Chapter 25

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Ibiki pointed at the area we were at, which was the back of the exam room, "you, from the Hidden Sound Village! No doing as you please before the exam! You want to be failed at the get-go?!" Ibiki yelled the three sound nin looked back at him with disinterested looks.

The one that seemed to always be hunched over with the fur on his back turned his entire body to face Ibiki. "Sorry. It's our first time taking the exams, so we flipped out... despite ourselves." Ibiki smirked with a hmph, before going stone-cold once more. "this is a good opportunity, so I'll say this. There will be no battles, competitions and the like without permission of the proctors! And even if you get permission, actions that could lead to the death of an opponent will not be permitted. Any pig that screws with me will be disqualified immediately. Go it?!"

Not a single person made a sound for a time, you could have heard a pin drop. The Sound nin with a grey cow print scarf and a spilt hair smirked, "this exam looks to be easy!" I let out a small snort knowing from the stories I've heard from Ibiki that it wasn't all fun and games.

Ibiki didn't seem fazed by what the Sound nin said. "Now then, we will start the first test of the chunin Exam! Turn in your applications, take one of these number cards in exchange, and sit in the seat matching that number! After that, we will hand out the paper for the written test!" I froze, "u-umm... huh?" A... a written test...

We all handed in our applications and got the numbers, I took a seat and looked around the room, on either side of the room sat a row of chunin in comfortable, relaxed or lazy positions. Was this an act? THIS SERIOUS! HOW DO PEOPLE STAY SO CALM?!?

How do you even write again?! AHHH!

I could practically feel Sakura's smug smile from only a few seats away from me. "Ohh Naruto" I looked over when I hear the unenthusiastic voice beside me. It was Hyūga Hinata, she gave me a smile that seemed far too stiff, I knew at one point she liked me but once I was turned mute... well she joined the others and tormented me.

I smiled to her forcefully then turned back to the chunin that were relaxed on the chairs one noticed my gaze and smiled at me and another glared at me, I mean at least not all of them hate me.

My attention was drawn to the front of the room where I spotted our proctor with a piece of chalk in his hand, it must've been what made to taping sound "there are several important rules to this first test. I will take no questions, so listen well accordingly!" He tapped the chalkboard again.

"First off is the first rule! You are given ten points each from the start! The written test has ten problems in all each problem is one point. And, this test is a point deduction system. You are desired one point from each problem you get wrong! If you get three wrong you will have seven points!" Ibiki wrote on the board while giving the rundown of the first rule.

The second rule. Pass or fail will be determined by the total points of the three-person teams" some chattering erupted in the room well I felt my face drain of all life, DAMN YOU IBIKI! "W-wait a minute! What do you mean... total points ago the teams?" I looked back holding in my laughter when seeing the huge red mark on sakura's  HUGE forehead.

"Shut up!" Ibiki yelled, "there's a perfectly good reason for this!" I nodded already understanding, from what I can tell this won't be easy so this means a team is needed in this in an overall standpoint... okay so what's his aim? "If you've got it, here is the most important next rule!" I nodded along as if I already knew what the rule was.

"Those who are deemed by sentinels as having committed an act of cheating or something similar to that... will have two points deducted for each act" I restrained my self from hitting my head off the desk... I hate him right now. "In other words... there may be those who will be dismissed during the test without waiting for test grading" more chattering.

How on earth am I supposed to do this?! "Know that those who commit awkward cheating...will bright ruin upon yourselves" I looked back over when hearing a voice, "I'll check you anytime," Hangane-san said... was that supposed to be a pickup line? "If you aspire to become a chunin at all, know that shinobi should act like exemplary shinobi" I slouched down into my chair, I can do this.

"And, in case of even one person on the team getting zero points... everyone on that team will fail!" I could feel the two parking stares... well then... "by the way, the last problem will be given forty-five minutes after the test starts! The time for the test is one hour" he went silent till finally, I realized he was looking got the clock to strike six.

"Begin!" The Sound of paper being flipped over and pencils hitting both the table and paper could be heard. I flipped mine over as well... WHA THE HELL IS THIS?! Do all genin know this?!?!

It took a second but I finally realized it was a trick, we were supposed to cheat... "Mada-Sama~ can you help meee?" I asked, "yes my love? How can I help you?" He answered, and with that he helped me answer nine questions!

Now we wait for the tenth...


Yo. So I know I'm late but I have a raisin why! I was deliberating my grandma sisters 25 wedding anniversary, it took three days because they sorta did this remarriage thing and for us, our weddings last a week-long, 7 days.

Ps. Love you guys and I'll be doing a tag today so those who comment will be doing them! WOOH I was tagged so I'm gonna have to and I'll even show you a picture of me... yup how fun •_•

PPs. When I say today I probably mean by like Wednesday... love you all!


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