Chapter 11

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I walked with Tora once more, Sakura was fuming from being scratched by him, I smiled as Tora purred licking my cheek, I giggled and walked through the doors with Kaka-Sama leading us.

Within the room was Jiji-Sama and Iruka-Nii who smiled kindly at me well Jiji-Sama listed more D-rank missions. Tora was ripped from my grasp by the Daimyo's wife.

I sweat dropped at how she practically strangled the poor thing, "that's what you get Baka CAT!" Sakura huffed looking away.

Jiji-Sama shook his head for the cat the lifted a sheet of paper, "now, then..." our attention was now on him as he listed all the D-ranks that where placed for our team.

"No," Sasuke said having all of us look at him in question. "I'm an Uchiha elite, I should be getting better missions not waste of time chores," He Said with a glare, Jiji-Sama nodded then looked through more papers, "Naruto, do you think they are ready for a C-rank?" I looked at our team.

Sakura was standing close to Sasuke with her hand on her hip and the other twirling a piece of her hair but still paid attention to Jiji-Sama. Sasuke was as he always is, standing as if he should have the ground he walked on kissed after every step he took, but he did know how to hold his own in battle, I know by watching him train with Mada-Sama.

Speaking of him, he's standing in between me and Kaka-Sama right now, he has a sort of irritated look to him but I'm sure he's fine. Kaka-Sama, on the other hand, has his hands in his pockets with a relaxed slouch.

"You'll have to ask Kaka-Sama, he is after all our Sensei" I spoke with a small smile. jiji-Sama nodded, "Kakashi, how do you feel about taking on a C-rank?" He asked Kakashi looked at all of us they shrugged, "their ready to take on something a little more.... challenging" Kaka-Sama said with his usual eye smile.

"Okay, fine... if you believe they can do it, I'll have you do a C-rank mission" Sasuke smirked, Sakura nodded with a happy gasp and Mada-Sama stayed stoic well I smile softly. "You'll be bodyguards for someone" Jiji-Sama announced.

He turned to the door that sat on the left side of the room, we all followed his gaze "could you please come in?" He called, the door opened to reveal a man with grey hair and a beard, he wore a pair of glasses along with a sleeveless V-neck shirt, a pair of light brown tan-ish shorts and a pair of sandals. He also had a towel around his neck and a straw hat.

A sake bottle dangled in his grasp. "What's this? It's a bunch of brats!" He exclaimed loudly then took a swig of his alcohol, "I already don't like him" I said to Mada-Sama whom "hn'd" in response looking away with his eyes closed, "particularly you, the smallest one, hows a little bunny gonna protect me?" I felt rage boil within me, "THIS MAN WILL DIE" I tried to lunge at him but Kaka-Sama caught me before I could get at him.

"Now now Naruto we aren't supposed to kill our clients" I sighed with a pout but nodded nonetheless.

He took one last swig of his beverage then straightened up slightly, "I'm Tazuna, master bridge builder, you'll be risking your life in guarding me to the max till I return to my land and complete my bridge!" He said.
"Alright team get going well meet by the gates in 20 minutes," Kaka-Sama said with an eye smile before leaving.

We all followed suit. As Mada-Sama and I walked, I was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist, I looked over and was met with... Sakura?

I stared at her for a moment then Mada-Sama stepped in, "what do you want Haruno" he demanded as he glared at the hand that held my wrist. She let go but stood still not moving an inch, "I-I wanted to say... I'm sorry, for the way I treated you, my mom and dad told me to never to go near you because you where a delinquent and you would only cause trouble... but all you ever were was... nice to me, and I feel horrible for always being a, well brat to you, you don't have to forgive me but I just want you to know I'm so very sorry" she said with her head down and tears falling.

I stared in shock, she was sorry? What was I supposed to do? I couldn't be mad, she had the courage to come up to me and say this. I smiled then patted her head, "Mada-Sama, tell her it's okay and that I forgive her..." I said happily, he looked at me for a second before glaring and turning away.

"He forgives you Haruno, don't take this for granted, one wrong move you'll wish you didn't," he said grimly, she looked at him then back at me, "r-really?!" She asked with wide eyes, I nodded with a soft smile.

After she practically suffocated me with a hug, Mada-Sama and I finally made it home and packed for two weeks within scrolls which I sealed into my wrist.

Mada-Sama was waiting at the door as I pulled on Kurama's big red sweaters. I smiled at the picture of him that sat in the living room bookshelf before speeding over to Mada-Sama, "ready?" He asked I nodded.

As we approached the gate everyone was already there, even Kaka-Sama, "good everyone's here, let's go" we all started walking with Tazuna standing in the centre. "Wow this is the first time I've ever been out of the village," I said happily, Mada-Sama looked at me then "hn'd" at me.

This was the start of our first adventure, I wonder wants in store for us?


Yo, here's The first part of the journey to the hidden mist! Hope you enjoy~ and really quick, The book pole has ended with a tie, I will be doing both Black Butler and Vampire Knight, it will take time for me to get a story planned for both but it will happen and once summer vacation start both books will be up and an update scheduled will be sat for both. Be on the lookout for the two books!



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