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*Sound of siren

: Car accident near Incheon Plaza,
We are now heading to Incheon General Hospital.

: Vital Signs: BP 70/80, his pulse rate weak, large wound on his legs, there is a broken part of a car buried in his waist swelling and bleeding.

*Sound of Siren


Minnie's Pov...

"Always check her IV fluid and her Urine color and if there is anything that became unsteady just call me"

I instruct the attended Nurse about the Newly operated Patient

"yes, doc Min."

I check again the patient Monitor and leave the sleeping patient,

*My phone vibrates,
Call from the emergency room,

"Doc. Min. A car accident patient from Incheon Plaza is heading here in 10mins"
The head Nurse said on the other line

"I'm coming Nurse Song"

Then I ended the call, massage my aching neck, and rushed to the Emergency Department,

Then a minute after I came down the EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) rushed inside carrying the patient on a stretcher,

I rushed towards them and checked Man's current status.

"1~ 2~ 3"

They lift him to transfer him to the hospital bed.

I ask,

The EMT recited the Vitals I know soon he will have arrested.

The other nurses put the vital monitoring wires on the patient.

"Prepare his CT Scan we will open him up"

I commend to them


We have cardiac arrest Doc Min,


I immediately climb onto the bed


I pump his chest, counting on my mind,
I stop and check the pulse from time to time,

"300 joules!"


and on my fifth try his pulse came back.

"He was revived, prepare the operating room Nurse Song quickly I will operate on him. He will have another arrest if we lose time"

"Yes, Doc. Min!"

"Assist me intern Soyeon"

"Yes, Doc!"

We successfully perform the surgery with the help of my assistant Soyeon,

"Finish him up Intern Soyeon"

"Yes Doc"

"Thank you all, you all did well"
I compliment the people inside the OR.

"You did well too Doc, you saved another person today"
Nurse Song said to me smiling while wiping my sweat. She's one of my friends here at Incheon General Hospital.

"Thank you, Yuqiyah, help Intern Soyeon to stitch him up"

"I don't think she needs me, remember she's Miss-I-Know-everything,"

"Enough with your beef towards her, I need to go"

"Yeah take care, please rest too Minnieyah,"

I nod, then I thank them again and went out removing my disposable scrub suit and cap.

I walk to the hallways looking at different people, some staff greets me, and some are strangers. Different patients are on their beds, families, and relatives visit, and some are waiting with worried facial expressions.

This is my typical environment every day for 4years, after my Medical School I immediately come here to Incheon General Hospital for my residency.

I reach my Department's office that for me my primary house then my apartment nearby.


As I sat on my swivel chair, I'm 29 years old but my body aches like I'm 40, that's why my friends always nag at me to enjoy my salary once in a while coz I'm living almost my time in the hospital, what would I expect?

But they are the only people who always push me to enjoy my life.

I look at the picture frame on my table.

It was my birthday photo with Lisa, Jennie, Soojin, and Shuhua. Added to our gang are Nurse Song and Intern Soyeon.

Many years have passed and there are a lot of things have changed,

I'm now a 4th-year resident Doctor assigned to a trauma department, but I also handle scheduled operations and assist specialized doctors, as of now I don't know what I want to specialize in. Lisa is the same as me, working as a surgeon but she wants to be a cardiologist.

*I kinda smile remembering that specialization, I used that as a joke to someone before. I softly shake my head to shrug off my mind to flee somewhere.

I stretch and look at Lisa's happy face with Jennie in her arms in the photo.

Her girlfriend Jennie is working too in the hospital where Lisa and I work but she works in Diagnostic Department she didn't want to be a surgeon and focus on diagnosing accurate illnesses. She said that accurate diagnoses are the key to healing the patient which is true.

And also Jennie's father is a board member because they have a 30% share in Incheon General Hospital (IGH) so she sometimes does part-time as a representative of her father in every meeting with the boards. Our Lady boss as we always tease her.

I turned my eyes to Soojin and Shuhua, these two love birds.

Soojin chooses to be an OBgyne since she and Shuhua love children. Her Girlfriend Shuhua is working with Soojin in IGH, small word, right? It just happened that we all pursue the medical profession and we choose the same hospital with great credibility.

Shuhua is a Physician, like Jennie she doesn't want to cut people's flesh and see how people die in the emergency room and operating table.

These two couples are getting stronger as time goes by though sometimes there are rough roads and as friends, we help each other.

our friendship didn't just get stronger but we extend it to Soyeon and Yuqi. Soyeon is Jennie's cousin and we just met Yuqi here 2 years ago. Song Yuqi is the head nurse of the emergency department, known as Nurse Song. While Soyeon is an intern, she's my assistant when having surgeries in OR she just started her training in our hospital 2 years ago but her skills are on another level.


It's Lisa who is calling,

"Yah! Yontararak rest and we will go out!"
I heard on the other line Jennie rebuking her for being loud at me.

It made me smile, Still my annoying best friend,
I hummed in answer I know she will throw me again her line.

"Don't live like Ajuuma! (Old lady)~~Yuqi said you didn't sleep overnight. What are you planning to do? Just jump off the bridge if you will not enjoy your life"

"Yeah I know..stop nagging at this 8 am please"

"Tsk! Ok, sleep and we will have dinner later ok?"

"Yes, Manoban! please tell Jennie I said Hi, bye bye "

"ok bye bye"

*End of conversation

I stand up and get my things, I will go to my apartment to sleep.

I feel like my body is looking for a Bed.

To be continued...


: Morphinedrip 💊

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