SCENE THREE. second chances and shopping

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"piper, are you ready to go shopping?" her mother shouted as the girl sat infront of the still quite dirt mirror. she had taken the pictures of the walls for the first time since she had put them up and now were neatly pilled up on her desk, before she left, her desk was filled with childish toys. and sparkly pink makeup. but now it was bare.

"piper!" her mother shouted again and he stood from her desk. wiing down her skirt as she walked out of her room. to find her mum now waiting by the car. she locked the front foor on her way out before shuffling into her mothers car. the women smiling as she turned on the radio, pulling out of their drive as piper put on her sunglasses. leaning back into the car as her mother drove.

"what colour are you thinking?"she asked as they pulled up to a red light.

"grey, or maybe like a creamy white."

"oh that's lovely, i'm thinking of white for mine." mary addedand piper smiled at her mother as they started to drive again.and before long the mall was appearing before them. people lingering around, so leaving others entering. and the two grils jumped from their car, and headed towards the mall doors.

"so i was thinking we could get some ice cream first mum, i noticed they had choc chip."and mary turned to smile at her daughter. agreeing with her as she let piper lead her to the ice cream shop she had only been in yesterday. the two emploies seemed to be stood agringing over something when the two walked in. but both stambered to a stop noticing the presence of the cherry girl.

"piper."steve breathed out, he couldn't believe it. he knew now, she could tell by the look he was giving her. a pity look.

"harrington." mary spat and steve shifted his gaze to mary who now stood with her arms crossed as she glared down steve. robin smiled as she noticed the gulp he took. so it was true then, what steve had told her.

"mrs parker." he stumbled, a redish tint traveling from his neck as piper stiffled a laugh. the mother only narrowed her eyes at the boy before turning to robin. the girl straighting her posture straight away.

"can i get a scoop of mint in a cine and-"

"cherry in a cuo." steve added, the three girls looking at him. and he spun on his heel. rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. robin nodding as she went to scoop their orders as steve glanced at piper, who was glancing looks at him.

"piper, can we talk?" he asked softly, leaing over the counter. piper throwing a glance to her mother. who's face twisted in dislike for the boy but yet waved her hand for her too. steve grabbing the girls wirst. tugging her into the back of the shop.

"look i want too-" he started as she ripped her hand from his grasp. the look of displeasure on hr own face.

"say you're sorry? you're a bit late for that harrington." she spat, rolling her eyes at the boy. crossing her arms over her chest. eyes narrowing. god she was like her mother.

"please piper." he begged. and she almost crumbled. he had begged, steven harrington had begged. but he was quick to cover it.

"no. no steve. sure i may have niticed a change in you yesterday, bt i knew you didn't reconise me. just because i'm back doesn't mean you suddenly get to switch up." she siad, shaking her head. trying to get the sound of the steven harrington begging. begging for her. even if it were for her forgiveness.

"i didn't mean to hurt you piper." he cried. bullshit.

"you fucking bastard!" she scremaed, slapping the boys face. which had grown red in embrassement and would soon have a nice red handprint to join it.

"you never meant to hurt me! then why did you do it? you were a monster harrington." she cried, pulling back her hand, hunngin it to his chest as he turned to look at her in shock.

"i've changed." he spoke softly, spreading his arms out as if he were tying to present himself.

"prove it." she spat, eyes narrowed slightly. watching him crmble under her gaze.

"i will, i promise. just please. please piper. listen. how about tonight? we can go anywere."

"fine. fine. but not tonight. i just moved back to hawkins so i have things to do tonight. but i swear to god harrington, the girl who i was before is gone. think about crossing me like that again and i'll rip your balls off. with y bare hands." she spat as she did the motion. the man gulping once he relaised the sharp long nails. and he nodded.

"tomorrow? i'm at work but you can spend time here, cherry ice cream on the house." and a smile lifted onto her face and he grinned. got her. and she walked away. and he knew one thing, she was right. the girl she was before was long gone. he had noticed the burn marks on her fingertips. smoker. something the old her would twist her face in disgut at. and when he had returned. the two ladies were walking away, piper throwing a look over her shoulder to the boy who watched her walk away.

"what the fuck is going on?" robin cried as she marked down another win for harrington. the boy smiled as he re-adjusted his hat which had tipped to the side when she had slapped him. the red print now evident on his cheek. before disappearing back into the backroom as robin returned to serving costumers. piper and mary walking arond, observing shops to look in as they ate their ice creams. browsing through the shops for paints and food to fill the cupboards. ordering furtniture to be delivered later in the day or tomorrow.

"oh piper, look at this clock." her mother shouted, piper turning to see the most beautiful clock she had ever seen. one identical to the one her dad had back in new york. it was a grandfather clock. the front glass panes had pretty cherry blossoms painted on the glass and had shiny gold embleshiments. and within the next hour, a shop worker was carrying it towards mary's red car which the two girls were now filling with their bags of shopping.

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