Chapter 3

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Morning had come and sadly he hadn't woken as I hoped last night for dinner, I just finished making breakfast for myself and him, I sat in his room and read through my notes well making a communication seal, I made plenty but this was the third one of the finished long distance communication seal.

Once done I smiled to myself and took some more notes and drew out a rough idea of a chakra deception seal, now it may sound odd but it's something I've been working on for quite some time, it wasn't like the seal that hid your chakra no it made it so you either seem stronger then you truly are or if undercover you can seem as though your a civilian rather then a ninja.

By the sound of a grunt I looked over alarmed, the Uchiha had woken up but he seemed to sit up too quickly, I turned my body to him and watched him carefully, then walked out of the room only to come back with him on high alert and staring at me.

In my hands was the breakfast I made for him, I walked over to his futon and sat down, he stared at me intently, I took the chopsticks then picked up an egg roll with it and held it up, he didn't move so I sighed and eat it and swallowed, I smiled softly then took another and held it to him.

Thankfully he ate it, I fed him till there was nothing left but some rice, I left the room to wash the dishes and Bring him some water.

Once back inside of the room he seemed a little confused but it quickly faded once he saw me, "who are you and why did you help me" He asked, well demanded really, I nodded then took a note pad and pencil then wrote down my answers, "my name is Uzumaki Naruto, and I saw you unconscious on my balcony, why wouldn't I help you?" I asked my own question.

He seemed shocked by my answers or maybe the question, and only stared at me, "why do you write and not speak" I pointed to my neck where a jagged scare rested, his eye stayed motionless but you could see his unease and... pity.

I glared, "don't pity me Uchiha!" His eyes widened for a split second before settling into a glare, "so you know who I am" he said with a threatening voice, I rolled my eyes, "yes but don't worry if I cared about your bounty don't you think I would have turned you in well you where still unconscious? But no I didn't" I showed him the note pad and he seemed taken aback.

"Why... didn't you?" He asked with another glare, I smiled then wrote down "you are as human as I am, and even if you killed someone precious to me, I still wouldn't hesitate to help you in need" honestly if I didn't grow up the way I did, with Kurama having killed my parents through a sacrifice or having my voice box destroyed by the villagers, I probably wouldn't ever say this.

His glare was gone and I lifted the cup up to his lips, he took the drink seeing me as not a threat and soon it became silent.

I left the room and returned with new bandages for his chest, he understands and let me retie the bandages, well doing so he asked a question that made me stop with sorrowful eyes, "who turned you mute" he once again demanded an answer, I finished with the bandages then took a seal, the communication seal.

He looked at it with a glare, I smiled and shook my head dismissing his weariness, he nodded then I placed it on to the left side of his chest, he felt the surge of chakra but stayed impassive, "can you hear me?" He visibly jumped if only slightly, he looked at me with curious eyes then nodded, I smiled.

"Good! Now to answer your question... the Konohagakure villagers and some shinobi, they beat me regularly but this was on my 4th birthday, they caught me then after some time of my screaming I watched as someone slit my throat, I would have died if it weren't for Kurama" I said smiling sadly at the memory.

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