Chapter 18

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I stared at my hands, this... is not good. I was extremely weak, "Naru-chan, how long will this last? It seems I won't be able to use my chakra for some time" I asked hoping he could provide me with answers.

"I'm sorry Mada-Sama but... I don't know. The only one who did was Kurama... but" I stared at him through one of the gaps, he stared right back. He smiled gently towards me but was quickly knocked back and couldn't keep eye contact with how Zabuza-san started attacking.

I turned my attention back to what was happening inside the dome. Before I could even react senbon started piecing my skin and cutting into my clothing, the disgrace was doing no better, maybe even worse.

"You can't beat me so why even try?" That ice bastard Said with a chuckle. That's where your wrong, I have someone worth more than any pain you could give me. To think after only so many years this boy, Uzumaki Naruto. Because my one true meaning to wake in the morning and to sleep at night.

I smirked, this will be a challenge but I'll face it for him.

I pulled out a kunai and throw it with enough force to cut through two trees in a row, it didn't make a single scratch. Despite it being so thin it was incredibly strong, but, maybe with enough heat...

Before I could tell the disgrace of my idea he was already blowing fireball after fireball. That was stupid, you should never exhaust your chakra like that, he probably doesn't even have a plan, but if he does then it may just be to- "weakling! I have a plan" he said stopping me from finishing my thought. "Fire should melt ice, so let's melt the ice," he said with a cocky smirk.

Knew it.

I only nodded to him, may as well feed into his little plan. I sped through the hand sighs and let out a fireball, I growled when it only came out short and fast not even making much of a difference. In fact even with the small amount that was melted, it was reforming fast. We may have melted it, but it never evaporated so it's just turning back into ice and fixing itself.

I growled, "you're useless!" Disgrace yelled pulling off another fireball jutsu. "At the moment yes," I said quietly to myself, this was becoming too hot for us but not hot enough for the ice to melt or shatter.

A surge of chakra passed me and so I released a large fireball, it successfully melted the top causing the dome to become lighter on the inside, most of the water was also evaporated giving us an advantage. Or so I thought.

The fog started taking the form of large water balls, they crept closer to the top of the dome and sealed us back in.

"Smart but not smart enough. If you want to get out you must melt the entire dome, but that will be hard, and with all the moister in the air, this won't be an easy task" the dead bastard snickered.

Senbon struck us all over, I could barely pinpoint him, he was moving fast and with my Sharingan deemed useless along with my chakra, I could only sit and take each hit.

Disgrace kept cursing and yelling about his Uchiha title, I could barely contain my anger with him, even at a time like this, his name is what powers him most. He throws kunai and shuriken. Completely useless, but then I realized the explosive tags on them, he may not be all that stupid after all, but if a kunai thrown as powerful as the one I threw earlier didn't work then this probably wouldn't.

Not only that but we were very close to each one and he throws them all the way around us. I glared, I had to do something now before he dies, so within a moments though I created a weak chakra barrier to withstand this. As they went off I crouched down and placed my palms on the ground, this is where my armer would come in handy, but it's with Naruto and he's battling Zabuza-san.

The barrier did its job and protected us from the initial explosions but not the senbon raining from every direction. I pulled one out and glared at it, I was being hit far more than disgrace was. And there was an almost clear substance dripping from it. I sniffed it.

My eyes widened, poison?!

"Hmm, you noticed," the bastard said in what I could only assume was a pleased tone, Disgrace had stopped to watch us. "I've laced a special set of senbon with a paralyzing drug, it's only a thin layer on each so I may have to hit you a few times before it will really take effect. But once that boy sees you dead he will surely have no reason to stay with you Konoha nin and will not fight us when we take him away" he smugly stated.

"Bastard," I said noticing my hands shaking and realized they were taking to the drug. More senbon rained onto us, again mostly hitting me. I growled when some seemed to hit me with an undeniable force. One even went straight throw my arm to the other side.

I staggered more, disgrace passed out due to his body not being used to such exhaustion. "Last set" he called, within one move each one hit me, I staggered backwards hitting the ground. I couldn't move, my eyes where open and I couldn't move. I felt a force hit me, my body being lifted, my head was turned to look at.


"MADA-SAMA! No. No. NO! YOU CANT, y-you can't leave me too. Please! I love you" if I could move I would have been wide-eyed and speechless.

But I couldn't respond.

He was in tears, he took his sweater off. No, put it back on to much skin! And placed it on me. He stood up, his eyes were red, his head Adorned with a pair of fox ears and behind him lashed out nine long silky golden blonde foxtails. The dome was engulfed with a fearsome fire, burning it all away, the sweater that once laid on me was gone, burned to a crisp. And Naru-chan had punched the bastard across the bridge.

Yes. I'm in love...


Yo! So Kurama is technically not dead... YAY! He lives as Naruto and with the merge came a new Kyūbi no Yōko! Aka NARU-CHAN! And of course, Madara is still in love with our beautiful Cinnabon!

Btw sorry for being late on the update!

Ps. WolvesWonderland has posted a new story and its an Itachi x Naruto fanfic~ Wooh!



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