incline of the hill before them.

"up!" he screamed, grabbing onto the side of the car with all his grip. they weren't going to make it up. and she reached out, grabbing steve's thigh as he screamed, slamming his foot on the paddle trying to get them higher.

"we're not gonna make it!"robin explained. looking up at their supposed journey.

"yes we are, come on baby!" steve mumbled, banging his fist on the wheel

"guess the todfather has its limitations." robin stumped as the car gave a loud road, the wheels weren't going anywhere anymore.

"we'll walk from here." steve spat as he jumped out the car, looking up at the track they had to take.

"you are fucking joking!" piper sat looking up at the rest of the hill, barely seeing the red dot of the radio tower over the hill.

"steve, we have to go. like now!" piper shouted, and steve turned to the girl who had fallen to her knees. a hand holding her hip.

"he's there, he's at the mall." she cried, a hand moving to her head as he ran over. looking over the hill to find she was right. the mind flayer was crawling over the mall. and dustin started to scream down the radio for his friends, hoping they were on their way to murrays and not in the mall.

"they're in there, they're in the mall. they need help. it knows she's there." she cried, slamming her hand against her head, steve grabbing her fists stopping her from hurting herself and he looked at her. her eyes had darkened. it was like she was watching it from the flayers perspective. not here on the hill with them. and he made up his mind, he grabbed the girls hand and tugged her with him. towards the car.

"stay, here. contact the others!" an robin followed after them. dustin threw her a radio before she followed them. jumping into the back as he revved the car up. and they were off, the girl screaming and crying as the mind flayer tried to break into her mind. it knew she knew about el. it needed her. it wanted her.


how we feeling about smut in act two? the rest of their summer kinda act?

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