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Minnie Pov...

Done with our Human anatomy class, we have a hands-on activity and saw a human cadaver. I was so hungry but I didn't eat to prepare myself for this. I'm heading to our school canteen to look for something to eat, thankful that my stomach handles the smell of formalin.

I reach the canteen and look for the food to eat, a pack of Milk and a Sandwich. Then I walk to the corner of the room and choose to sit there. Ahh, finally I can rest for 2 hours before the next class in the afternoon.

I check my phone to text Lisa. Lately my best friend is too busy with her study partner.

"hey! nerdy, it's been a while?"
I froze on my chair hearing those voices. The Bully girls from last year, how can I forget them? The girl sits beside me linking her arms on my shoulders I smell cigarettes on her.

I was trembling I don't know but I mentally knock my head for not bringing Lisa here

"Yah! are you deaf?" -- said the girl who sits in front of me, she gets my milk and put the straw on then drink it.

My milk!

"You have a problem? huh?" I shake my head, the girl in front of me shows a grimaced face on me.

"You think we're done on you huh?"
The girl beside me said it sends terror to my veins.

"What do you need?" my voice trembles I'm trying to be tough but again I failed. I just want to finish this to run away from them.

But we are all startled by the impact from the hand that grabs the girl's arms linking on my shoulders. The next thing I saw is the girl wincing in pain because of the tight grip of that hand. The Bully girl removed her arms from me and stand as the strong hand grabbed her to stand up.

"Let go of me" the trembling voice of the girl beg. I looked back and saw the owner of that strong hand. It was Cho Miyeon.

I saw some students are looking at us,

Miyeon is not responding to the pleading of the girl, she averted her gaze at the girls in front of me. The two come near to grab their friend that Miyeon holds.

"Let go of her," they said in chorus. But Miyeon is not moving, we are now gaining other students' attention.

I look at Miyeon who is looking coldly at the girl she was holding I was afraid but I stand up and gather my strength to touch Miyeon's hand, making her look at me.

"Please Miyeon, let go of her" I plead, Miyeon removes her hand to let the girl go with her friend.

"Go fix your things" finally Miyeon speak

I look at her and follow her instructions, we go out to the canteen and walk towards our study place.

"Why are you always letting those bullies bully you?" Miyeon ask.

we are now eating in our study place,
Miyeon is now lecturing me, great.

"Always?" I look at her eating her sandwich
Did she remember me?

"Uhm, Uhm, they are also the girls who bullied you last time at the back of the Lab building right?"

So she remembers me..

"I'm not that strong like you" I reason out.

"So you let them hit you? even just talking back to them is hard for you? so you just let them do what they want to do?

I look down at my sandwich and eat quietly she's right why do I always like this?

"Yah!, did I offend you? I'm sorry if I did"--
I just smile at her concern, "No You didn't it's ok, I understand why you said that"

My Beautiful Mess [MiyeonXMinnie]Where stories live. Discover now