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A/N: I was away for some time, better to read again the first parts. You will see that I already inform you for slow update :) haha joke!


Miyeon and I ate after the closing ceremony,

Miyeon was awarded gold medalist for Karate and they give me also certificate for the music club's best performance.

After a long walk and talk, we're now at the dorm and preparing to sleep, I was in the kitchen drinking water but I noticed Miyeon's position when she lies down on the sofa.

"Miyeon are you sure you are comfortable sleeping on the sofa?"

"I'm used to it but it's hard because it's too narrow," she said
hearing it immediately I decided to share my bed with her I'll try to ask her

"do you want to share with me in bed?"

"Really? it's ok with you?" she ask and I nodded to her
"come get your pillow and cover"
I walk to my room and Miyeon follows me. I lie down and give her space on the right part of the bed.

"Are you sure about this Minnie? I don't want to be your inconvenience"

"Yes, I don't want my friend to be uncomfortable sleeping I notice that lately you frequently complain about your aching back."

I said jokingly,

"Thank you" she smiles at me making my heart jump in a second.

Gosh, what is this? Did my heart jump?

Miyeon position herself and prepares to sleep I turn my back from her and sleep.

Whew! Better for me to sleep maybe I was tired for the whole day's event.

"Hi, Minnie!" Choi Young-Jae said, he is my classmate. We are now in the classroom and our Anatomy Class is done so we are all excited to go home.

I adjust my glasses and look at him curiously, he is standing near my table
I looked at the room to see if others are watching, thankful that no one was looking they are busy chatting with one another.

After the intramurals, Choi Young-Jae is always talking to me and praising my talent. He even asks my number but I said I will think of it.

"Do you have something to do after the class?" He asks me,

"Huh? Uhmm, why?"
honestly I have no clue what he's into.

"I will ask you to have coffee with me?"

I was surprised, I looked again if there is someone listening

"Ah, I'm sorry but I don't drink coffee, and sorry Young-Jae I have something to do after class," I said like I was whispering with an apologetic face,

"Ahh, ok, by the way, I want to give this to you, as appreciation for your performance last time in our intramurals I was thinking to give you this last time but, here"

He handed me a box when I look inside it was cookies. I was about to say something but the bell rang

"Please take it, Minnie, It's just a token of friendship, ok I gonna go."

Choi Young-Jae turn his back and go outside,

what was that? did that guy hit his head?

I stand and fix my things then I saw Miyeon fixing her things too while having earphones on his ear, still the cold Miyeon. Some of our classmates know that we are living together but we as roommates are not really talking inside the classroom unless there is something to talk about like our review session every after class and we also walk together to our dorm if we have practice martial arts.

My Beautiful Mess [MiyeonXMinnie]Where stories live. Discover now