Chapter 9

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Edward's POV

"Baby, are you done?" I called out to Bella in the room. I heard nothing from the other side and I got curious. Alice had sent us some clothes from Italy and Bella was trying them on. But since she entered the room, she hasn't uttered a word.

I knocked on the door again but still, no answer.

"I'm coming in!" I shouted before I turned the door knob.

"I'm pretty sure Alice forgot how I look like." I heard Bella mutter. I walked around the room and saw Bella staring into the mirror, wearing a white dress with thin straps.

The dress was exceptionally short and not at all Bella's style. It fell till her mid thigh but due to the designs of the dress, it seemed shorter.

Bella spun one round before me with a panicked look on her face. "Alice is crazy! Doesn't she know my size by now!" She frowned. "It's so short." Bella pouted.

"What are you talking about?" I walked to Bella and wrapped my arms around her waist. "You look amazing."

"The dress is great but the length! I'm no longer 18." Bella complained.

"Baby, you don't have to be 18 to wear this dress. I say that Alice nailed it." I whispered into Bella's ear and I saw her shiver a little.

She turned around in my arms and faced me with a playful grin on her face. "Really?"

"Do you know what you remind me of?" I asked. Bella shook her head.

"Mauritius." I murmured as I leaned forward and kissed her neck. Bella tilted her head back which gave me a better access to her soft spot.

I felt Bella's grip on my hair tighten and I smiled against her skin as I continued planting kisses down her neck. I nibbled on the base of her throat and a moan escaped her lips.

I swiftly carried Bella up and she wrapped her legs around my torso. I brought her over to our bed and gently placed her down while her legs were still around me. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she pulled me down fiercely and claimed my lips.

My fingers grazed her thighs and I pulled the dress up her body. Her soft skin seemed even more fragile under my hands and I craved to feel her. I didn't break our kiss as I slowly pulled the dress over her head and threw it on the floor.

Sorry Alice.


Riing Riing

The house phone rang beside me. I placed my bottle of beer on the coffee table before reaching out to take the phone. The caller ID showed that the hospital was calling and I got nervous, unknowingly.

"Hello? Edward Cullen here." I muttered.

"Yes, it's Doctor Stinson here."

"Yes doctor, are our results in?" I couldn't help but walk around the living room as I kept the phone at my ear.

"Yes, Mr Cullen. I'm calling to talk to you about that. I've some bad news." Dr Stinson's voice sounded strained and I knew this wasn't going to be good.

"I'm sorry to inform you that both you and Bella have proven to be.....infertile."

I stopped walking as the words started to sink in. "Infertile? How can that be?" My voice rose up.

"Well, in basic terms, Bella's ovulation process is a little faulted while you have the tendency to produce lesser sperms than normal. What I'm saying is that, both your bodies are highly incapable of producing a baby and you both can continue trying. But...." Dr Stinson trailed off.

"It's highly unlikely." I finished his sentence in a whisper.

"I'm so sorry."

"Are you sure?" I asked, still bewildered by the fact that Bella and I couldn't have kids.

"200% sure." Dr Stinson was one of the best doctors around who helped Emmett and Rosalie with their birthing process too. I couldn't simply doubt him.

"Well then, thanks and erm, I'll try to come down with Bella soon." I didn't even wait for his reply as I hung up on Dr Stinson. The phone dropped out of my hands and I didn't even bother to pick it up.

My mind was filled with thoughts about Bella being extremely broken about this news and I had no idea on how to tell this to her. Bella was my everything, how could this happen to her?

Just then, as if I didn't already have enough time to cope with this myself, I heard Bella pulling up on our driveway. I quickly picked up the phone and placed it back on the table before I drank down my beer, trying to muster up courage to tell my angel the truth.

Within a minute, I heard Bella open the door and her cheery face met with my solemn one.

"Hey!" She greeted with a huge grin on her face.

"Dr Stinson called." I managed to choke out after a minute of staring at her back as she hung up the house keys and closed the door.

"And?" Bella asked as she placed her bag on the couch. She slowly made her way towards me but stopped a few feet away. "It's bad news isn't it." She muttered.

I couldn't look at her face anymore, everything seemed as if it was falling apart within me. I slowly shook my head as I approached her.

"We are infertile." I whispered, hoping Bella heard me nonetheless. I watched as a thousand different expressions played on her face.

Bella's mouth opened slightly and her eyes started to tear up. She gripped the couch for support and I swear, I saw her knees buckle. But she managed to stand up straight even then as she stared into my eyes. Her hands went up to her face as she covered her mouth and a tear fell down her left eye.

"We....can't have a baby?" Bella whispered, barely audible to even herself.

I cautiously nodded as I watched Bella freak out. Tears were threatening to fall out from my eyes but I had to stay strong for her. I wasn't worried about the fact that we were infertile but seeing Bella so broken, killed me.

At that moment, Bella's legs did give way. But before she could fall to the ground, I quickly went over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Baby, it's going to be okay." I murmured into her ears as I stoked her hair. I hugged her close to me and I heard Bella sobbing against my chest. Her tears could be felt on my shirt, but I didn't care. Bella deserved the best in everything and I couldn't believe she couldn't have this; this one thing.

"Bella, I'm here. I won't let this affect us. We will have kids." I promised her. Bella continued whimpering and I pulled her even closer to me if that was even possible.

Tears had started to fall down my face as well and this time it was because of the thought that I had let my Bella down. I rested my chin on the top of her head as both of us held on to each other as tightly as we could.

I never wanted to let go of her, especially not right now.


Hi guys! Hope y'all are doing fine! Two updates in a day woohoo! Long weekends are a blessing 🙏
Anyway, pls vote and comment on this story and do check out my new book, 'Complicated' :) it rly would mean a lot to me if y'all do xx


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