SCENE FIFTEEN. the reflections

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piper had left by the time steve had woken up the next morning. not a sign of her left in the room. and he felt guilt. head droppin back into the pillow. the words he said ringing in his head, he had said nancy's name. he love- liked piper, he just couldn't understand what happened. piper was perfect. in the most perfect way you could be in hawkins. she was gentle, caring, head over heels in love with him. and he also thought he was in love. he liked her, for sure. but he wasn't sure about love. because she wasn't her. she wasn't nancy. sure the two girls were similar, and it finally dawned on him how similar it was. both girls were strong, stronger than him, both kind and would do anything for their friends. but piper would never be nancy. nancy was different. and right now, piper stood in front of her mirror.

"i love you nancy."

there was that stupid clock in the corridor, chiming. with it's stupid timing.

"i love you nancy."

it chimed again.


steve had said her name, nancy. whilst they were sleeping together. and she looked in the mirror. the flushed reflection. reddened nose. crying. why was she crying? over a boy nonetheless. over steve fucking harrington. again.

and then came the knock at the window. the boy's face in the reflections. and she plastered a fake smile on as she rushed to the window. meeting his lips. them cherry red lips. the same lips that had those words fallen out of.

"i love you nancy."

"let's go for a ride." steve smiled, yet the light didn't reach them. and she too smiled. nodding. taking his hand as he led her to the car.

his hand was soft against the piper's skin, the warmth practically raiditing of him. was he thinking of nancy right now? and she pulled back, feeling the warm coffee breath on her face.

"i love you." he murmured, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"no you don't." and she got out of the car. a confused look lifting onto steve's face as the door slammed behind her. stepping into the rain.

"piper, wait-" he shouted, stepping out of the car following her. she was already starting to walk away.

"you said her name.'' piper shouted, looking back at the boy. eyes welled with tears, cheeks starting to puff up. turning red, it could have been because of the cold rain spitting down on her or the fact she was crying over steve harrington.

"what." he said, brows furrowing slightly as he ran to catch up with her, grabbing her hand and pulling her back towards him.

"you said nancy's name." she cried. and it clicked in his mind. oh. oh no. she heard. his face fell, her ache. rapid beating against his own chest.


"you wish i was someone else. you want her." she cried, she could imagine him right now. imagine nancy wheeler right in front of him. and he got deja vu. another breakup. another girl who broke his heart, after he broke theirs.

"you don't love me." she whimpered, the girl's words shattering the boy's heart in two, something he didn't think was possible anymore. but he no longer stood in that bathroom with nancy wheeler. he stood in the middle of a road, rain falling down on the pair.

"you don't love me?" steve whimpered, the girl's words shattering his heart in that small bathroom.

it was happening all over again.

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