Chapter 3

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((Mature content in this whole chapter so if you can't take it, pls pls skip this chapter and go on to the next))

I started running towards the staircase and took the stairs two at a time, with Edward chasing right after me.

I ran into the farthest bedroom but before I could close the door on Edward, he caught me by my waist and pulled me back. I yelped as I slammed onto his chest.

"Get off of me!" I yelled as I tried to break free from his iron grip.

"No princess, you're staying here and getting dirty with me." He stated firmly. I squirmed under his arms as I tried to get away from his messy and stinky body. Now, I regretted not running out of the house instead. At least, we could have jumped into the pool and gotten Edward half cleaned.

I felt the eggs and cream mix on my back and I wrinkled my face in disgust. Edward pulled me closer to him and rubbed his face on my cheek, causing me to have mixture all over my face too.

"Okay! Stop!" I screamed, unable to take it anymore. "Let's both get washed up, this is gross." I added with a chuckle. Edward didn't let go of me as we both walked into the bedroom. We headed straight into the bathroom and Edward closed the door behind us.

I turned on the water at the bathtub and watched the water fill up the humongous tub. I touched my hair and groaned as I felt the egg between my curls.

Edward laughed as he watched me unsuccessfully dig out the semi hardened eggs off my hair.

"Here, let me help." Edward offered as he switched off the running water and walked over to me.

My back was facing him as he came over to help me with my hair. "This is ridiculous." I said after a minute. "I need to shower."

I felt Edward's arms around my waist and his breath against my ear. "We need to shower." He whispered. A shiver ran down my spine and I wrapped my arms around his.

Edward slowly pulled his hands away from my waist and reached for my dress zipper. I heard the zip go down and I felt Edward's hands on my bare back. He slid the dress off of me and kissed the top of shoulders.

My head arched back under his touch and he used this opportunity to move his lips to my neck. My mind wasn't working as I just stayed where I was. This was the usual whenever Edward was close to me.

"Bella Cullen." Edward whispered. I smiled at my new last name and turned around to face him. "I love you." He cupped my face in his hands and started kissing down my nose bridge.

"I love you too." I whispered as I traced his facial bones with my fingers. His hands ventured down my torso till they were gripping hard on my waist. I went up on my toes and brushed my nose against his.

I outlined his perfect lips with my fingers before I lightly placed my lips on his. Edward's grip on my tightened as he started to kiss me fiercely. I cupped his face and brought it down to me as we both tried to deepen the kiss.

Edward pushed me against the sink counter and kissed me with so much passion that I started to let out soft moans. He moved down to my neck and started kissing every possible spot till he came to my soft spot, last. By now, he knew how to tease yet give me small waves of pleasures with my soft spot. He licked and bit on my neck softly, causing me to tilt my head back to give Edward better access to my neck.

I gripped on to Edward's hair and fiercely pulled on it whenever he left his marks on me. I could feel his smile against my skin as he carried me up to put me up on the sink. I heard a few bottles drop but I didn't care. My legs wrapped themselves around Edward's torso and I pulled him closer to me.

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