Chapter 5

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Age 12

Naruto sat in his seat, I sat silently beside him waiting for the team arrangements. I took a side glance at Naruto, my eyes roaming over every inch of his clothed body, since the very day I met him, after waking up wrapped in bandages, I felt a strange connection.

I looked at Naruto's chest, his perky chest was shown thanks to the skin tight deep blue turtleneck shirt, his nipples stood prominently and if it wasn't for the crimson red sweater I practically forced him to where I wouldn't be the only one knowing about them.

(Blush \(////)\ slightly more feminine naru-chan~)

The sound of running and screaming broke me from my thoughts, the pink Kunoichi Haruno Sakura and the blonde Yamanaka Ino, screamed for the other Uchiha —I believe his name was Sasuke— and I, to say I was annoyed was an understatement, I was irritated, so very irritated, the only thing keeping me calm was Naruto's voice, he was humming absentmindedly through the mind link.

The door opened, Know one not even Naruto seemed to notice but me and that Uchiha Sasuke, I watched as our Sensei grow angry at the children running about the room yelling and completely ignoring his presence, Naruto had his gaze set on the desk as if it was the most important thing at that moment, from what I could tell he was in deep thought.

"Everyone settle down please-" Sensei was cut off by another screech from the Yamanaka, "SIT DOWN NOW!" He yelled, I felt as if I was gonna flinch but didn't, I mean I have been around much louder people —like that Hiden from the Akatsuki or even the other one... Tobi— when I was still an immortal being.

Naruto jumped scooting closer to me, I scoffed with the smallest of smirks on my lips, Naruto sent me a playful glare before it softened with a smile on his soft lips, I turned my attention to our Sensei before he pulled out a clipboard, I hadn't been listening but he was giving a "grand speech", he cleared his throat before calling out the teams.

He started calling the teams but I didn't pay much attention considering they are much weaker than myself, they wouldn't dare try and touch me, an Uchiha, they learned once that Inuzuka tried to fight me and failed miserably.

"Team 7 Uzumaki Naruto" once I heard this my attention was drawn to our sensei. Naruto nodded silently, his gaze still on the table waiting for the names to be called. "Haruno Sakura" she groaned then slumped onto the desk with a look of defeat and dismay. "Uchiha Sasuke" the Haruno girl stood from her seat, yelling out happily. I looked over to the other Uchiha only to see a look of pure rage and unhappiness, "and Uchiha Madara" I nodded well hearing this taking a glance at Naruto, he had a small smile on his face as his eyes look up at me, I let my body relax just a bit knowing they truly did put me on the same team as Naruto.

"Alright, Everyone! After break, your Sensei's will come and get you" Iruka sensei said before walking out with a proud smile.

It's been hours. We've been sitting here waiting for our Sensei, that Haruno Kunoichi hasn't stopped trying to ask both I and the other Uchiha for a date. Naruto had even got hit on the head for waving at her, he had to restrain me by keeping my feet changed to the floor with his chakra chains.

"Mada-Sama?" Naruto asked I hummed in response unknowingly catching the attention of the other two in the room. Naruto looked up at me with a smile, "would you care to join me in the murder of our Sensei?" His eyes darkened in a mischievous way.

He stood up and walked over to the door pacing a seal in it, I recognized it to be a shock seal, he used it on me once as a test to make sure it worked, I almost burned down the house that day.

I smirked with a scoff, "Naruto, I don't think a Jounin will fall for that" I said getting up and walking over to him. I placed my hand on his seal before doing a hand sign and having disappeared from the naked eye, Naruto hummed in a softer voice.

I let the smallest of smiles bleed onto my face before going back to a static look. Naruto turned to me with a grin. "Good thinking Mada-Sama!" I nodded before returning to my seat with Naruto in toe.

He sat silently in his seat waiting for the door to open, I too was very curious to see the outcome. The sound of footsteps approaching the door and stopping had us staring intently.

The door opened, a man with silver gravity-defying hair and his Hiata-ate covering his left eye as well as a face mask covering the bottom half of his face starting from his nose and covering his neck was frozen with a noticeable charge of electricity flowing through his body.

Naruto let out a laugh this one being more of a soft break between making a sound and taking a second to stop only this was something that couldn't be stopped, my eyes softened when hearing this, it's been too long since he's laughed in public.

The silver-haired Jounin recovered from the prank then looked at us with a closed eye smile. "My first impression on you... your boring" he opened his eyes when saying the last part.

Naruto let out a soft hum, I placed my hand on his shoulder but that damed pick girl pushed him away from me, "LEAVE HIM ALONE NARUTO" the silver-haired man quickly caught naruto before he could fall then sighed.

I held back a growl and glared at the pink Kunoichi, "alright everyone meet me on the roof in five minutes" the grey-haired Jounin said before disappearing in a puff of smoke. I pulled Naruto again my chest and did the same.

He sat down looking a bit dizzy, I looked up and saw our Sensei giving me a skeptical look, I nodded to him which seemed to calm him, he turned his attention back to his book of unholy things.

Naruto took my hand, I looked down and realized he was trying to tell me to sit. I obliged and sat down close to him.

"Those two will be here soon," I said to him, Naruto hummed softly catching the gaze of our Sensei. Alarms rang in my mind, he's a threat to my gain of a strong companion.

I felt another tug and looked down at Naruto, "is something wrong Mada-Sama" Naruto asked tilting his head like a confused puppy, I let my gaze soften, "no, nothings wrong Naru-chan" Naruto glared playfully before smiling softly.

Yes, he is the one I want...

important! I have no internet so I'll be updating less sadly so please be patient for me! Thank you :3
I'll give you guys a new face every time I post!


*smiles for eyes~*

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