Chapter 16

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Okay, need to get something out of the way quickly! Inari and his mother won't be targeted like they are in the manga or show! This will be left out for happy ending purposes!

Dinner was good, not as good as my beautiful Naru-chan but, still good. Disgrace was glaring at me well I drank my tea, Naru-chan was helping Tsunami wash the dishes, well the banshee stared at a picture at the wall. Was she really that useless?

"In just a teeny little bit the bridge will be complete. It's all thanks to you guys" Tazuna-san thanked, Tsunami walked up to the table and picked up some more plates, "even so, don't let your guard down just yet" she lectured, she took the plates to the sink were she and Naru-chan washed them.

"I've really wanted to ask you for a long time now, but... why are you still here even though I lied about the mission?" He asked, Hatake paused for a moment before answering, "to see what is right without doing it bespeaks an absence of courage. Like master, like man" Hatake said Tsunami joined us as well as Naru-chan once they finished washing the dishes.

He'd make a great housewife... Tsunami gave a confused hum, well I "hn'd" in response. "It's a teaching year of the late Hokage" I let my gaze fall onto Naru-Chan only to see his gaze set on the small boy Inari. The boy looked on the verge of tears. "Why" one word left his mouth, Naru-Chan just stared, I turned my gaze to the boy-Inari as well.

"What kid?" Disgrace said. "YOUR WAISTING YOUR TIME HERE!" His outburst shocked everyone but Naru-chan, I may not have shown it but even I was a bit taken aback. "There's no way any of you will be a match for Gato's man, not even if you train! No matter what cool things you say or how much effort you make... the weak always lose out against the truly strong!" He finished, I would have been mad if it weren't for Naru-chan holding my hand and rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of my hand, under the table.

But the disgrace, of course, had to speak, "shut up! Your just a kid who knows nothing" he growled with an eye roll. "Looking at you makes me sick!" Inari yelled, "sticking your nose in even though you know nothing of this land! I'm not like you who's always acting like you know everything! You know nothing about pain!" Inari yelled before running outside, Naruto swiftly got up, "where are you going?" I asked getting up as well, Naru-chan stopped but didn't turn to meet my gaze. "I need to talk to him, alone." He said before leaving.

I sat quietly, waiting for Naru-chan to come back up, I know he'd need someone after this, I wanna be that someone, now and always. The door opened to reveal a tired looking Naru-chan, I got up and walked over to him, he slumped into my chest, is it just me or has he gotten shorter? Not the problem here!

I lifted him up and carried him bridal style towards the futon, I put him down then pulled the covers over him. I went to sleep on my futon only to feel my clothing being tugged, I looked back over to see him smiling up at me. I quickly understood what he wanted and got in beside him. He snuggled into my chest, I smiled softly, he will surely be mine.

Morning came to fast in my opinion. I leaned against some of the wood for the bridge, Naru-chan was sitting next to me atop the stack of wood. The bridge went misty, Hatake called for all of us and we all grouped up near him.

Naru-chan standing next to me like always. He didn't tremble or fidget, he stayed calm knowing who put the Mist up, even I did and I'm sure Hatake knew as well. In one swoop the sound of other builders being knocked out rang through the air, we all stood around Tazuna-san Sakura pulled out a kunai, disgrace did the same, Hatake held his hand on his headband, Naru-chan stood still and I activated my eternal Mangekyo.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting Uzumaki, Hatake" I growled, "hmm it seems the smaller Uchiha is trembling, what a pity" a gasp left Disgraces mouth, four water clones of Zabuza-san surrounded us. A chuckle left disgrace, "I'm trembling with... excitement" I could hear the smirk in his words.

"Do it Sasuke" Hatake said and with a swift motion, after a growl that came from Zabuza-san. All the water clones where dispelled. I sighed internally, okay that wasn't bad but it wasn't all that good either, he's learning.

A chuckle rang through the air, "looks like you have a rival Haku" the fake hunter-nin nodded but his eyes swept over us and landed on my Naru-chan. I growled lowly. "What is it Mada-Sama?" I didn't answer him only got in front of him.

"No, it seems I have two" he responded. I smirked, on you won't win to me boy, you really don't know who you're messing with.

"I'll gladly destroy those who think they can even consider taking wants mine" most of them stared at me with wide eyes. "Mada-Sama, your voice is deeper" Naru-chan gasped in shock.

I thought for a second, I'm getting bigger and my voice is changing... "I'm turning back" I stated through the link. "Doesn't matter! Haku take the Uchihas I'll deal with the rest" Zabuza-san said, "Sakura! Protect Tazuna! Naruto your with me!" Hatake yelled his orders.

This will be difficult, dealing with an enemy, my chakra will be fluctuating, not only that but I'll be working with disgrace, this day couldn't get any worse.

"That boy, with the seals, once we finish with you he will be valuable to have, as a companion and maybe more" The damn hunter-nin fake, taunted.

He's dead.


So I had. Book I was writing a bit ago and recently put it up for adoption! Two people came to me and one has already started, the other is new to wattpad and is striving to become an author, so I'll be putting them here if you would like to check them out.

Already started
New to wattpad


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