Chapter 4

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As I thought... at the moment we had been seated in our normal spot only this time Madara had stood in the front with all the girls and even some boys ogling at him, I don't know why but I was not happy, I wished for Iruka-Sensei to just appear and let the day start.

After some time Iruka-Sensei showed up and explain why there was one missing student and one new student. "Class! As you can see Kitsune Kurama is not here, that is because he will no longer be attending the classes, turns out he was an AMBU to help Naruto" with this information all the girls roared in dismay, Sasuke scoffed and soon the girls turned into a squealing mess.

"When you introduce yourself say you came from a small village where your family once lived then... I don't know the village was wiped out and you came here because you.. heard about the Uchiha clan residing here!" I said giving him a good excuse.

"Well young man introduce yourself," Sensei said, he nodded but stayed as impassive as ever, typical Uchiha's.

"My name is Uchiha Madara, named after the strongest Uchiha known to man, I lived in a small nameless village with my father and mother, but it was wiped out along with my parents, I came here after hearing of the Uchiha clan being part of Konohagakure" all the students started murmuring and the girls all had hearts in their eyes.

I smiled softly towards him but a comment made me pull my shirt up over my neck and look out the window, "SENSEI NARUTO HAS A REALLY UGLY GASH ON HIS NECK HE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!" Many students agree and I just hid away a bit more, This was always why Kurama never wanted me to go to school without him.

I heard a loud crack and looked up to see Madara with a threatening aura, "I would advise you not to say such things to the boy who shows nothing but kindness, not when I'M around" he said glaring at Kiba the boy who made the comment.

Time passed and lunch had come around, Madara sat with me in the classroom well everyone else was outside playing and eating their lunch, many girls and even some boys including Sasuke tried to make him stop hanging out with me, but he stayed and that made me happy.

I pulled out the bento I made, inside where different foods such as egg roll chicken, cut sausage, rice, bell peppers, sushi and soy sauces.

Split that between us both and We could eat feeling well fed afterwards, it was good too! I still need to work on the chicken it was just a bit dry but it was still good.

"How do you deal with these villagers, heirs and heiresses?" He asked I looked at him with a surprised look before smiling a small smile, "I grew up learning to forgive because if I ever wanted to move on with my life I needed to do so, but also because... forgiveness is the best revenge" I answered the truth.

My cheeks flushed and my eyes widened from what I saw, it wasn't a lot but, he still smiled, it lasted only two seconds but it was enough for me, we spent the rest of our time talking, well more like me "talking" and him responding with a Hn.

Class ended for the day and we went to leave, as we walked through the streets the villagers glared and whispered loud enough for me to hear, and that included Madara too, he wasn't happy but he hid it well, soon his hand took hold of my wrist as he pulled me along, I smiled as I looked at his back.

He wasn't good at showing it but once he cared for someone it was hard to break that for him.

We finally made it back home, I went straight to making dinner and Madara watched, I smiled knowing he found it interesting to watch, "do you want anything in particular?" I asked he thought for a second, "well I would like Dango but that's not really a dinner thing more like a treat or lunch sort of thing" he unknowingly spoke through the mind link.

I giggled at that, "you can always ask me to make that for you I wouldn't mind, I find it fun to make Dongo" I responded with a grin on my face, I looked over and saw Madara with a blush on his face.

He turned away, I chuckled and turned back to cooking curry for dinner well also making Dongo on the side.

The table was set and we are in silence, he placed his now finished plate on the table then turned his attention on me I looked up from my now finished plate, "the villagers... they show only hatred and wish for your demise, how is it that you still stay here...why do you still stay here?" He asked looking at me with a look of interest, wow as a child he shows much more emotion then I expected.

I sighed a broken sigh and picked up the plates, "I will leave one day" I said washing the plates then turning the water off, "I'm waiting till The genin exams. Then I'll leave" I said looking up into space.

My undecided view was blocked by the much taller Uchiha hovering over me "I want-........... I will....... my companion" Madara said taking my hands in his, I gave a confused look before my mind put some pieces together and finally came to the conclusion of him saying he wanted me to be his friend.

"Aren't I already your companion!?" He only chuckled, "when you're older you'll understand" he walked away with a smirk leaving me confused.

Little did I know there was more to this companionship. More then I would have ever understood at that time, that once I left I would be found again, and as the saying goes, what an Uchiha wants an Uchiha gets.

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