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Miyeon Pov

It's afternoon and I'm heading back to our dorm from the supermarket, my hands holding plastic bags full of goods.

Suddenly a car appears beside me moving slowly following me I stare at the car and the tinted window rolls down.

A man in his forties appeared

"Ms, Miyeon can I have a word with you?"
I wonder why this man knows my name. I notice lately strangers often approach me this is for the second time.

I accepted the invitation and decided to talk to him at the park near our university. We sat on the bench and I just wait for him to talk.

"I will not hide from the bushes please leave my daughter alone,"

I didn't answer, but my heart is pounding hard.

"Minnie is my only precious daughter and I don't want you for her~~

I heard from the director because of you she had trouble last time with the girl gang. That was my first time hearing such news about my daughter it was so terrible. You're not a good influence for her Ms. Cho"

I feel hurt, he has a point. He has a right to say that because he is Minnie's daughter

"So please cut your relationship with her"

I don't know how will I react to this situation but I need to be honest.

"Sir, I understand your concern but I want you to know that I love your daughter."

I heard his small laugh

"I want her to have a family and a man who has everything to support her with everything she needed. Then I will ask you, do you have all means to support her?"

Then my reality strikes me,

"So cut your relationship with my daughter and If you will not do it, I want to remind you about your remaining family Ms. Cho"

When I heard that I quickly look at the man beside me I feel in rage, how dare he bring that up here

"Don't you dare talk about my family Sir"

"So, I guess you got my point here, thank you for your time, Ms. Cho"

Minnie's father left already minutes ago, and I was still seating here feeling my strength leave my body. I'm shaking inside, I never felt so small not until now.

my eyes tear up, I lean my elbows on both Legs use my hands to cover my face, and silently cried. Just thinking about myself leaving Minnie is so painful.


I didn't bother to look, then I felt that she sat beside me

Soojin in her worried voice

But I just continue crying silently while Soojin caresses my back. She didn't ask or try to have a conversation with me but she just sat beside me until I stop crying. I can't share with her now what happened, I'm not ready but I'm thankful for her sympathizing presence with me.

"Unnie, you want me to accompany you to your dorm?"
We are now parting ways after an hour of calming myself we didn't talk about my reason for crying thankful that she didn't push it.

I smiled at Soojin

"I'm good Soojin, thank you for staying with me"

I saw her eyes sadden

"Unnie, don't forget that I'm always here for you, you can talk to me anytime. hmm?"

"Yeah, Thank you Jin~JIn~"

"bye~ bye~ Unnie"

she hugs me and we parted ways.

I went straight to the dorm carrying the stuff that I buy,
but the weather is not kind to me because it starts to rain.

making me more down and frustrated,

How can I open this to Minnie? should I tell her?

Oh fate, why are you so unkind to me? all I did was love Minnie and allow myself to share it with her.

I didn't notice that I already reach our dorm's front door.

I push the doorbell and wait until Minnie appears in front of me,

My Minnie,

Her bright face changed into a worried expression, she suddenly crease her brow when she saw me wet from the rain.

"Hey, you're soaking wet!"

She get's the plastics I'm holding I just follow her inside looking at every move she makes appreciating her existence in my life.

"Why you didn't wait for the rain until it subsides?"
she nags at me,

after she put the things I buy on the table she faces me and pulls me to our room and went to the bathroom.

"take a shower, I will prepare your clothes,"

I stare at her,

"Miyeon~ah, you need to move quickly because you will catch a cold"

She closes the door leaving me inside the bathroom. I don't know but my tears are coming out again. I started removing my clothes and took a shower while crying and restraining my sob.

after taking a shower I sat on the chair of the vanity while she stood in front of me blow drying my hair. From time to time I glance at her remembering my conversation with her father I love her so much and it's killing me thinking about what her father want's me to do.

"Hey, you seem so quiet since you came back, does something happened?"
She looks down at me,

I just shake my head

"Are you sure?"

"Uhm, Uhm," nodding at her meeting her deep set of eyes then a question suddenly slip on my lips

"Minnie-yah~ (*Pause) do you love me?"
She stops and looks at me

"Hmm? of course!"
She put down the blower on the vanity and sat on my lap she cup my face and look into my eyes intently.

"Even I'm not as rich as you?"

"Yes, I don't care about it as long as I'm with you"

"Why did you ask? You sound worried?"

"No, I only just want to hear it again"
I tried to smile

"Miyeon~ah~~ I love you, so so much to the point that it hurts here" she points her heart

"Why it hurts you there?"

Because you make my heart pound loudly then she giggles.

I smiled again because of her cuteness

"I love you too Minnie-yah"
Then I peck her lips

"Always remember that I love you so much and I will fight my love for you"

"Ahhhh, my love is really a sweet talker"
she teases me, but I didn't respond to her but I just savor my "Mon Amor"

Minnie Pov...

It's our graduation ball tonight and I'm preparing for my date,
Miyeon decided to get dressed at Soojin's apartment so right now I'm almost done and just waiting for my date to come.

I'm still worried for Miyeon because of our conversation yesterday
I feel that she has a problem but she said she doesn't have so I guess I'm just overreacting.

*doorbell rang

I shrug my thoughts and stoop up to open the door

Then MIyeon appears in her navy blue coat top to her white polo shirt partner with her khaki pants.

She looks so simple yet so appealing, she smells so good too.

"Hi, You look magnificent" she utters while looking at me,

"You too, you look wonderful" I replied to her,

"Tonight?" she jokes, adding words from song lyrics.
we both laugh because of that

"shall we go?"


And we go to the party hall of our University when we enter I praise the setup of our hall the decoration is so great. Well, I can boastfully say that our department does it, so I'm proud that we made our venue so cozy, and simple but beautiful.

I look at Miyeon who is checking around with her eyes,

"Miyeon~ah, let's enjoy this night?"

She nods at me and we go look for our friends.



Let's make this chapter a little bit sad :)

Thank you for supporting my craft,
and for giving me feedback too.

to my not-so-many followers, let's be friends? hihi
hoping for abundant IDEAS, FRIENDS, TIME, and VOCABULARIES for 2023,


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