Chapter 22

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"I don't need your help," the boy said. I was shocked for a moment but nodded with a frown nonetheless, "will you tell me your name?" It was a simple question and I hoped he would answer it, "Gaara of the dessert" was his only response, I smiled and nodded before getting ready to turn away, trying to walk I soon realized I couldn't, I was being held down by sand, it was covering a good portion of my lags keeping me from moving.

"Your name" he called, "Uzumaki Naruto" the sand released me and I smiled at him before making my way back to the compound, well that was the plan, I was stopped by an ANBU, he was clocked and had a bird mask on, "Uzumaki Naruto, Hokage-Sama asks for your presence" the ANBU said.

I knocked on the door of his office and heard a faint come in... that's not Jiji-Sama... I opened the door, there before me was a woman with blonde hair and large breasts, along with a man with long white spiky hair, "J-Jiji-Sama?" I called, he turned around with a frown, "Naruto please come in" I did as I was asked and stepped inside the door closed gently behind me as I leaned my back against it.

"Naruto, these two people are my former students, and two of the three legendary sannin" he said, I nodded slowly, "Naruto, I am being forced to step down as Hokage, the spy was my former students, I will be under surveillance and Jiraiya has found the seal, thankfully he doesn't know what it's for but he will be trying to remove it" I wanted to nod to show I was listening but that would be a silly move.

I gulped and started hand signing asking questions, the first being me wanting to know why I was there, just to make it more realistic. "Hello, I'm Tsunade and this guy is Jiraiya," the women said giving me a calculating gaze.

(So... um... they won't be good in this story... yup deal with it)

"You let the weapon wander around?" Jiraiya asked with a glared directed at me, I couldn't help but feel uneasy, he walked closer to me then I was on the ground gasping in pain, small squeaks left my mouth, I knew if I could I would be screaming.

I felt as if my skin was burning off well my eyes felt like they were being pulled out. "J-I-ji" I called, I barely registered what was happening while I was on the ground, "so it's true" finally the pain died down and I could breathe.

"He really is the Kyūbi no yōko. Why isn't he restrained" the women I think her name is Tsunade, she was pulling on one of my tails I yelped as she gripped it tighter. "I have an idea on what to do with him," she said before she reached down and held down a pressure point on my neck.

First only the dark, I felt an odd weight on my neck, my tails were dusting against my legs, I moved to sit up only to let out a yelp when feeling my neck gets pulled down.

I looked down at a chain, what?! I was in a sell, I looked up to be greeted by a man that same man from earlier, this time he had a paper in his hand... no, a seal, I looked back up at him.

Three agonizing hours of torture, it was like the burning seal I had used on Kurama but this one restrained me from moving, I was leaning against the dingy wall breathing in long and deep, "as our weapon you will obey our commands" I could barely look up let alone glare at the man, I was tired and only nodded hoping he'd leave.

Finally. He was gone, leaving me to my thoughts, well my conversation... "I'll kill them both!" I sighed hearing Mada-Sama cursing and condemning them to hell, "I'll-I'll be fine" he growled at my words, "Naru-chan, I will get you out of there and I will take you away so no one can hurt you again" I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto my face.

How I loved this Uchiha.


Okay! So Tsunade and Jiraiya are, not good! I have my reasons! Um, I don't have much to say so meh!

Ps. Sorry this chapter is shorter...



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