Chapter 7

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Madara-sama and I walked towards training ground 7, we had woken up early and eaten food. Mada-sama said it would be okay and that it was only a trick, I didn't understand at first but by the time I had finished eating breakfast, I realized that I never once went without eating even a little bit of food before training because of needing energy.

Madara-sama had seated himself under a tree that sat near the water, I couldn't help but follow suit seeing as it was the only thing I could do. I had a nagging feeling I would regret it later though.

Slowly time passed, at some point, I had fallen asleep only to be woken up by the loud yelling pink girl whom was screaming about Kakashi-san being late, I didn't quite understand why she needed to yell about it at all, I was quite confusing.

She was fuming and was angrily looking around before her eyes landed on me, I smiled at her gently but had gotten hit in return, "BAKA! Stop sitting so close to my Madara-Kun! He doesn't want to be near a worthless idiot like you!" She yelled I held my head with tears in the corners of my eyes.

I was so lost in the pain of being hit —surprisingly hard— that I missed Kakashi-Sans arrival, I looked up to see Madara-sama being held by ninja wire well Sakura obliviously flirted with Sasuke.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was staring at Madara as his Sharingan was blazing with all three tomes. I sighed and slowly stood up only to hit Madara with a small slap to the back on his head.

Madara knew exactly what it was, it was a chakra suppressant seal, I had modified it so if he forced his chakra through he would be sent a sharp stabbing pain through his limbs, this had his eyes deactivated.

He "tisked" in annoyance before glaring at me, "Naru-chan! Remove the seal now!" He yelled getting the attention of the jealous Sasuke and the scary Sakura, I shook my head in response.

This lasted 12 minutes before he huffed and sat down, I removed the seal and Kakashi-san removed the wire.

"Alright today we're going to be taking the bell test, see these three bells, well you have to get them from me," Kakashi-san said with an eye smile, I tilted my head. Sakura was the one to ask the question that lingered in my mind, "but there's only 3 of them and four of us!" She exclaimed.

Kakashi nodded, "one of you will be going back to the academy well the rest of you will stay and become a ninja" I stared at him even more confused. That made Know sense, seeing as we as a team need to act as a team and work together, I've never seen a team of genin with only two teammates...


I get it.

I smiled happily with a big grin, "I see you've finally realized what he's doing?" Madara-sama asked I nodded catching the attention of Kakashi-san.

He eye smiled again only towards me, I smiled softly back but the vibe I was getting from Madara-Sama was scary so I just allowed a small smile, it calmed him enough thankfully.

Kakashi-san placed a timer on one of the three wooden logs that sat upright.

"This timer will go off at noon, I want you all to try and get one of the bells from me, you have till you hear the bell" everyone nodded well except for Madara-Sama he was his normal quiet self.

"Okay, listen closely before I tell you to start, I want you all to come at me with the intent to kill, don't hesitate with your attacks," he said calmly. "W-wait but you're our Sensei!" Sakura said unsure whether or not she would actually be willing to do this, I didn't blame her. This was a scary thing for any normal person, but with us, I only now realize I have THE Uchiha Madara the most feared Uchiha Know to man, Uchiha Sasuke the only survivor of the Uchiha massacre, and me, the village jinchuriki.

I miss Kurama now that I think about it...

So really Sakura is the normal one. Kakashi-san nodded, "I'm technically not your Sensei till I pass you, in fact, you aren't even genin yet," he said.

His eyes turned from that careless gaze to serious, "now... begin!" And we scattered.

Madara-sama and I have been hiding in the tree we had been under when we first arrived, I now just realized that we only had two hours to get those bells, wow Kakashi-Sama was late. "Naru-chan, we won't be able to ask for help with the other two seeing as neither of them would want to help since Haruno Sakura doesn't quite like you and Uchiha Sasuke has a strong dislike for me" Madara-sama explained, I nodded with understanding, we needed a game plan.

I nodded to myself after thinking of something, "alright, Kakashi-Sama is a man who will underestimate us, he only sees us as fresh out of the academy children unfit for the shinobi world, we must allow him to think this and at the last second catch him off guard, I would like you to overpower him with fore, well I use my chakra chains to keep him rutted to the ground, I will place the burning seal to immobilize him and within that small time period you will retrieve the bells and run back" Madara nodded in agreement with my explanation.

So with that, I stealthily made my way to the tree that sat on the other side of the clearing. Kakashi had come back from the forest we had heard a scream and haven't really seen Sasuke since then, that was 20 minutes ago, I smiled to myself before tossing the senbon into the tree Madara was in.

Madara ran out from his hiding spot with a ready fighting stance before engaging Kakashi-Sama in a taijutsu battle, I smiled and quickly proper a shadow clone to take my place there well I got him from the back with my chakra concealed, my clone had made itself known and thrown over 72 senbon at him, Kakashi had his book put away once we started going serious, he set the plan into motion after giving a firm kick to Kakashi-sama's torso with his arms blocking in from the blow but not the impact.

I swiftly latched by chakra chains onto his arms and legs to keep him still. I had managed to slap the seal on his back and dispel the chains as he fell to the ground in pain, Madara-sama swooped in and grabbed the bells but soon Kakashi-Sama had me in his arms with a kunai to my neck.

I gasped sharply, I hadn't thought about this outcome... "Madara-Sama, I'm done for, make sure the rest of our team gets the bells," I said, his chakra was stiff, he was making his decision, Madara-sama had slowly emerged from the bushes, "I'm sorry Naruto, but I can not let my comrade suffer for my lack of preparation" Madara-sama said tossing the bells over and swiftly pulling me from Kakashi-Sama's grip.

Then the bell timer went off...


So after going over the story that I ask if you would like me to publish, I decided I would! So by next month, I'll publish the first chapter of "Rebuilt hearts —Naruto neglected—"

_:('ཀ'」 ∠):

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