Chapter 10

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It had been a week since then. Naruto had been doing... horribly, but I'm still very worried about his well being and mental health.

Just the other day he had zoned out well cooking and burned his entire hand on the pan, then watched it heal he doesn't want to believe it, so, he's denying the loss.

today we were on a mission, catching that Kami damned CAT! I stayed close to Naru-chan, he would tap the mic to show he was in position but today he just walked up to the cat and picked it up. He didn't say anything through the link or tap the mic when he picked up Tora, he only sat down and pet it.

I sighed, "Naru-chan caught the cat," I said calmly. Naruto had dull eyes, I had a small frown dawned on my lips and watched him softly pet the cat, Uchiha and Haruno both found their way to us, I growled lowly so that they couldn't hear but because of Naruto's enhanced hearing he looked up at me, then his eyes landed on the two.

"WHY THE HECK DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING BAKA!?" Haruno screeched. My hands clenched and unclenched. Naruto shrank back and looked down, his hand wandered up to the jagged gash along his neck.

"I'm sorry" it was a whispered though. I let out a sight through my nose. "He apologized" Haruno scowled. "Stop acting! I know you can talk so just do it! STOP MAKING MADARA-KUN WASTE HIS TIME ON YOU!" Naruto whimpered, my eyes flared I could feel the heat and my enhanced vision.

Kakashi stood behind her and Sasuke, his chakra was masked weakly, but still, they didn't notice. "Yeah dobe, stop with all that faking, it's starting to piss me off" the one whom gives us Uchiha a bad name said, "why don't you quit being a ninja you'll only tie us down since your only dead weight, worthless"

All I saw was red as I found myself on top of that damned Uchiha disgrace, Kakashi stood there not even lifting a finger. He had a look of complete rage well listening, the only thing keeping me from thrusting my kunai into his neck was the gold chakra chains wrapped around my wrists. The boy had a look of complete shock and fear.

An animalistic growl left my throat he stared at my eyes, I let a secret slip. My Eternal Mongekyo Sharingan.

"MADA-SAMA! Please calm down I'm fine!" Naruto said but once I looked back I only forced harder in cutting into his throat. Haruno shrieked, "KA-KAKASHI-SENSEI MADARA-KUN IS GONNA HURT SASUKE-KUN!" But Kakashi did nothing only glared at both of them.

"P-please Madara, let him go let's just finish this mission" all my struggle to kill him ended, my eyes widened. It's been so long since he called me that.

I quickly got up and walked to Naru-chan. "Kakashi... the missions complete let us inform Hokage-Sama" Kakashi nodded as I walked alongside Naruto as he held the cat.

Naruto stood next to me with a slight frown, I didn't dare to stare directly at him. He was upset with me for the first time since I've met him and I'm completely clueless as to how I should handle this.

I took a quick glance at Naru-chan... I felt as if an arrow had pierced my heart, he had the cutest pout when he tried to look angry I felt as if I would die.

Someone cleared their throat catching my attention, I looked straight at the Hokage. "Okay now explain to me why Naruto is upset, why Sasuke has dried blood on his neck and why Sakura looks petrified," he asked with a stern gaze.

Kakashi nodded then put his adult book away, "both Sasuke and Sakura insulted Naruto for being mute, both saying he was only lying when Madara spoke for him but they then told him to leave his dream of being a ninja and their last remark was their 'your worthless' comment directed from Sasuke to Naruto, which had caused Madara to try and stab his throat with a kunai" Kakashi said with a glint of disappointment in his eyes as he mentioned both Sasuke and Sakura's name.

Hokage-Sama looked at me with a faint glare, "you could have handled it in a better Way Madara, you will stay with me for a lecture tomorrow" he said, I nodded with my own glare, I'll never get used to taking orders like these.

He sighed then looked at both the Disgrace and the Haruno. There was a deep feeling of controlled anger coming off away from the two since they also had a smug ora.

"Why would you insult a fellow ninja, no less Your teammate?" He asked, lacing his fingers together, Disguise scoffed well Haruno stared at him then squealed, somehow that gave her a stroke of confidence. "Well Hokage-Sama, we know Naruto's lying about being mute because he's always talking to Madara-kun and how else did he get into the academy? It makes no sense and the only explanation is that he's lying! All of us want him off the team anyways, he's the weak link" she said glaring at Naru-chan.

I heard a sniffling sound and looked over to see Naru-chan in tears with Kakashi letting him cry into him, I felt my heart tighten and an odd pull to separate them, god damn it you shitty Sensei!

(Just sliding in some kakanaru moments here and there... I'm ready to be hated ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

"Hmmm well that's where you're wrong" we all looked over to Hokage-Sama, Sakura flinched at his expression.

He was seething with anger.

"I was at the scene where his throat was slit, where he laid in his own blood, I was there well my ANBU brought him to the hospital and I sat there well he tried to speak only to realize he couldn't. I'm sure your familiar with kitsune Kurama, the one who was with Naruto all throughout his first couple years in the academy?" He asked Haruno hesitated before nodding, well disgrace stared wide-eyed.

"He was the one to make me put Naruto into the academy, Naruto May not seem like it but he's extremely smart. He is a sensory ninja and that's an asset to your team, not only that but he's also going through enough, he and Kurama lived together since he became mute, but he died 8 days ago" Sakura gasped, Naruto stiffened and walked over to me with the cutest sad pout.

"Hokage-Sama I'm taking Naru-chan home, he's still not able to handle hearing his name, I mean he did watch him die," I said shooting a harsh glare and two wide-eyed idiots.

I took Naruto's hand and shunshin to our home, I sat on the sofa and pulled him into my lap, his small body fell into mine as he let the tears bubble over and soak into the fabric of my shirt.

"I'm sorry for being a burden, I-I," I hushed him, "it's alright just breath, he's not completely gone, he's fused within you, and don't forget I'm here, I may not show much in the presence of others but I do care for you, like when you got angry I didn't know what to do even though I wished to apologize but I couldn't my pride got the best of me" I spoke truthfully.

(Ahhh Uchiha pride (*'ー`*) )

Naru-chan let out his broken giggle then looked up at me with a soft smile, "thank you for being here for me Mada-Sama" I smiled just a bit before letting it drop and giving him a serious look.

"And don't ever call me Madara again," I said firmly, he went wide-eyed before giggling once more.

How can people hurt you as they did and still do?


HAY! So hope you like it tried my hardest! And id you guys didn't check out the pole I have for other fanfics because I would like more opinions on which ones I know people would enjoy.

The score so far~

1 Vampire Knight 5

2 Diabolik Lovers 0

3 Black Butler 7

4 Brothers conflict 0

Ohhhhh~ black butlers in the lead~

Here's your face!

( ◠‿◠ )

Ps. By next chapter, they'll start the mission to the waves!

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