Chaptrt 26

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Hay! So this will be in Madara's point of view and it will be at the point in which Naruto was finally released, so it would be what happen with him at this point, what he did, what he will do, where he will go. HAVE FUN READING!

I felt as if I'd spent months away from my love, I was standing atop a large tree from outside of Konoha.

I know I'm still able to hear his cute voice but... that means nothing if I can't hold him in my arms. "Mada-Sama... when will you come take me away from here... I miss your warmth" I heard him call, I sighed in relief, he still wants me to take him away.

I've never wanted to protect someone like this in all my immortal life. "Soon, I also have a surprise for you my love" I answered. That was the end of our small conversation, I felt a presence behind me, looking back I was greeted by a man with long blond hair —not as vibrant as my love— standing on a white clay bird, his body was covered in a long back cloak that stopped at his knees. "Madara-Sama... Pain-Sama wishes to see you regarding the newly formed village and its rapid growth" the blonde said, I nodded mutely not caring to respond verbally, he's not worth the effort.

I recalled the dream Naru-chan had, about a village, and for him, I had the Akatsuki help in the building of a village of peace, no name no kage... a group of ten members picked by me for the prosperity of the village.

Of course, I'd also be apart of that group as the last eleventh member. I walked into the hideout after being taken back by Deidara. Inside a decently sized office say a man with spiky orange hair, his eyes looked exactly like Naruto's only he held a far harsher gaze.

"Madara... the growth of the village has come to 378 civilians. Some asked about the possibility of establishing a Ninja system like the other larger villages. I feel it would be wise seeing as some of the villages have taken notice of our growing village-" I held my hand up to stop him. "Yes. I was hoping for the village to grow in number before we started training shinobi, but it seems we may need to start now, do what you think is best"

Pain, the first member of the ten, was mostly in charge of the needs of the village, he would have been the face of our village if we hadn't already picked someone.

"Yo," I looked behind me to see the all too familiar cow print wearing missing-nin, "Zabuza..." the fourth member. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversations. I'd happily take charge of any military seeing as I have no purpose as the fourth member I can handle the military needs.

"Hn" I responded. I left again, I followed the same way as before till nightfall, I snuck into Konoha I stood outside of the Hokage tower listening to the blonde bimbo sannin and the wort faced frog sannin. I have found a new deep burning hate for those two. How dare they even glance at what is mine, let alone hurt him.

I growled hearing their plan of pulling him out after going through the second part of the chunin exam, he's was gonna be chained beside the Hokage, "place that seal on him, I want them to see his tails, they will see us as the strongest village" I gritted my teeth, quickly leaving to find my beloved, as I approached the compound I walked into the window and stared at his small body, his ears and tails where out, he had a frown and furrowed brows, his body looked pale.

I ran my hand against his cheek to his forehead. "I'll get you out, I promise" I whispered. I had to work hard the second year I came here, I had to leave at night Well he was sleeping to contact the Akatsuki, even that snake Sannin. And I do not regret it, a village was being built till the end of last year. And now hundreds of missing-nin, travellers, and banished shinobi and civilians alike are flocking to our nameless village.

"You will be our monarch, you will show those around us our strength and the sanctuary our village will be" I placed a soft kiss against his forehead before finally leaving.

I will get you out...


Okay so first off sorry for not posting last week I was really tired and my emotions are FUCKED! Sorry, and to make it up to you That's me up there! WOOH! Don't I look amazing! Jk but my aunt took the picture and it doesn't show my face too much so that makes me less scared to show it.



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