Writing A Book

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this is a small part of the first chapter of a book me and a friend are creating. We're hoping to get it physically published once we finish it and wanted to see if you guys would possibly read it if we put it out into the world as a book you can buy at a book store. please tell me how you feel about it and whether or not you'd actually give it a read. 

Ps. of course the paragraphs wont look like that in a physical book but that's how it shows up on wattpad.

Chapter 1

Andromeda awoke to her alarm blaring in her ear, she groaned before turning onto her side to reach her nightstand and shut off her phone. She sat up with a yawn before making her way into the bathroom across the hall. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. She then ventured back out the bathroom and down to the kitchen where she heard her father cuss as he burnt his hand on the pan while cooking eggs. Andromeda let out a small laugh before taking a seat just as he plated the now finished scrambled eggs.

Andromeda stayed quiet as the TV played, her father liked to listen to the news while they ate. "There have been some reports of a few strange creatures wandering around, some people are speculating teens are dressing up to scare people, but have these Teens gone too far? Some people have been sent to the hospital with severe injuries, The police have been looking all over for these assailants but have come up empty handed." Andromeda listened for a little before tuning it out, she couldn't be bothered with people hurting each other, as long as it wasn't her or her father she didn't care. "How could people go out of their way to hurt each other like that?" Andromeda's father questioned not taking his eyes off the TV.

Getting dressed after a shower she chose an outfit appropriate for the weather. It was quite warm right now and they were going to the park for a day out. With that in mind she put on a pair of light blue jeans, a white tank top with thick straps and a thin gray sweater. As she made her way towards the open front door where she saw her father waiting in the car, Andromeda put on her white tennis shoes and exited the house making sure to lock the door on her way out. She got in the car and turned on the radio, it was set on a news broadcast. "In the span of only a few hours another string of attacks have rocked London, four police officers have been rushed to a hospital, one pronounced dead on arrival." Andromeda's father turned off the radio after the little bit of information was heard, Andromeda felt a little uneasy after hearing what the news reporter had to say. Even with that information she didn't let that ruin her day at the park.

Once they arrived, she was quick to run towards the entrance of the park. Her father jogged behind her, Andromeda made it to the fountain she enjoyed sitting by, she was quick to situate herself on the grass. Her father took the spot next to her. For a little while it was just a comfortable silence, Andromeda listened to the sounds of the running water in the fountain. She looked over at her dad and watched him scroll through his phone, his brows furrowed, causing his forehead creases to be more prominent. Andromeda frowned. What was causing her father to seem so concerned? She wondered.

A sharp scream ripped through the air, quickly Andromeda got to her feet as did her father. "The hell was that?" her father asked before walking towards the scream, soon more screams ensued getting louder as Andromeda and her father got closer. "Andy, stay behind me. '' Her father instructed. Andromeda swallowed the lump in her throat before falling behind her father. They stopped as they made it through the small crowd, her father visibly stiffened. "Oh god... What is that?!" her father exclaimed. In a split second decision Andromeda stepped out from behind him and looked at what he'd been staring at. Her hands covered her mouth as she watched a tall black monster with knife-like bone coloured legs, one leg stabbed into a screaming woman's abdomen. Its thin body completely meatless showing all its bones, the only thing seemingly keeping its bones together was the black leathery skin covering its entire body. Its head was rhombus shaped, its eyes were yellow save for the black dot that was its eyerus. Its mouth hung open as if its jaw was dislocated, dripping from between its teeth was green liquid burning through the skin of the impaled women, it seemed to act as acid if it wasn't. Andromeda let out a scream.

Her scream caused a few people to turn and run while the rest were either frozen in place, or filming the entire ordeal. Andromeda's view was obscured by her fathers body as he didn't want her to see the monster bite down on the screaming woman's head. Andromeda attention was drawn to several screeches, she looked towards the direction of the screeching though she saw nothing, only an open area of the park, in that moment she heard another string a screeches and looked up to see what appeared to be hundreds of birds, but as they got closer and darted towards their direction it was extremely evident that they where anything but birds...

In only mere moments these flying creatures were biting and ripping flesh off people, Andromeda felt as if her world was falling apart. It was getting harder and harder to breathe, it was like she'd forgotten how. Her father grabbed her hand pulling her away, she was breathing with sharp intakes, her heart rate beating in her ears as they ran. The place they entered the park becoming visible, she ran faster to keep up with her father, her father was knocked down in turn letting go of her hand as a few of those flying monstrosities attacked him, Andromeda froze as she watched them rip off his skin with its venus fly heads, it was gray in colour with bat like wings in place of arms, its thin pointed teeth pierced into her fathers skin like a knife cutting into warm butter. Her skin turned paper white with fear and shock, her legs started buckling but before she fell her father yelled. "RUN!" She hesitated, but with a final scream from her father she ran as fast as her legs could go.

She huffed as she ran, not stopping even once because everywhere she went, she saw those tall black monsters or the flying ones. Be it attacking people, eating corpses or being idle. She kept running and running till she was in an unfamiliar place, she didn't know how long she'd been going but the sun was high in the sky, she fumbled with her phone to look at the time, turning it on she saw it was 3:34. She dropped her phone when hearing an explosion, she looked up to see a fat green creature running towards a group of three girls, one was recording as she ran causing her to slow down while the other two yelled for her to put the phone down, they stopped to grab her and in that moment the green monster started turning red as it got closer to them and blew up once it was only a few feet away from them, Andromeda watched as its body blasted into smithereens and left two girls eviscerated and the one furthest away with only her torso intact, she dragged herself two feet before becoming still. Andromeda's eyes were wide before she hunched over and released the contents of her stomach onto the ground. Stayed hunched, she coughed up the little left in her throat before backing up against the wall of a building and sliding down onto the ground, she pulled her knees against her chest before crying softly to herself. She stayed like that for a few minutes, her mind reeling on the thoughts of her father and the present situation. She had little hope in surviving, her loving father died leaving her all alone, she didn't want to continue. Hearing the thunderous steps of the heavy set monster sprinting towards her, she relaxed. 

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Yours Viridian-Smoke.

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