Chapter 27

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My small happy smile was seen around the room, I had finished all the answers and sat patiently, most of the Genin where being called out and failed, most left unwillingly having to be dragged out.

Ibiki-San had a smirk on his face before it fell back into a glare once more. I sighed and shook my head, he'd probably get a girlfriend if he smiled more...

"All right! Here is the tenth question!" He yelled the room had grown a very tense atmosphere, everyone was completely silent and waiting for the question.

Ibiki-San stepped closer to the desks. "Let me explain, these are the hopeless rules!" His words caused a couple of students to start whispering but his harsh glare shut them up. "First, you guys will have to choose whether or not you will take this 10th question!" I grew confused, we get a choice?? I took a second to break down and understand his way of thinking, first he gives us questions most if not all Genin don't know in an attempt to get us to cheat.

And it worked, a large portion of Genin where caught cheating and failed, now we are given a choice to continue to the tenth question or failed... I don't get it...

"What, Choose?! What happens if you choose not to take the 10th question?" The girl in Panda-Chan's team asked, "if you chose not to take the last question, then your score will be zero. In other words, you fail! And of course, the same goes for the two others in the same group!" Outrage filled the room, people talked of out it was unfair and that no one wouldn't choose to take the last question.

"And... one more rule... if you chose to take it and are unable to answer it correctly, then you will have to...relinquish your right of the Chunin exam forever" it took a moment for everyone to process the information but once they did Kiba was the first to retaliate, he stood up abruptly and it caused the two sitting on either side of him to visibly move away as if him moving would cause them to fall.

"What kind of ridiculous rule is that?! Besides, there are plenty of people here who have taken the Chunin exam many times!" His puppy barked twice in agreement.

Kiba pulled back a bit when Ibiki-san started to chuckle and laugh he had what could be seen as a sinister smile, "you're just unlucky. I make the rules this year. But I did give you the option to go back!" Kiba made a grunting noise with slightly widened eyes. His puppy just sat on his head with his little tongue hanging out as if he didn't have a care in the world... I wanna be like that...

"For those of you who aren't confident, you can choose to not take it and take the exam next year or the year after that" he continued with another chuckle. I felt the tension rise again, from the chakra that I started releasing I could feel Sakura shake and Sasukes badly stiffen, Panda-Chan seemed fine as if not a single word dampened his spirit at all. Even the other rookies were shaken up along with Guys team and from what I could tell they where strong.

"Then, let's begin... the tenth question. Those who will not be taking it, raise your hands! Once I confirm your number, I'll ask you to leave!" Not a single Sound was made for a time, I know the Chunin and Ibiki-San could feel my chakra being released seeing as some of them were staring at me with each wave.

Ibiki-SAN took a second to make eye contact that barely lasted a second but I didn't care or even feel at all threatened by him.

The first hand went up after the sound of a pencil dropping could be heard. He had apologized to his teammates but from what I could tell they were calm and not at all angry about it, I could feel the irritation but also the overwhelming relief they had.

More hands when up the groups leaving together. I even watched as a team raised their hands together, they hadn't even waited to be called and walked out together. The number of people dwindled to a not so shocking 60 people. So about 20 teams. "I'll ask again. It's a choice that will alter your life. If you want to quite now is your chance!" I let a small smirk fall onto my lips.

I released a noticeably larger amount of chakra and targeted it to Ibiki-San. I even pulled down my Hitai-ate he stared at the scare at it hadn't taken him more than three seconds to realize that was my way of telling him I wouldn't back down.

One more hand was lifted, and the number dropped. 57 candidates were left.

His words shocked everyone and I was no exception, "no more hands... then, for those who are still here... the first exam... you have passed it!" Everyone was silent.



Yo~ so I know I'm late but I honestly forgot. I had gone to the country to see my long-time best friend and celebrity his birthday she's a great friend so I didn't want to miss it.

Ps. I took down the picture from the last chapter because it was never gonna be permanent if you saved it... good on you. If you didn't... also good on you.

PPS. I meant to say she and Him when addressing my friend because they are gender fluid so yeah.



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