Chapter 9

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Today was a loooong day, I had to admit I loved the hug more than I thought I would but who wouldn't want to hug a man with such fluffy hair?!

I sighed as we walked into the Uzumaki compound, Mada-Sama was walking quietly, his posture was slightly slouched, he must be tired after that exam Kaka-Sama had us do.

Smiling I thought up the perfect plan to make him happy. As we entered we both quickly went to our rooms and changed, I pulled out a soft orange kimono that flared at the bottom, the arms were picked up by me so I wouldn't get them dirty well I cooked.

I smiled and swiftly walked out of the room, my white obi felt a tad tight but I was fine with that, I didn't make much of a difference to my already slim waist.

happily prancing into the kitchen, I pulled out the ingredients needed for a special curry I would make with some dango for dessert.

As times passed I haven't heard the balcony door open or see the red-haired fox behind me, I yelped as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a tight embrace, "k-Kura-nii! Let go! I n-need to finish cooking!" I yelled, he sighed and nodded softly before letting go and flopping on the floor beside me.

I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped but swiftly placed my hand over my mouth. I looked down at the floor, I couldn't help the small frown that took over my features. I yelped once more when I felt two slightly larger hands take my thin wrists. I felt someone's chin rest on my shoulder causing me to look over and see Mada-Sama with his eyes closed releasing a ruff sigh.

"Naru-chan, don't cover up such beautiful sounds." He kissed my cheek then let go, I felt my face heat up, I swear I was as red as a tomato!

"HAY DAMN UCHIHA WHO SAID YOU COULD KISS MY INNOCENT NARU'S FACE!" Kura-nii yelled well having a mini battle with each other, I smiled softly, I can't believe Kami gave me two amazing people to hold close in my heart.

I took about forty minutes but I finally got them to stop trying to kill each other. I placed the food down onto the table and watched as Kura-Nii devoured the food on his plate, I sweat dropped as he shoved his plates at me asking for more, I smiled and served him.

Finally, we where done eating and it was almost time for bed, Mada-Sama had already retired to his room but I couldn't. Once I had gotten to my room I went out onto my balcony and walked up the wall to the roof, I watched as stars shot across the sky at random times and how the stars twinkled as if they were dancing with each other.

My stargazing quickly stopped as I felt A presence behind me. I turned my head just a bit to see long red hair before going back to star gazing. I felt the brush of his hair as he sat beside me.

"Naruto" I looked over at him, he never calls my name unless it's serious. "What is it Kura-nii?" I asked, his hair covered his eyes as he looked up at the sky, u could see the small sad smile that was placed on his lips, w-what's wrong, I've never seen him look like that before.

"Naruto I can't stay in my physical form any longer... I fear I may kill you if I do" I saw the smile disappear completely as he looked at me with tears threatening to fall.

"W-what?" I asked my eyes wide with confusion sadness and fear, not for my life but for his. "Naruto every moment I'm here, is a moment I drain your life source, truthfully I tricked you, I showed you I cared about how those villagers treated you but I didn't care, not at the beginning" my eyes started watering, he didn't love me? He didn't see me as his little brother like he said?

Tears fell as he stared at me with broken eyes of a red hue. "Naruto I love you, you will always be my best friend and little brother. You showed me that humans if only a small number are kind, and to repay you I wish to give you my entire life" he said, his expression completely serious.

He does love me? I-I can't take his life! He's my family! I shook my head at him as the tear fell faster and longer. "N-NO! I-I can't! I won't! I don't care if I die I won't let you!" But he only smiled, a smile I've never seen before, one of complete adoration love and happiness.

Before I know it his form started bubbling with light, his smile ever presented and his tears still there, streaming down his face. "Naruto. I don't need your permission, I've already started the merge once I got to this roof, I told the old man" he chuckled, softly broke. Sounds of sobs left my burning throat.

My body was glowing with that same golden light, "K-Kura-N-Nii" I cried. His lower body was already almost completely gone, his right arm gone as well as half his face, "Naruto..." he started, placing his fading left hand on my cheek. "You taught me many things" more sobs broken loose.

"You taught me what it meant to have a family," he said calmly as the tears fell ever so softly down his tan cheek, "K-Kuraaaa" I yelled not realizing I yelled that through the link that Mada-Sama could hear from.

"You showed me how beautiful this world is" he continued, my body shock softly as my shaky hand took his fading one.

"Taught me trust" he leaned forward as his voice cracked, both of us not noticing the new presence.

"Kura-N-N-Niiiiiii" I cried as loud as I could through the link, again not knowing Mada-Sama could hear me.

"And lastly... you taught me what it feels like to be loved," he said softly before kissing my forehead, only his face being all I could see.

"I love you my little brother" as if time stopped. The world froze.

I released the loudest scream my broken voice box could and my Kami was it loud, like a gods war cry upon mother earth.

Before I know it my face was buried into Mada-Sama's shoulder, I sobbed loudly.

The scream was so loud that many ANBU stood around the rooftop, Jiji-sama looked at my slowly dimming form with an everlasting sadness.

"Goodbye big brother"


Heyo! So I know I just made all your hearts burst~ I felt my heart clench well I wrote this I was like "AAAAAHHHH WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!" But then I was like "ohhh it's the only way I can make Naruto stronger and progress within the story~"


♪( 'θ`)ノ

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