Chapter 23

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I was woken up by the banging of bars, my eyes shot open as I stared at the blonde women... Tsunade I believe, "it seems you will be participating in the Chūnin exams by what Hiruzen has said, to avoid suspicion we will allow you to play. Now seeing as tomorrow it starts I'll let you go and rest, Jiraiya. Remove to seal" in a matter of minutes I was finally able to move without feeling pain jolting through every part of my body.

An ANBU I didn't seem to recognize carefully picked me up and took me away, my head rested on his shoulder, I could barely feel my legs. "I'm sorry boy" I paused, okay... I definitely don't know who this is and I know all the ANBU, I sat silent... I mean that was the only thing I could do.

As we approached my compound I placed my hand on the gate with my fingertips lined up with five small indentations, the gate unlocked with five clicks and the gates screeched when opening.

He took me into the main home and took me to my room after being pointed in the right direction, he placed me down but I stopped him, I had chakra chains all over his arms and legs keeping him in place.

I pointed at his mask with a glare, he nodded before allowing me to remove it. While doing so I was in shock, this man... who was he? "I've heard a lot about you, even your intelligence spanned beyond what I would have thought, I was able to get past to of the legendary sannin but... it seems I couldn't get passed you, Kyūbi" he spoke, the man had round lensed glasses that hid sharp Onyx eyes behind them, his hair was an ash-grey colour, his skin was nicely tanned, not as tanned as mine but just slightly.

I tilted my head in wonder, "I was sent by someone you know as well as a sannin, they asked me to watch over you till either of them are able to take you away. So please, trust me for now, I will also be participating in the exams" he stayed with me explaining what was going on and who he was along with info about passed exams he's done before.

He left not long after, I had gotten confirmation by Mada-Sama when I asked about the man, his name is Yakushi Kabuto. He's the sannin's, Orochimaru's right-hand man.

The night was long and tiresome, my tails and ears wouldn't go away, I learned it was through the extensive trauma and pain that I wasn't able to un-summon them, having them out allowed the healing process to excel in speed.

I was shaking and shivering, I was tired, hungry, and weak, a hand was corded through my hair pushing it back, the hand was warm and large, it felt awfully familiar I leaned into the touch feeling my body relax.
Slowly the dark took over my mind, as I fell asleep I couldn't help the smile on my face when hearing his voice again.

"Sleep Naru, I'll bring you back to me soon"

The next day my tails and ears finally retreated into hiding. I was walking with Sakura and Sasuke whom ignored I even existed like always, I was playing with the long sweater I stole from Kurama's closet.

I was wearing a thick, dark blue, long-sleeved turtleneck, my bottoms where black Pants that hugged my thighs but puffed out a bit above my ankles, the bottoms where being held in place by white warping tape that reached passed my shinobi sandals, said sandals were black and exposed my small toes.

I couldn't help the small amused sound that left my mouth as I wiggled my toes. My forehead protected was around my neck in a choker sort of style to keep it Secure and to hide my scar...

We walked through the doors of the academy, with the other two in front of me, the destination was room 301. We walked, a Commotion was taking placed in front of us, there on the floor with many other genin was a boy in a green jumpsuit and a girl in a pink qipao-style blouse, next to both of them still standing is a Hyūga.

I was quite confused as to what was happening until I realized that it was a genjutsu, Sasuke walked up to both of them and started his "I'm an Uchiha elite move before I Sharingan yo ass" he soon pointed out the genjutsu then asked for Sakura to elaborate, I smiled and waved at both shinobi they stared at me wide-eyed for a second before smirking, "of course you would see it" Hagane-san said with a grin.

He walked up to me before ruffling my hair then leaving with Kamizuki-san, Sakura and Sasuke gave me questioning looks before glaring and turning away, I frowned but paid no mind.

There we were stopped by the Hyūga boy he demanded Sasuke's name but of course, he was being stubborn about it, I just waited for it to be over so we could finally continue.

Of course, someone had to challenge and completely OBLITERATE Sasuke, leaving us with less time to get to where we needed to be, I just wanted this to end so I could go to sleep without waking at night in pain.

Soon we approached the door, in front of it, Kakashi stood, he eye-smiled at Sakura and Sasuke then took the slips, I handed him mine and completely ignored him.

Once we walked inside the room, the KI was suffocating, of course, the rest of the others were oblivious too, I sighed shakily but calmed down. I stood off to the side hoping to not be seen by anyone who may want to target me, I watched as Ino jumped on the back of Sasuke, in turn, aggravating Sakura causing her to screech at Ino. More and more of the genin from the academy started greeting one another, some took glances at me that started murmuring about me.

I sighed again then jumped slightly when feeling a pressure beside me, I looked over to meet eyes with...



Yo~ so I'm a day later than I hoped but it's still here so meh. I did want to ask though, I'm planning on pulling Naruto out and using him as a sort of way to disclaim power for Tsunade to use, because of this I need to act now on whether or not he should fix Gaara's seal, because once the exams are over, there won't be another chance for him to do it or for me to even write it into the book.

Thank you and to the face!

( i _ i )

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