Chapter 29

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I was terrified, Mada-Sama said to trust him but he wasn't nice. I've been here for a little over a month, the clothing I'm given is a sheer white kimono, I can see my body threw it. I always have my hands in front of me keeping myself as covered as possible.

Right now I'm sitting on a bed in an empty room with nothing but a light and said bed inside it. I fell like I'm going insane, The man comes to see me every once in a while. That's nice, but he isn't, he's always calling me pet. And touching me in odd places like my thigh or my hip.

I hate him.

I pull my legs up and hug them to my chest. "Mada-Sama? Can you hear me?" And of course, I get no response. I can barely use my chakra for anything.

Sighing I felt nothing but defeat. What if Mada-Sama wanted him to get me? Maybe it was a deal of some sort? NO! Mada-Sama would never! He, he loves me, as I love him!

The door opened, my head shot to it, they're standing with a mischievous grin was none other than snake man, he walked in and stood informer of me.

"It's been too long, I think it's time I claim you my pet" ... what? Before I could do anything he took his hand and yanked my kimono opens. With a small yelp, my purple chakra burst and slammed him into the wall, I didn't care to question it as I was to busy running to the door and down the hall.

Turning in different directions I lost myself but didn't bother to stop, then I ran into someone... backing up from the shock I looked slightly up at him in disbelief.

"Hello faker" (ohhhhhh soniccccc) I stared up at Sasuke with a look of horror, how could this be? Why is he here?

At this point, the snake caught up, "well, well. I see you two are having a nice reunion? Well, pet come along, let's go back to your room for some fun hmmm?" The look I had actually seemed to set off Sasuke but he only turned away and started walking.

Being grabbed I was slapped hard and dragged back to the room where I was thrown on the floor and the door locked on me. Fear ran throughout my entire body as I realized he was gonna try again.

Please Mada-Sama, save me...

(Okay so from here it will be in Mada-Sama Pov! Every time there's a large Gap it means it's a pov switch. Okay? Okay!)

I was angry, we made a plan to get back my Naru-Chan but all we've been doing is sitting on our asses, "waiting for the right moment" I wanted to kill everyone here. But I knew it wasn't a good idea, they could help make that village for Naru-chan.

Growling I was quick to walk into pains office, he was working away before looking up at me. "Yes?" He asked with a straight face.

"When are we gonna go? I need my Naru-chan back! He's probably in pain!" He looked back down at his paperwork, "in soon vary soon" was all he said, nothing else. WHAT?! Angrily I walked out going back to the roof.

How can he say that so normally! My dear is somewhere dangerous and he's doing paperwork! Does he worry about his own blood or not!

Jumping from tree to tree I was now on a hunt, there had to be missing-nin somewhere. Something to get my mind off my dear love.

I want nothing more than to go and get him myself. Stopping in my tracks I run into a different direction. And that's exactly what I was gonna do. Planing out everything quickly in my head I chose to use chakra enhances bomb tags to distract them while I get my sweet.

I wonder how he is, is he safe? Is he hurt? Maybe he's in pain? Maybe he's lost a limb! No no! I mustn't think like that, he's fine. He will be. Once I get him back he will be safe and sound. In my arms.

Wait for me, my love.


Alrighty! So this is the first chapter since forever and I understand you all may be a little upset that I haven't been updating but I have been in and out of the hospital because of my mental health and my schizophrenia so please bear with me. So I'm sorry but at least I'm here now!



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