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Minnie Pov.

1 week had passed since that fight at the science building. Since then I noticed that Miyeon is avoiding me, she didn't talk to me unless I talk to her. Even didn't sleep at the dorm she just come to change her clothes and then left after that.

I heaved out a sigh

"Hey you've been doing that for this whole day Minnie, don't worry Miyeon is a grown-up person, give her time to think"

Lisa said to me while munching her doughnut, we are sitting in my favorite spot in our University, park near the tree where Miyeon and I used to study.

I just look at Lisa and speak

"I don't know, I'm just worried for her Liz"

Because the next day after that fight, Miyeon was sent to the guidance office because someone filmed us at the science building and uploaded it to the school website. The scene was Miyeon fighting fist-to-fist with the bullies. It flooded with hateful comments from the students and parents posted towards Miyeon without knowing what's the real story behind that.

I testified what happened that day, that I was cornered by Yerum's group and Miyeon was the one who saves me. I told them that the video was a miss leading video it is just a video clip that didn't take the whole real scene.

The guidance office accepted my testimony when they saw the CCTV footage. Yerum's group was only suspended because of the power of their parents.

The school didn't kick out Miyeon but she was suspended from the karate club and will not be able to fight in the inter-school karate competition this year.

Good thing is, the issue subsided and Miyeon's name was cleared and they figure out who the real villain was. And that was Yerum's group.

"Because of me she wasn't able to represent our school, this is her last year Lis but she got suspended and maybe she's mad at me."

I sigh heavily and look down

"Did Miyeon say that to you?"~

I look at Lisa and


"Then, don't conclude you might complicate things and situation. Talk to her"

I didn't react to Lisa's words but she's right, I should not conclude things.

Every time I see her, I can see in her eyes the unexplainable emotion that is visible to mine. It bothers me actually.

I don't know If she's mad at me or disappointed because of what happened or sad because she lose her opportunity to represent our karate club for her final year at this university. Maybe that's the reason why she's avoiding me.

Though I understand her actions I feel hurt every time I look into her eyes.

"Ok, I will not conclude things, but I will talk to her if the situation allowed it"

"Yeah, that's right. But I was wondering, why are you so into it? Do you really like her that much?"

"Yah Lisa~yah! Don't say that"
I tried my voice to be convincing but I know I'm blushing right now.

"Are you trying to deny it huh, Minnie?"

"yes, coz I'm not"

"But that's not what I'm seeing right now"

Lisa is staring at me intently

"Hmm, Minnie?"
Lisa is pushing me to something that I will regret later.

"What? I'm just worried for her coz she's my friend"

--no reaction

"Ok fine! I cared for her"

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