Chapter 20

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Yo. Sorry for the delay I was spending Canada's day with my father and couldn't update! He's a typical Indian man so some of you may understand why I couldn't update! Anyways here's the next chapter! Hope you enjoy~

Ps. I want to elaborate on something, a lot of you guys so far have picked for this story to become an Mpreg. Like I said before I'm not against it but if there are a lot more people asking for it not to be I could always make adoption become an option, I just wanted to explain this. NOW ON TO THE STORY!

Everything was over, Mada-Sama and I were spending our last moments together, he and I both knew he couldn't come back in this state. It was the day we were gonna leave and we were spending our time in The shared room that Tsunami gave us.

I was seated in his lap happily my tails and ears gone from my now calmed state, it actually took a lot of effort to make them go away but I managed. My arms were wrapped around his neck as I breathed in his dominating scent.

His hands tightly wrapped around my waist, he pulled me down on top of him as he laid down on the futon, I let go of his neck and placed my hands on his chest, my legs sat on either side of him as I smiled down at him.

My smile fell as I felt my tears start to fall, I buried my face into his chest knowing he and I would part ways soon. "Do you remember what I told you the first month I meant you?" He asked I tilted my head well looking up at him, he stared at the ceiling with an expressionless gaze.

"I told you I wanted you as my companion, as my lover, as mine and mine alone. I would love you and you would me, we would have a family" his words made me tighten my grip, I've always wanted to be loved, and to know I'm being loved by the one I had fallen for makes me incredibly happy.

"I'd happily be your lover and companion," I said as he sat up and held my chin with his hand, he smiled softly at me, he pushed my black long-sleeved V-neck shirt down my shoulders, revealing my chest. He leaned in and bit into my shoulder, I gasped when feeling the pain in the bite, I gripped his shirt tightly closing my eyes and gritting my teeth, I could feel his breath against my new wound.

He finally let go then placed his index and middle finger which he had bitten before hand, he smeared his blood into the bite mark then performed some hand signs.

I felt a surge of chakra pass through the bite and into my system, my body felt like it was on fire till finally the feeling subsided and I sighed in relief. I looked down at the bite mark only to see it gone and replaced with his Mangekyo, I touched the mark and smiled.

He pulled me close and breath in deeply, I dug further into his warmth.

We had made it back and given the report, Kakashi and Sakura both told him about Mada-Sama, being THE Madara, they were extremely supersized when Jiji-sama said he knew. "You knew about this yet let the man stay?!" Kakashi exclaimed Jiji-sama leaned forwards, "He is bound to Naruto, and if that bond breaks without Naruto being the one to break it, he will die" I frowned, Jiji-sama still didn't know that if it was forcefully broken I would die as well.

"Then why let him leave?!" Sasuke demanded, an explanation, "because that was what the agreement was" Jiji-sama responded calmly. "He had been saved by Naruto and when Kurama in a fit of rage turned him into a child his chakra was locked away only allowing what his originally chakra reserves as a child would hold" Jiji-sama explained in irritation "what you saw on the bridge was probably only a small percentage of what his true power is, and because of the bond between him and Naruto he probably won't harm the village as long as Naruto's in it" his finished.

"And if he leaves?!" Jiji-sama smirked, he knew it wasn't an "if" we had talked about it and he excepted that I wanted to rebuild the village hidden in Whirlpools.

"When Naruto leaves then this place is gonna be something he may target but if naruto wishes he doesn't he probably won't" they seemed to miss the "when I leave" in that sentence.

Soon everyone left leaving only Jiji-Sama and I, "Naruto, Kakashi tells me that Madara has taken an extreme liking to you" I froze, Jiji-sama Smiled then sighed, "I'm not saying I'm against this, but your much younger then he is Naruto" he said standing from his seat and looking out the window. "But I know, I know how possessive Uchihas can be when it comes to the ones they love," he said.

"Jiji-sama" he hummed in response.

"What if I told you I fell in love with him?" I asked, "Naruto, you are like a grandson to me, And Your happiness is important to me, if you love him then I give you my blessing, but know that not everyone will accept it" I smiled happily, I barrelled towards him and embraced him, he chuckled as he hugged me tightly.

The sound of creaking and running caught our attention, I jumped up and opened to windows to see a man in a brown cloak jumping away, a spy?

Jiji-Sama places his hand on my shoulder, "I'll figure out who that was and where he came from, for now, go home and rest" I nodded and left his office.

Walking up to the door of my home, I couldn't help but dread going inside, no one but me, it was quiet and lonely, I never liked being alone.

"Naru-chan? Can you hear me?" I jumped, was that? "Mada-Sama? Is that you?" It took me a moment to remember the seal I put on him, I smiled happily. "I've missed you Mada-Sama!" I couldn't help the small tears that made themselves know in the corners of my eyes.

"And I you"

That's right, I'll never be alone again.


YAY I'M DONE! This one is a filler since I needed to explain why in the third chapter Madara was given his long turn Communication seal, it became da big part in the upcoming chapters! Again sorry about the delay but I hope you liked this chapter!



Heh, yeah never gonna happen :3

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