Chapter 30

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I growled looking at the outside of the large but sad-looking snake hideout. anger was all I felt. he said he'd help, and he stole my love.

Finally letting my anger burst half of the hideout was destroyed within the blink of an eye. bodies of humanoid creatures littered the grounds. I didn't care. walking into one of what was once a hallway I was greeted by others who chose to fight only to be killed within milliseconds of even moving. they were not priority.

The doors would burst open with a small release of my chakra, none of them held my beloved. I heard it. "MA-Sama!" my headshot to the left. I ran like my life was on the line, and for once it felt like it was, not unlike the time I first met the boy I'd fallen for.

My sweet love, I'm coming.

The door I was approaching had small screams coming from it, I felt my blood boil when hearing them. I knew that little voice all too well. throwing the door open I was greeted with a sight I hated more the Tobirama himself. (not sure if that's true but meh) My sweet Naruto was half-naked his sheer kimono that left nothing to the imagination was ripped in different places he was quick to run over to me and wrap himself around me crying into my armour" my love" I said kissing the top of his head. the snake was quick to disappear but at that point, I only cared for one thing.

Pulling off the many seals, "Mada-sama, I missed you, I was so scared, the seals hurt!" I nodded picking him up and placing him on my forearm. "let's go" he nodded wrapping his arms around my neck and nuzzled himself into my hair.

The day felt long as I walked us out of the now almost completely destroyed hideout. but it was worth everything to find my beloved, "Mada-sama, I love you" I paused, there was a smile on my face as I looked over and kissed his hair. yes. this was what I've wanted since the beginning.

"And I love you, my sweet angel"

Bringing him back to the Akatsuki hideout I was quickly approached by none other than pain himself. he was quick to inspect the small boy within my grasp. "you when without us I see, fine. is Naruto alright?" he asked lightly pressing his hand onto Naru-chan's one clothed shoulder.

Naru-chan shied away from but soon relaxed as he felt safe with the man before us. "Mada-sama, how does this man know my name? did you tell him?" Naru-chan asked. "no love, I never told him, but he and a large amount of this nations and others do know of you because of the nine-tails. remember." Naru-chan nodded before waving shyly and hiding in my hair once more, my sweet love can be so cute.

I got him settled within my room, he was quick to fall asleep feeling exhausted from probably not sleeping for days on end. I sat beside him, my armour was off leaving me in my Uchiha robes.

"What did he do to you?" letting my chakra run over his body I found nothing but a few hand marks, he must have been hit by the man. my hands clenched as I trembled. "I should have killed him"

Naru-chan sturred but settled once more before grabbing my hand that was beside his head, he nuzzled into it giving me a smile.

"My sweet love, I'll never let you get hurt- I'll try not to let you get hurt again."


yo so this is shorter but that because it's been a while since I last updated so please don't worry they will get longer it will take some time, love you all


no face today LIES :D

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