Chapter 21

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Yo. So the chapter will be in Naruto's pov! Next chapter will be Madara but for now, I want to continue the storyline a little more before I start actually starting from the story to make it my own without basing it off of the manga or anime. So have fun reading!

I was standing on the other side of the bridge away from my two glaring teammates, earlier we had missions around the village again but most of them still hate me so I was really only being put down.

Kakashi seems to really dislike me more now, I don't know whether to feel sad or angry, I wanna be angry actually but I can't bear to do that to him so. I'll just ignore my feelings.

Speaking of Kakashi he finally arrived after hours of waiting for him. "Hay good morning everyone! Sorry, I'm late I got lost on the path of life..." Sakura screeched lier and I probably would have said it too but... well I can't.

Kakashi jumped down from one of the bridges arches with a bored look in his eyes. "I recommend you guys for the chunin exams," he said before pulling out three small applications giving one to each of us lingering longer when I got mine. I couldn't help the frown when feeling the slight glare coming from him. "I'd done nothing wrong! Why are you angry with me?!"

I wanted to scream but I couldn't, I couldn't even tell him how angry I am. I sighed before nodding and leaving the bridge.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice Sakura walking behind me. My attention was taken away from the application and forced towards her, "I can finally tell you how useless you are without your bodyguard around!" She yelled.

I could barely hear her as she yelled about how my existence was meaningless. I know I would have agreed to her but. It isn't meaningless. My meaning is with another person and he said he'd come back for me.

I heard a yell from an all to familiar voice, was that? I couldn't risk it so I ran towards the yelling, when I got there I was surprised to see another's village shinobi before me lifting a boy up by his blue scarf. "Konokamaru!" I yelled through our special link. "Naruto-nii! Help!" The young man holding him was wearing a catlike jumpsuit, beside him a lady with four blonde pigtails.

"Ohh is this your sister?" I paused... "sis...ter?" I stood there for a moment before an ominous glow surrounded me. Konohamaru was dropped and the cat man was struck with fear. "I am not A WOMAN!" I yelled through the mind links. I knew I probably startled Jiji-sama and Mada-Sama. I had dashed towards him with my eyes becoming purple once again. He hid behind who I can only assume is his sister. "IM SORRY PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" He yelled.

Was I really that scary angry? I sighed softly before returning to normal, not realizing my eyes were still revealing my Rinnegan.

I smiled gently before nodding and feeling a body run into me, actually I felt three. I looked down and giggled when I saw Konohamaru and his two friends clinging to me. "Konohamaru... what did you do?" I asked kissing the top of his head. He frowned before looking down and away from me.

"I-I threw a smoke boom at them as a prank..." I went wide-eyed.  Couldn't help my small almost soundless laughter, Konohamaru was looking away in embarrassment.

I paused and turned back to the two shinobi from another village a bowed forcing Konohamaru and his three friends to do so too. "Repeat after me you three!" I said sternly, they listened to me before repeating.

"We're sorry for bothering you" I patted their heads and would have turned to leave if it weren't for the rock that nearly hit me. I looked up and glared at a tree. "You should have more courage dobe!" Sasuke said as he went to throw a stone at blonde sister, It was instead slammed into the ground creating a small crater thanks to my chakra chains.

I would have continued to stare at Sasuke, but, I couldn't help but notice the boy with the gourd on his back. I waved at the tree and it caught his attention, I pulled out a seal and waved it around. I pulled down my sleeveless turtleneck showing the old wound, he seemed to understand and came down using his... sand? I couldn't help but feel this strong chakra, It was weaker than mine but I could feel a separate entity inside him.

Could he be?

I tilted my head showing him the seal, he seemed confused for a moment and distrusting. I hadn't realized but everyone around us was staring in shock. I smiled kindly towards him before walking closer to him, he leaned away from me but didn't move. I gently place the seal on his arm and the paper disappeared only leave the black ink of the seal.

"Can you hear me?" I asked calmly. He paused but nodded, "how did that happen," the boy asked pointing to my neck, before I answered I took a second to look at his appearance, he had red hair and pale skin? For a sand nin I had believed their skin would be darker but he was paler than me. He had the Kenji for love on his forehead and black rings that only hinted at how tired he was, his voice was ruff and sort of gravely so I knew he had some problems.

"The villagers cut open my throat during a fox hunt, I am the jinchūriki of the nine-tails," I said hinting at his tailed beast. His eyes widened, I smiled gently towards him. "I can help you, I can feel yours and its discomfort. I know how it feels to be shunned and hated. I know what it means to be in pain. So let me help you"  I wouldn't say I was asking. I would pester him if he said no. But thankfully a simple nod gave me the okay.

I would free this boy of his pain.


So this is where I say... the story will be picking up and leading away from the actual anime/manga!

When the first part to the chunin exam starts it will be drastically different, the reason why? That's because he's mute... O-O his eyes will finally play a big part in the story with the chunin exams. A lot of things will change and would anyone like to guess who the spy was last chapter? If you guess right I'll give you a shout out next time!



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