Chapter 8

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We all sat against the three wooden posts. Sakura picked at her nail well trying to look as if she didn't care, in reality I know she did, I could see it in her eyes. our Sensei stood in front of us.

I very much dislike him, he looked at Naru-chan in a way in which I only look at him, this man was starting to piss me off.

Of course, Naru-chan noticed quietly and slowly took the sleeve of my black high collared Uchiha shirt, the sleeves where long and flared out the closer they got to the tips of my fingers.

Our Sensei was lecturing us about how this test was about teamwork and that none of us demonstrated the act. Of course, he did use Naru-chan and I as an example, explaining that we had a plan and managed to get the bells till Naru-chan had gotten himself captured and I sacrificed the bells for his safety.

Sakura, of course, yelled about how useless Naru-chan was and how if it where her, she wouldn't have gotten caught. It made my blood boil at how she so shamelessly put down a fellow teammate.

Of course from the look of it, she had set off Kakashi-Sensei as well.

He glared for only a second towards her then sighed, "alright I'll give you a second chance" well he said that he pulled both his arms back in a jerking motion and soon both Sakura and I was tied to two of the three posts.

I was taken off guard and this angered me, how I hated my decreased skill, this Kami forsaken body was holding me back. Naru-chan let out a gasp and attempted to crawl over to me but was stopped by Kakashi pulling him back, I'm starting to REALLY hate this man.

He pulled him up and gripped his waist, holding him in place against his body, I glared daggers at the man. He smiled to Naru-Chan then sat him on to the ground, Naru-chan let out a squeak and rubbed his side softly, Kakashi then sat down two boxes of bento in front of Naru-chan and Sasuke.

"I'll be giving you a second chance so you two eat up, don't feed the two tied up or you'll all be punished greatly and will be sent back to the academy" he spoke in a tone of false happiness.

Naru-chan nodded but I could see his hesitance, "alright I'll be back soon, and remember DO NOT FEED SAKURA OR MADARA" he spoke sharply. Then he vanished in a swirl of leaves.

Naru-chan opened the box as did Sasuke, Naru-chan stood and walked over to me before sitting down and picking up some rice with the chopsticks, he smiled as I opened my mouth, "Naruto BAKA! Sensei said not to feed us or we'll be sent back to the academy!" Naru-chan flinched at how loud she was. I growled deeply catching her off guard.

"Are you an idiot!? You hadn't eaten this morning due to what Kakashi said yesterday and now hours later in the afternoon you think not eating will benefit you? You'll collapse of hunger and lack of energy before Kakashi even takes you out, imbecile!" I said with an angry growl, I felt a whack and looked over at Naru-chan, he glared deeply at me. "Don't go calling others imbecile, imbecile! It's rude and uncalled for" he stated sternly.

"But Naru-chan she-" I was cut off by his voice, "NO BUTS!" He stated once more, I huffed in anger and annoyance. My eyes dilated as I realized both the banshee and the emo wannabe stared at us with a look of confusion.

I scoffed but the poke of the chopsticks from Naru-chan bright me back to reality, I allowed him to continue feeding me. Sasuke soon started to feed Sakura, seeing as my small speech had a valid point. The sound of thunder interrupted our shot —very short— meal, "YOU" He yelled outstanding before us with his hair covering his eyes, "YOU!" His voice boomed louder showing his anger more.

".............pass," he said happily causing Naru-chan, emo wannabe and banshee to stare at him dumbfounded well I stared in both boredom and annoyance.

He then explained how this exercise was to show we know the meaning of teamwork but I felt as if he was really just trying to rush thing, —seeing as he mentioned teamwork earlier— he eye smiled towards us but I could tell very clearly it was mostly for Naru-chan, this Bastard has a fancy for MY Naru-chan...


I glared at him but once he caught it he glared right back, I smirked, sucks to be you I'm bound to him till death, I one-up you forever!

(Yup... I did that, he's using the bonding from chapter 3 or 4 to one-up Kakashi... o-okay... you can go back to reading now...)

"Well you all can go home and rest now I'll see you all tomorrow for our first mission, meet on the bridge at 8:00 don't be late," he said before walking away, I watched as Sasuke Walked away as well. Sakura called out to him pleading to be released from the ninja wire that held her in place but he blocked out her pleading and left.

Naru-chan walked over to her and started undoing the wire, once she was free she just got up and walked away not even bothering to thank him for helping her out of the wire. Naru-chan stared at me not even attempting to take the wire away, he smiled softly at me then engulfed me into a hug.

"Haaaa, I've always wanted to do that," he said happily, I growled and dramatically leaned away, "No! Ack! Stop it burns! Human contact!" He only giggled in response.

I smiled ever so slightly, this boy will be the death of me...


HOI! I just wanted to say that Madara will have scenes where he'll be very "out of character" just a quick heads up for all those who are confusion.... yes I meant confusion because I'm weird like that. OKAY here's a face!

(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎

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