Chapter 15

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We made it to Tazunas home, it is actually a nice house for the circumstances. Tasuna walked in first then allowed us in, I was the last to step in and watched as a woman hugged Tasuna.

I saw a little boy peeking around the corner of the doorway that led into the room we where it which appeared to be the kitchen and dining room. I waved but he didn't respond instead he only glared till his eyes fell onto Tasuna, he ran up to him and hugged him, Tazuna returned the hug, "Inari, where have you been?!" Asked the women, she had a stern expression but it settled down quickly.

"Welcome back grandpa!" He said tightening his grip on Tazuna, I smiled at the scene. The women then walked over to both Tazuna and the boy, "Inari don't forget to great the ninja who brought grandpa back safely" Tazuna released Inari but kept patting his head in a comforting manner.

I couldn't help but feel a slight pain in my heart, how I wish for the man who gave me effectuation like that, I tightened my grip on the sleeve of Kurama's sweater. "It's okay, it's okay. Right, Inari?" Tasuna said in a lively tone, Inari let go of Tazuna and turned to look at his mother after giving all of us a calculating gaze, "kaa-chan, these guys will die... there's no way they can oppose Gato and win." it took us all by surprise to hear that from the boy, alarms went off in my head, didn't something happen to them?

Know one commented but you could see that Sakura, Sasuke and even Mada-Sama —just a little— wanted to say something, instead though we all kept quiet and watched him walked out the room.

"Where are you going Inari?" Tazuna asked, "my room, I'll be back before dinner" and with that, he was gone. Tasuna sighed, "I apologize," he said, Sasuke scoffed and Sakura gave a worried expression. I looked back at the door and sighed as well.

Everyone sat with Tazuna and the women in the kitchen but I found myself wonder up the stairs to see if Inari was still here, I came up to a door that was slightly open and looked in, my heart broke hearing sobs coming from him, he sat on a desk facing the ocean, I so badly wanted to sit there with him and hold him close, tell him everything would be okay. But maybe he doesn't want that maybe he just wants to be alone...

I shook that feeling and let out a shaky breath I turned away and walked back down to the kitchen where I sat with the others, "Naru-chan? What's the matter?" Mada-Sama asked but I only shook my head with a soft smile in a dismissive way.

Kaka-Sama led us outside to the forest, I sighed in content as I breathed in the fresh air, "so, now the training begins" Kaka-Sama said, both Uchiha grunted and Sakura nodded with a "yes sir" I smiled gently and gave my full attention to him.

"So... before that, let me again explain chakra  for a Ninja, from the basics" I let out a sound and nodded "at this point..." Sasuke said with annoyance laced in his words, Kaka-Sama sighed "Sakura would you do the honour?" Kaka-Sama asked, she smile then turned to us.

"Alright! Chakra is an energy that a ninja needs when he uses a jutsu! It's made up of two energies, One, physical energy gathered together from each and every cell in the body and Two, spiritual energy accumulated based on numerous training and experiences! In other words, jutsu wring out and combines these two energies from within the body, and this is called "combining chakra." Then chakra is activated by performing "hand signs." " Sakura explains with a proud smile.

Wow, I kinda see why she was the Kunoichi of the year.

Kaka-Sama walked over to her then eye-smiled down at her, "that's exactly right! Iruka really does have good students" Sakura let out what I think was a giggle but kind of sounded like a cackle... "now let's start," Kaka-Sama said we'll looking over each of us, "so what will we start with? Learning a new jutsu? Sparing to see who's the strongest?" Sasuke said with a smirk, "no, tree climbing" Kaka-Sama said giving another eye-smile.

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