Chapter 17

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We all stood together facing Momo-Sama and Haku, Kaka-Sama, Sasuke and Sakura where throwing insults at them, I stepped away from them, Mada-Sama stepped away with me, I was actually very worried and scared of what would happen with him, his body was finally Turing back, I didn't think this soon but only Kura-Nii could help the situation but... he's not here.

I shook away the thoughts and turned to Momo-Sama and Haku, "sorry for their behaviour! They don't know how to handle situations properly!" I yelled in the link I had with Momo-Sama. "Even Hatake" he whispered but I could hear it with my now enhanced hearing, —thanks to Kura-Nii— I let out a squeak and nodded with dust of pink over my cheeks and nose.

"Enough. Haku" in an instant Haku was hurtling towards us, Mada-Sama pushed me away from him ready to take whatever hit he was trying to give, Sasuke was the one who jumped in front of Mada-Sama witch I would have been grateful for it was someone... who wasn't a historic shinobi.

Mada-Sama stayed close to them generally speaking but not to close to get caught in the crossfire, Haku had a senbon as his weapon which he contorted with ease, Sasuke was using his kunai. "Naruto, Sakura, surround Tazuna and don't move away from me" I nodded, Sakura hummed showing she understood. I was in front of him in a flash well sakura already being beside him stayed in place.

Haku and Sasuke were battling at an alarming speed, Sakura looked awestruck but I only watched which a serious expression. Mada-Sama stood casual nearly moving his eyes with his Mangekyo activated.

It seemed Haku had spoken seeing as Sasuke had responded it went on for a moments time before Haku had lifted his hand a was starting to make hand signs, I stared intently as did the others I soon disregarded their battle in favour of watching Momo-Sama in case he moved to start an attack.

"A thousand needles of death!" yelled Haku, my eyes widened, I looked over once more watching as the water separated into needles all surrounding Haku Sasuke and Mada-sama. I stared intently as the needles dashed towards them. In one blast Haku was throwback stumbling to regain balance, I was more concerned about Mada-Sama, was be okay? Did he get hurt?!

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in when I saw Mada-Sama standing in his exact spot seemingly unharmed, I smiled knowing he was safe then went back to watching Momo-Sama. Sasuke's chakra appeared above us, I didn't need to look up to know. Haku realized seconds too late and was Dodging shuriken, Sasuke had managed to get behind him and attacked.

Haku ducked down when Sasuke threw a kunai toward his head only to be kicked by him, Haku was thrown back landing on his back at Momo-Sama's feet. Momo-Sama looked to be in complete shock.

"it seems that I'm faster than you" Sasuke arrogantly spoke with his oh so cool attitude, Kaka-Sama started talking about Sasuke with what j could only tell was pride, wait wasn't he always discreetly bad mouthing him? He then complimented Sakura's "sharp mind" what? Was he really trying to make himself look good?

I frowned at him, no. There's no way he would do that. Would he? I waited to hear something about me or Mada-Sama but he didn't say a word. Was he ashamed of us? Before this trip, I was sure he liked us. What happened...

I clenched my eyes shut, no. There's nothing to worry about. I watched Momo-Sama he chuckled. "Haku, do you know what this means? At this rate, you'll be defeated by your intended victims..." I watched as Haku stood from the ground, "yes" Haku's body started releasing a strong amount of chakra. "what?" I heard Sasuke mutter, Haku release more chakra.

" it's unfortunate" the air started becoming colder, was this his doing? With a single hand sign, water started to form into huge ice... Mirrors? They were far to thin to be blocks... "hidden Jutsu!" more and more of them began forming. "crystal ice mirrors!" he exclaimed.

Sasuke and Mada-Sama were both surrounded by them. Haku walked up to one and... Stepped into it? I inhaled sharply, how was this possible!? Kakashi... Kaka-Sama ran towards the dome, I also found myself wanting to run in there, but Kaka-Sama was stopped by Momo-Sama, "I'm your opponent, aren't I? Since that jutsu appeared those boys are done for." Momo-Sama said.

I gritted my teeth watching Mada-Sama study each mirror. We all watch throw the cracks of the dome, my eyes widened watching Mada-Sama's eyes flicker followed by his eyes shutting then a barrage of senbon hitting him and Sasuke with such speed I could only see wounds opening and the needles hitting and embedding themselves into the ground.

"MADA-SAMA!" I yelled through the link. "Sasuke!" both Sakura and Kaka...shi yelled," if you make a move, ill kill those two!" I was confused for a moment, there was three of us. "Sakura grabbed a kunai but I knew she was thinking of going in there, I'm not a bad person but I know she'll be useless running in there. I mean I would too but I knew j couldn't do anything.

"let go... demon" I let go stunned, a... Demon... She ran towards the dome then jumped into the air, I looked at my hand with wide eyes. A demon? Was that what people saw me as still? I hoped, prayed, that they would finally see me for who I am... I was wrong.

"he caught it?!" Sakura yelled. I looked over and stared at the dome. No. I must focus don't think about her just the mission. The needles stopped and if was only growing coming from Sasuke, I watched Mada-Sama's eyes opened along with his reactivated Mangekyo, his experience was blank and when he stood he seemed much taller.

His hair longer. Mada-Sama was his old self... No! He wasn't, he was in appearance but his chakra was still limited, his chakra network was still all over the place, but it was slowly building itself back, I could tell it had shut down though, he was completely defenceless at this moment. My eyes widened, that means... there's a possibility he'll die.


Sorry! One day later then I hoped but I have a good excuse! I was at a Billie Eilish consort. Also ,thank you for reading and hope you enjoy!

No face today sorry!


Jk always a face.

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