Chapter 19

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Heat surrounded my body as my eyes slowly started to open, before me the dome that once kept Madara and I locked inside was gone, I sat up with a smirk, I knew I could melt the ice.

I was pulled from my thoughts as a loud bang rang throughout the bridge, my eyes widened when looking at... "Naruto?" I managed out loud, He was standing over the hunter Nin's fallen form, but said ninja had gotten up swiftly and started fighting back.

What really caught my attention was the power radiating off of him. He had nine blond tails that would drag against the ground if not for the muscles in them keeping them up, and on top of his head was a pair of ears that went white at the tips as his tails did.

I growled when realizing that he was the one to melt the dome, this was unfair, how on earth could that fragile dobe be stronger than me?! A growl ripped through my chest and throat. NO, that power will belong to me!

I watched as Haku took a ruff beating to the point that his mask was falling to pieces, Naruto had calmed down a lot his tails and ears still out but they no longer thrashed around as they did earlier. "Naru-chan" I turned to my right to see.... what the hell.

I backed away from who sat up from the ground, he was tall probably around 175-180 centimeters tall, he had a strong body build and his shirt was shredded to piece's, while his pants seemed tight but it just showed his muscles off more.

His voice was deeper too, his hair longer and his eyes shone with the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. The amount of power and authority radiating from him was alarming.

But what set fear to erupted within me most, was the fact that he wasn't named after Uchiha Madara. He was Uchiha Madara.

He stood up with a straight face, no emotion evident in his features, he made his way towards Naruto, I glared but he didn't even give me a second glance. Silence rang through the air, Naruto had tears in his eyes with his teeth visibly clenched, he's canines shown promotionally, he was shaking well glaring down at the ground.

Madara walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Naruto's arms and chest well placing his face into his golden blonde hair and ears, Naruto's eyes widened before settling with a sad gaze as tears finally broke the threshold of his eyes, running down his face, but even so, he was absolutely adorable. I'd never say it out loud but he was what anyone would want.

From what I know he can cook clean take care of children, he's kind and forgiving. He's all the things needed in a housewife, but he can't bare children.

(Unless you want me to make that happen... I'm not against it but you know I can do either just vote here)

Naruto turned around and practically jumped into his arms, his legs wrapped around Madara's waist and his arms around his neck, muffled cries could be heard as Madara held Naruto in his arms, he had a glare set on Haku, "I will only warn you once, you and Zabuza will stop fighting now or your lives will end quickly" that seemed to scare Haku but he still throw a couple dozens of senbon only to have them land near his feet in an instant.

Anger was evident on my face I'm sure, I scowled at him and Naruto, they are far too powerful. "I knew something was off about you," Sensei said glaring at Madara, he had his forehead protector up his Sharingan blazing, Madara didn't show a single shed of emotion but did turn towards him.

Haku took this as his chance to retreat back to Zabuza's side. You could see the unease in Zabuza's eyes as he watched Madara. Even I could barely move with him in my presence, he stared at Sensei with a blank look before his face contorted with hatred. Sensei seemed taken aback. "You. I've seen the way you look at my Naru-chan" he growled out.

Naruto pulled his head from his hiding place within Madaras' neck. His head tilted, Madara stared down at him with a softer gaze. Could he be? No! The great Uchiha Madara would never fall for Naruto. I glared at them, "Naru, he's in love with you as well" my eyes widen hearing this information.

Naruto's eyes widened before going back to normal, he then hid his face back within Madara's neck. "Naru-chan is mine. Understand that Hatake" Naruto seemed to twitch no, shudder at his remark.

Madara placed him back on the ground but kept his arm around his small waist. Madara turned his attention back to Haku as well as Zabuza, Said shinobi only nodded before pulling Haku behind him as if trying to stop him from doing anything reckless.

Everything calmed down, Sensei seemed to be keeping his distance from Naruto and Madara but stayed closer to me and Sakura, who was screeching into my ear. I growled and watched as Naruto smiled up at Madara what a gentle kind gaze, that should be me! does he love him!? No, he's mine! I'll make him mine even if I have to force him!

Clapping could be heard through the air, I looked around and realized Zabuza and Haku where gone. The sound of approaching footsteps took over the quiet bridge. "Oh! It seems Zabuza and his pest is gone? Well looks like I'll have to kill you myself. It's not like I was gonna pay him anyways" a short man with a Cain could be seen standing. In front of a group of his goons.

His head turned in what I could only assume was an assessment of us, his head turned to me then to Sakura and finally towards Naruto and Madara. He smirked. "Bring me the girl and that boy, they'll make great partner's in a bedroom," he said with a dark chuckle, the aura around Madara intensified.

He looked like he was about to murder him, and.

He did.


Here we are with the next chapter I'm rushing right now so cut me some slack with the grammar today!

Anyways I want to ask, would you like this to include male pregnancy or not? I honestly can do either. That's all



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