Chapter 1

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I fixed a small spelling error that bothered me to no end when I spotted it. O-O

Third person pov

A baby sat alone, their eyes open, purple with three black rings each one seemingly spaced out perfectly, they where very special eyes and VERY powerful, the elderly man who held the child placed a hung on the child's eyes, showing lovely bright blue eyes only, he did this to protect the boy from the civil council.

With the boy's parents gone he had to send the child to the orphanage, so with a heavy heart he picked up the child and took the child with him back into the now half-destroyed villages of Konohagakure.

Time skip four years

Naruto's Pov

I ran down the street, my lungs burning from the strain but I couldn't stop or I would be in more pain, my heart thudding in my chest was all I could hear for a small while till the hollers of the villagers grow louder, I was slowing down!

I started picking up my pace till finally, a sharp pain in the back of my leg made me topple over with a small thud, the roar of civilians and shinobi alike made me look up with complete and utter fear, I wailed and screaming for them to stop, some seemed pleased but one person seemed upset with my pleads and before I know it my throat had been slit.

They cheered as I gagged and choked on the blood, everything went black.


I slowly came to, looking around I noticed I was in a dark dingy place where I felt rage, hate, Pity and.... guilt?

"He-Hello?" I called out, a soft rumbling made me look behind me to see a huge pair of gates a creature seemed to be behind them but I wasn't sure what, all I could see where claws.

Without thinking, I started walking to it and ones I got close enough I saw it, a huge GIANT...... "BUNNY" I yelled!

"I'm not a bunny BRAT! I'm the great Kyūbi no yōko!" It yelled, my eyes widened, I never knew the Kyūbi was this beautiful I thought well slowly getting closer to the large cage that held the fox.

Its eyes were wide and this confused me, he looked surprised...

"Thank you kit... that's the first time any human has never complimented me since father" it said seeming to have a slight amount of happiness, but it was gone just as fast as it came.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a tilt of my head, it sighed, and soon one of its nine large tails scooped me up, "aren't you mad at me don't you feel anything against me?" It asked seeming agitated.

I shook my head and held my hand out To its snout since it held me in front of its face I could hold it, I giggled at how soft kūybi fur is, "why would I be mad?" I asked with curiosity.

He looked at me with pure sorrow, "because I am the reason the villagers beat you, call you a demon and a monster, I'm the reason your father and mother are dead" it stated, I was shocked, I wanted to be angry! I really did... but some reason, I could only smile at it, Kyūbi didn't seem like it did it on purpose... if Kyūbi did wouldn't it be happy to see me suffer.

"So you're... sealed inside of me?" I asked it nodded in response "okay well...... I forgive you! I-I don't think it's your fault... I mean wouldn't you be happy to see me in pain then? To see me suffering? But, you aren't" I said softly.

It was on the verge of tears throughout my short speech and soon it was crying, "Kit! You should be mad at me! Because of me, you won't be able to talk anymore!" My eyes widened... I wouldn't be able to talk?

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