SCENE EIGHT. girls just wanna have fun

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and the girl was strolling around the shops. walking past a group of boys running away from an underwear shop as she headed to the shop she usually bought her clothes from. the music played throughout the shop as she now walked up and down the isles, looking for the new dress she wanted. eventually finding the red summer dress by two girls who were dressing up. at the moment one of the girls was wearing a dress similar to what piper was looking for, which made the older girl smile as she walked over. the ginger turned to look at piper as she grabbed a dress from the aisle.

"what do you think of her dress?" she asked, piper turning to look at the two girls. the ginger one was asking her opinion and she stumbled over her words.

"you seem more of a jumpsuit person." she stumbled out as the girl lifted the glass from her head before turning back to her friend.

"she's right, el." and the girl nodded, rushing off back into the changing room as the ginger turned back to look at piper.

"i'm max, you're hot." and now piper grew red under the girls' area as she laughed to hide her awkwardness.

"piper, and thank you. i really needed that."

"what jumpsuit do you think would suit my friend?" she asked again as max joined piper's side looking at the jumpsuits rack beside her. and piper leaned forward. plucking a random one off the shelf. it was a black one that had loads of funk shapes. and she sighed out a breath of relief as the girl screamed in excitement. agreeing as she tugged the outfit towards the changing room her friend had gone to. and piper returned to her dress. rifling through them til she found her size. and the two girls appeared in the mirror once more.

"i like it." the ginger's friend,el, said as she jumped around in front of the mirror. both girls turned to piper who had finally found her size.

"you're cool." max said as they looked at piper as she complimented el's new outfit. and once again the piper grew red.

"i like you." el mumbled to the older girl who's smile grew even more. but before the girl could answer. max had reached forward to grab the girl's wrist and tugged her with them with a screech. pulling her with them. and soon they were laughing as they properly introduced themselves. and piper felt at peace knowing these two seemed like great friend choices even if they were significantly younger than her.

and they were heading towards a studio where their pictures would get taken. el and max were ushered into the changing rooms as piper hopped over to the photographer.

"i'm thinking bold, bright. fun!" she exclaimed pulling up a chair beside him as the two girls came running out laughing at their customers.

"loving the colours!" piper shouted as max laughed, giving the girl a twirl as she chanted. acting like a paparattzi for the two girls who were smiling and laughing as the photographer took their photos. getting them printed out as they took some with a piper. the girl holding both girls on her back before tumbling forward, the photographer getting pictures of this action. and then laughing as they laid crumbled on the floor before they were off again.

"omg shoes!" max shouted, dragging el by the hand who had linked her arm with piper. pulling the two girls towards the shoe shop.

"lips, hips, ah and butts." piper laughed before remembering the girls were younger than her, covering it with a cough before swinging her hips to face them.

"woah!" ek mumbled getting max to help her up as she repeated how easily the girl walked in the heels. only to find it wasn't as easy as the older girl made it look. making the girls laugh as they fumbled about. the other girls in the shop just looked at them in disgust before turning back to their shoes as the girls laughed.

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