Chapter 13

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At the moment we all sat in a boat, I was playing with the water as it moved gently, my fingertips gliding through it effortlessly. I hummed a small tune not really paying attention to the others talking since Mada-Sama was explaining what they were talking about through the link.

"The bridge should be visible soon." The man who was controlling the boat said, even with his voice sounding like he was calm there was a slight quiver in it along with his aura fluctuating from a calm demeanour to a fearful one.

I stared up looked for the bridge and smiled in awe at the massive size! "ITS ENORMOUS!" I said letting out a squeak that held a small almost inaudible note. Mada-Sama scoffed to cover up his small laugh, "Naru-chan, don't be so loud" he said calmly, I pouted but nodded anyways even though the others gave a look of confusion.

The rest of the journey was calm and quiet, there was a moment where Sakura yelled about a fish almost biting her hand but was shushed for being too loud.

After going through a long tunnel we made it to the other side, Tasuna was having a small conversation —that I didn't care to listen too— with the boatman... yes.. boatman. Soon the hidden mist became visible and I couldn't help but stare in awe at how beautiful it was, I know that the outside was only the surface, I knew it well. But I couldn't help but find the scenery beautiful.

Trees littered the water, most splitting at the base and into the water, it was absolutely beautiful. Once we reached a dock we quickly got off, I needed help from Kaka-Sama since I didn't know how to get off and couldn't help but feel a little scared. When I did hop out I fell into Kaka-Samas chest. I heard a faint growl and thanked him with a nod before letting go and standing beside the now aggravated Uchiha. "Mada-Sama why are you growling? Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly, he only shook his head and shot me a calming stare. I smiled and nodded.

"This is as far as I go," the boatman said. "Yeah. You've been a big help" Tasuna replied, he nodded then quickly turned on his boat motor and darted back the way he came.

"Cowered," Sasuke and Mada-Sama both said at the same time, they took a glance at each other then looked away, it was plainly obvious they didn't like each other for some reason. Mada-Sama took my hand as Tasuna told us to follow him. I looked over at Kaka-Sama who no longer had his weird book in his hand and instead looked to be thinking.

Mada-Sama kept me beside him well we walked throw a forest, Sasuke soon stood on the left side on me, both took glances at each other, why is Sasuke acting like... a bodyguard? It felt like both of them where caging a small animal —me being that Animal— so I just sighed at ran ahead a bit. I saw movement in a bush and it seemed so did Sasuke and Mada-Sama, Sasuke throws a kunai at it and a scared little bunny jumped out, my heart clenched at how scared it looked and I ran over them kneeled down picking up the bunny gently and held it close in a comforting manner.

I shot a glare at Sasuke and turned back to petting at calming the poor bunny down. It seemed to be working as it snuggled close to me, I smiled and lightly kissed its head. I stilled for a moment. I took a second look at the rabbit.

A snow rabbit? My head shot up my ears picking up an odd swishing sound. Something is moving through the air at a rapid pace... I released a thin but strong layer of chakra, my eyes closed as Sakura praised Sasuke for trying to make sure we where safe. Then I felt it, a strong chakra in the form of... a human.

"MADA-SAMA!" I turned to him, "Everyone! Get down!" Kaka-Sama yelled, I was already on the ground and still was cooing over the rabbit as everyone else got down to the ground with swan dives, Kaka-Sama tackled Tasuna down to the ground.

A large blade was embedded into a tree, I stared at it in realization, that's one of the seven swords belonging to one of them... Momochi Zabuza. One of the famed seven swordsmen of the mist and rogue ninja.

As if repeating me like a record Kaka-Sama speaks, "if it isn't the rogue ninja of the hidden mist, Momochi Zabuza" said man stood on the blade with his back facing us and his head to the side with only one eye giving up the knowledge that he sees us.

"I've been waiting for the day I'd meet you... Kakashi of the Sharingan" I felt Mada-Samas chakra and Sasuke's chakra flare. Both raging at the news of Kaka-Samas Sharingan. "Sorry but, you'll need to hand over that old man" Sakura let out a squeak, "Sharingan?" Was her only word and no one answered, I got up with the bunny rabbit in my arms, it rubbed its head into my shirt pushing my sweater off my shoulder so I took my arm and tried to adjust it only to realize I couldn't cause of the possibility of dropping the bunny, so I let it be.

"Everyone get in Manji formation!" We all jumped into action. "Protect Tasuna, don't involve yourself in this fight, he's way out of your league" kaka-Sama pulled up his hitai-ate from his left eye revealing a Sharingan, from what I could tell it was embedded.

"I never expected to see the rumoured Sharingan so soon... but this is an honour" soon everything started to become misty, like a cloud drop to ground level, "When I was in ANBU Black Ops of The Hidden Mist, search information about you was in the bingo book I would carry around with me, but there was also something else in the book about the man who has copied over one thousand skills...Kakashi the copy ninja" Momo-Sama said, I looked down at the rabbit in my arms, I can't really help if I'm holding... I held up the bunny then nodded, her.

I unsealed a small bag then sat the bunny in, I clipped the small latch on the bag so she wouldn't jump out or possibly get hurt then sat it against a tree, "you!" I froze, I looked up to see Momo-Sama pointing at me.

I looked behind me then back at him and dumbly pointed to myself, he nodded with a growl, "you know Fūinjutsu!?" I smiled. I can tell he's kind under all that blood lust.

I nodded then pulled out a seal. In a lash I appeared in front of him then slapped it on his chest, he seemed in shock as well as the others, "NARU! Get back here now!" Mada-Sama commanded, I quickly flashed to his side and he pulled me into his chest.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto," I said pulling away from Mada-Sama and turning to Momo-Sama, he went wide-eyed, "how can you speak without really speaking!" He demanded an answer.

I pointed to his chest, "the seal. Now, Momo-Sama, let's talk."


Yay I updated, sadly later then I wanted but I was busy with life... because I have one... jkjk please don't take that seriously XD

Okay! so, for the black butler fanfic I'll be starting soon, would you maybe like a cross over with Naruto? If so tell me now or else I'll be doing an OC thing, as well as Vampire Knight would you like a Naruto crossover or Vampire Knight x Oc? Do tell me, I would like to know!

Lastly, Do not I repeat DO NOT private message me. Love you guys and all but I've had people asking for updates and such. It makes me not want to update at all.

Any-who! Till next time~



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