Chapter 14

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"Let's talk," Naru-chan said, the seal was linked both ways, to me and to Zabuza, he let out a growl. "Alright, talk," he said out loud catching the attention of everyone else.

Naru-chan smiled kindly but with a determined look in his eyes, "Momo-sama, who's the boy in the trees behind you?" My eyes widened and I activated my Sharingan, I looked into the detection where Naru-chans eyes followed, I glared at the chakra signature, "Haku" he called and in an instant his chakra signature was now standing beside Zabuza.

Disgrace managed to find his way next to both Naruto and I, he glared at the boy, with the mask now known as Haku. I couldn't help but growl at the fact that he thinks he can stand next to MY Naru-chan.

Naru-chan looked over at me with a smile and his soft sweet innocent gaze met mine. I sighed and calmed down, damn, we've only known each other a couple of years and has me wrapped around his tiny finger.

"What's happening here? Who's the girl!" Disgrace once more demanded an answer to his stupid questions, "Sasuke that's enough" Kakashi stepped in and placed his hand on disgraces' shoulder then pulled him back, "What?! What do you mean that's enough!? I'm an Uchiha elite I deserve answers!" He yelled out like a child demanding attention.

"I apologize Momo-sama, he's not very smart as an Uchiha, but Mada-Sama isn't like that and he's an Uchiha too!" Naru-chan spoke in an apologetic tone, "it's fine kid and why do you call me that?" Zabuza asked with clear irritation, "that's how he addresses people he likes, he calls me and Kakashi that" I said clearing up the nicknames.

He 'hmm' in interest, the amusement clear in his eyes, he leaped down from his sword and ruffly pulled it out of the tree that Haku boy followed closely. "And what does he call Kakashi?" He asked with a raised brow Naru-chan shook his head with odd sounds trying to escape his throat.

I couldn't help the cocky smirk that fell onto my lips, his flustered expression showing off his large Crystal Blue eyes, his lightly dusted pink cheeks, his pouting pink lips.

I could barely restrain myself from jumping him then and there. "He calls him kaka-sama" I spoke monotone as I am with everyone, not including my Naru-chan of course...

I snicker left Zabuza-san.

Naru-chan glared at me which didn't really look like a glare but more... like a child whining for candy. "Mada-Sama! Why would you do that~!" He cried with tiny tears threatening to fall from his orbs.

"THAT'S ENOUGH" I let my eyes drift to Zabuza-san, whom held an irritated gaze on both Naruto and I. "What is it you want to talk to me about?" He growled out, Naru-chan straightened out and stared with a determined gaze at Zabuza-san, "I want to know... are you working for a man named Gato?" Naru-chan asked. Zabuza-san stilled.

"I take that as a yes, now I want to know why?" Naru-chan asked with a slight plea in his voice, one that was strained. "He's paying me, why else do you think I would do this?" Zabuza-san said smuggling, Naru-chan sighed, "I like you Momo-sama, you have a good heart" Zabuza-san scoffed, "listen, kid, you're judgment is wrong-" Naruto held up his hand to stop him.

"I'm sorry Momo-sama, but... I won't let you harm anyone" Naru-chan declared. "Fine" Zabuza-san said plainly, he rested his sword over his shoulder and turned away from us. "This isn't over, in two weeks time you will see me again... then we'll see who wins" and with that both him and the girly boy... Haku. Where gone.

"Naruto... what was that?" I glanced over at Naru-chan to see him looking at Kakashi with his hand rubbing the back of his head, "M-Mada-Sama, could you tell him for me?" Naru-chan asked, I sighed and nodded before facing Kakashi with a glare. "Naru-chan, only told him what he needed to know and only asked what Naru-chan needed to tell" I felt my head get hit and looked over to be greeted by an annoyed Naru-chan.

"Mada-Sama! Stop that! Kaka-Sama didn't do anything wrong" Naru-chan said with a small frown, I sighed and turned away from Kakashi, "well then shall we continue?" Kakashi asked.

We all started on our way once more, another long walk, Tazuna told stories of the land of waves, I barely paid attention to that, my eyes were only on Naru-chan, and his eyes on me.

His hand grasped the sleeve of my shirt, it calmed me to know he found security in my presence and In my hold, he had a content smile plastered on his plump lips, the bunny from earlier was placed in the now zipped up red sweater he wore its small white head out as it looked around in wonder.

Naru-chan looked up at me then flashed me a gentle soft and loving smile, I will tell no one but... my heart swells every time I get to be in the presence of this boy, and every time he shows me suck love I can do nothing but wonder how my heart hasn't fallen from my chest.

Uzumaki Naruto, What have you done to me?


Yo! How are you my fine Shinobi! Good, I hope~

Now let's get down to business, I held off a second week because I would get updated requests on the same day or within the same week I posted a chapter. Now I understand you guys like the story and that makes me happy. But... if you make me feel like these chapters are somehow mandatory to write, I'll straight up stop completely, those two weeks were only a taste. Don't pressure me and the chapters continue.


( ̄^ ̄)

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