chapter 28

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I'm SORTA BACK!! only for this chapter! I have time to write so I'll write! I do wanna say thank you for sticking around for this story I do appreciate it! Also from here on, I will not be posting until summer break, as I want to focus on my studies :3

Ps. this chapter is entirely in Madara's pov

Hidden within the many trees, I watched Naru-chan. He was standing calmly but obviously scared of his two teammates who had been threatening and hitting him over the head, most would write it off as a playful smack but I knew.

I growled in anger. How dare they lay a hand on my little love, I will ensure they receive a good punishment...

The snake would be making his move vary soon, giving me time to take my Naru-chan away. I refuse to wait any longer with how these Konoha nin treat him. No, once I get him out, the Akatsuki and I will show him the work we put into a village that will see him as a god. He deserves only the best.

Watching as they stop to rest, I wait for the signal. It also gives me time to admire my small love and his habits, like the nervous head scratches, or the odd flinch from small movements around him. He is quite the cautious one. "Naru-chan... can you hear me?" Though I already knew the answer, I felt that he would be more at ease just to start explaining this way. Naru-chan's eyes widened for a moment before they softened, his sweet soft lips were blessed by his serine smile.

"Mada-Sama! How have you been?" He eagerly asked. From the shine in his eyes, he must have been glad to hear my voice. Or... thoughts.

"I've been fine, but I fear I have become sick~" I teased. A smirk played on my lips from seeing Naru-chan's concerned expression. "M-Mada-Sama! Are you okay!? Will you get better!?! Do you need medical attention!!!" Releasing a small chuckle at the frantic questions. "No... I fear I have become ill with an incurable sickness..." Naru-chan panicked so much he was flailing his arms around trying to keep himself calm.

"I fear I have... caught a lovesickness. For you my sweet kitsune" watching Naru-chan's face change form shocked to absolutely flustered caused a shock of pride and achievement to fill my core.

A long hiss broke our conversation, "Naruto, there will be a man, Orochimaru, he will pose as a woman. Don't question how or why." I said while rolling my Sharingan activated eyes, the man may be helping us but I fear he may turn on us.

"He will distract you with a snake summon. Hold on to it and act like your in danger. That Kabuto boy will take you to me" Naruto visibly perked up. Small tears graced his stunning eyes.

"I get to see Mada-Sama..." I chuckled he probably forgot he was still talking to me. "Yes you will get to see me again" Naruto looked like he was about to break down. I could only imagine the pain and torment he went through.

I gritted my teeth. I was hell-bent on killing those sannin.

Watching as the snake finally appeared, he had gotten the scroll and swallowed it whole. The snake summon had finally appeared and dashed to all three Genin, Naruto grabbed it and was taken away, he let out a sharp yelp that was almost unheard by me.

I dashed after it and kept a trail on it, and once a saw Kabuto they both vanished, along with the snake.

WHAT?! Had they just take my Naru-chan?! I growled. Dashing to the snake sannin. Once I was back at the clearing I saw the snakes head and elongated neck pull away from the duck-haired Prat.

Darting to the snake and grabbing him by the neck the two Genin stared in awe at seeing me again. "Where is he?!" I growled in warning. The snake smirked. "Kabuto saw his eyes and the tails. How could I pass up such a sweet morsel" What he said next caused my chakra to flare to the point of causing the ground and trees around me to be crushed under the pressure.

"He, will make quite the pet" he disappears before my hand around his neck could crush his windpipe. I looked at the two Genin who laid suffocating on the forest floor. "You two will die with this forsaken village. If I don't get my Naruto back. Uchiha or not. I will kill you"

I shushin back to Akatsuki headquarters. Nagato and Obito quickly stood up when feeling my chakra and anger. "That snake took him" I spoke calmly though it went against my true emotion. "Naruto, can you hear me? Are you alright?" I asked, consumed by the panic, and thoughts of what they planned on doing with my dear love.

He never answered. "What happened out there?" Nagato asked with a serious undertone. I could understand seeing as he and Naru-chan where of the same clan. Not to mention the close relation of being cousins.

"Orochimaru, he found out about his Rinnegan and of his title as the Kyūbi. Not a vessel but" I dared not finish my sentence as the look on Nagatos face changed into one of anger. While Obito's Mangekyo blazed in fury.

"What if he attempts to seal Naruto into a new vessel?! That boy does not deserve more hardship. Being the Kyūbi no yōko and not knowing how to even use such power can not only hurt others but himself as well!" Obito exclaimed.

I growled, "do not assume I am unaware of how things could play out! Right now our connection is not working. He is either sleeping or placed under a seal block" I explained while trying and failing to calm my nerves. It seems my eyes will not deactivate until I do.

"Well, we must find him soon" Nagato calmly spoke though his eyes seemed pained. "Before something bad happens to him" he finished.

I promise. I will never let you get hurt again. My love...


Welp~ how do you like it. PLOT TWIST! Pedo-Sama, IS STILL A SNAKE! Truth, he's actually one of my favourite characters, but I can't be biased about the favour characters. Though I do dislike both Sakura and Sasuke, I also love Tsunada and pervy-sage.

Also if you haven't read the note at the top, please read it!

Love you all!



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