Chapter 6

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Internet's back! I got you guys the next chapter WOOOH
Enjoy! (ω╹๑ )

The door opened and out walked Sasuke and Sakura, you could practically see the hearts in Sakura's eyes directed to Sasuke. Right, when she made eye contact with Madara though, I felt an unpleasant emotion run through me, I don't like her looking at him like that.

I pushed the thought away then smiled, I looked towards our... what should I call him? He's not really our Sensei just yet, I'll just call him by his name for now... well that is when we learn it. Sakura looked at me the glared, I could feel her hatred, it reminded me all too much of how the villagers treat me.

the man with gravity-defying hair cleared his throat to get our attention, we all looked to him only to his one visible eye closed... was he smiling? "Alright, why don't we start with introductions?" He asked, Know one spoke up, Sakura made a sound of confusion catching all our attention I only looked at her along with the Cyclops.

"What do you mean?" I wanted to call shinigami and ask him to take her soul, DOES SHE NOT UNDERSTAND AN INTRODUCTION?! Our —soon to be— Sensei gave her a tilted head as if thinking but his eyes told a different story, a story that concluded he was unsure as to how she was the top Kunoichi.

I sighed then started humming softly in my mind, I still listened though. "Hmm- like your likes your dislike hobbies and your dreams" the cyclops informed, Sakura nodded then stayed quiet.

I sighed, "Mada-Sama? Ask mister cyclops to introduce himself since we don't really know him, I mean we don't even know his name" I asked, Madara, nodded, " Sensei... Naruto asks that you introduce yourself first, seeing as you're our Sensei I believe it would be appropriate you introduce yourself first" I nodded along with a grin.

Cyclops seemed skeptical then looked at me, I couldn't see my expression but I'm sure I had a smile on my face. Cyclops eyes softened as he stared at me then nodded, "okay, my name's Hatake Kakashi, my likes... don't really feel like telling you, dislikes, don't really have any, as for my hobbies, your too young to know that, and dream? Well, that's an adult dream" his eyes stayed on me through the entirety of his... introduction?

We all —minus Madara and broody mic broody man— sweatdropped, I felt an irritated aura surrounding Madara but felt it would be unwise to question him right now, "alright pinky first" I looked over to Sakura she had a shocked then angry expression.

"My name's Sakura, not PINKY!" She all but screeched, I held my hands over my ears with a small whimper, Madara glared at Sakura whom completely missed it through her own rage, he gave me a worried looked only seen through his eyes but I only waved it off.

Sakura cleared her throat before clasping her hands together and moved her head from left to right... bipolar... "My name is Haruno Sakura, I like I mean the people I like..." she looks from side to side at both Madara and Sasuke with a blush, "my hobbies" Sakura gazed at both of them again, I don't like that look at all... don't look at my Madara like that.

"And my dream...EEEE!!" she blushed and squealed, damn you fangirl! I yelled internally, my ears are dying as we speak, "umm and your dislikes?" Kakashi asked she glared at the air then at me, "Naruto-BAKA!" I flinched at her tone. I can't even talk and you still hate me?

"Okay broody," Kakashi said, I chuckled and everyone turned to me with wide eyes. I felt as if they would judge me but Madara sent a wave of chakra to me, "your voice is no longer scratchy it's quite lovely that's why they stare at you Naru-chan" he said I blushed and looked down in embarrassment, "anyways... broody your turn" Kakashi said still looking at me.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke, I don't particularly like anything, and I dislike a lot of things, I don't care for hobbies and my dream will become a reality, I will restore my clan, and kill a certain someone" Sasuke said, I felt by heart clench, he's talking about Weasel-Sama...

"Okay next is you blondie" I nodded, I placed a seal on the ground in front of me then placed my palm onto the seal, I started feeding my chakra into the seal which then expanded into a chakra dome, I clicked my tongue to test the sound waves.

"Can you hear me?" I asked, my lips not moving, Kakashi eyes widened, "how can you speak without moving your lips?" He asked I smiled softly before pulling down the turtle neck, "I'm speaking telepathically, this takes a lot of chakra so I'll be quick" they all nodded, I even managed to catch the attention of Sasuke.

"Alright, my name is Uzumaki Naruto, I like gardening, cooking, training, foxes, weasel-Sama, Mada-Sama, and Inu-San and Jiji-Sama. My dislikes include power hungry people, hypocrites, and the fox hunt. My hobbies are cleaning, cooking, gardening, creating new seals or making basic seals and duplicates. And my dream... well it's very simple really, just have a family I can love and protect with a loving... husband" I said the last word quietly.

I quickly dispelled the seal and ripped it to shreds. Sasuke had wide eyes for once, Madara had a smirk in place and Kakashi had a smug look in his eyes, Sakura had a look of.... of disgust. I looked away and kept my head down, "how exactly did you turn mute?" Kakashi whispered softly, but I heard it.

"Alright everyone, tomorrow we'll meet at training ground 7 at 6 O'clock be there on time, we'll be doing your genin test" Sakura raised her hand, "wait but we already did the genin exam!" Sakura yelled sassily, "that was to weed out the weak, this is the real genin exam, 60% will fail," Kakashi said with an eye smile.

He jumped onto the railing that went around the entire roof, "oh and one more thing, don't eat breakfast or you'll throw up" he then disappear in a swirl of leaves.

How on earth will this go?


Face of the day!

|( ̄3 ̄)|

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