Chapter 23

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IT'S BEEN a week since the 'kiss' incident with Marie. We haven't talked and luckily haven't bumped with one another since then. Dad was out of town for two weeks, and I'm glad that he's out because he will notice that his Zel and daughter are not on good terms. I can't deal with his questioning right now. He shouldn't know all of these things this early.

Sylvia's busy with her school and band. We barely see each other. She keeps on inviting me to all her gigs, but as the OIC in Confection, I was too caught up with work. I miss my baby sister, though.

I was busy checking the portfolio in my hands when my phone rang. The song Passenger Seat started to play. I started setting it as my ringtone after the unexpected 'kiss.' It reminds me of her and our memoirs. I know I'm being crazy again, but this was the entire original plan anyway. I hope Dad will understand.

I already suffered a lot. I got to do this. I had to.

"Yo! What's up, Best? Ah, Lunch? Okay. Okay. No, I will be there. Okay. See you. Bye." That was Cheena. She invited me for Lunch.

I still owe them a story. I haven't told my family what happened to me seven years ago, but they're such understanding friends who never push me to talk about the past. I'll tell them anyway. I think I'm ready.

They know that Inay was dead, and that brought us to an emotional moment while Yuan's eyes were so confused staring at the three adults crying faces. They're sorry about Inay's death. I don't know if they visited her grave because I gave the details when they asked me where it was.

I zoned out for a while when the company phone rang. I answered it on the second ring.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to disturb you, but Atty. Zamora is here," Mina, my secretary, said. Her voice is somewhat in an excited and nervous tone. I raised one eyebrow before answering.

"Let him come in. Thank you, Mina," I replied, then put the phone back. I heard three knocks on the door, then a handsome dude in his late twenties grinning widely at me. His beautiful green eyes meet mine.

"Geste, it's nice to see you, Hun," he said, approaching me in wide arms. Even if he stayed so long in New York, his Mexican accent still dominates. He is half Mexican, one-fourth American, and one-fourth Filipino.

"Diego! Oh, God. I missed you so much," I said, hugging him.

"I missed you too, bitch," he said, poking my nose. I giggled. Can he be any gayer? Err, his mouth is full of sweet words.

"Asshole." Still giggling, I pulled back.

He chuckled and sat on the couch. "That's why we are best friends because we are two fuckin' hot bitches with mouthfuls of swears," he said in a high tone. I rolled my eyes and seated back. It's true, anyway.

He roamed his eyes, scanning my office. Then stand up, rummaging my mini-fridge.

"Wow! You never really missed putting this in your office, huh," he said, pulling champagne from my mini-fridge.

"You know me," I smirk. Diego nodded in agreement while opening the champagne and pouring it into the two glasses.

"Toast for the two beautiful creatures." He gave one of the glasses to me and stuck his invisible hair in his ear. I laugh at his gayness.

"Toast!" bumping my glass gently to him.

"Your secretary has been ogling me ever since she saw me," Diego said, sitting back on the couch and crossing his legs.

"She didn't know you were gay," I said, checking the time on my iPhone.

"Of course, she didn't. I'm such a good-looking and sexy man," he said, trying to sound like Johnny Bravo. I chuckled. He was so cute when he did that.

"Anyway, you did what I told you?" I ask him while tapping on my phone. Sylvia texted she won't be home because they had a gig for the night at Quezon City Circle.

"Of course. Though you're so mean that you put me into work right after I arrived last night from New York, I accomplished what you asked from me," he said, putting the brown folder on my table. I replied to Sylvia, 'Alright. Take Care. Love you.' then I grab the folder.

"Thank you. So it's true that CC is falling," I said when I checked the papers. It's a recent financial statement of Caramel City. I don't know how Diego got it, but based on the years we've been friends, I can say he is all-knowing when it comes to pulling secret documents. He is a frustrated detective wanna-be.

"Good job, Diego. I know I can count on you," I said sweetly, smiling at him.

"Uh-huh. But I still have jet lag, and I need a hella sleep. So, about your plan, is that going to happen?" Diego said, then yawned. He is exhausted. Yes, he knows about my plans. He is my best accomplice and best buddy. We have been perfect partners in crime ever since.

"Sorry for the trouble, Diego. Just confirm it to Mr. Salazar, then you can take a break for the day," he said, nodding. He looked so sleepy.

"Well, just call me tomorrow, or we'll see each other tonight?" he said, standing up.

"We'll go out tonight." I cheekily smiled. "Why wouldn't you like to stay at my place?"

"Okay fine. I'll move tonight. But I have a reservation at Manila Hotel, so I badly needed to sleep first, and I'll see you tonight," he said, kissing me on the forehead. "And you need to pick me up bitch because I have no ride. You must. Because you owe me big time," he said, patting my head.

I playfully pout.

"Stop it. You'll mess my hair," I said, teasing Diego.

"It's messy after all, darling," he said, heading to the door.

"Adios loco," I said before he went out. I thought he would skip answering me this time, but I'm wrong.

"Igualmente puta loba," he said, smirking, and went out. Big mistake. I didn't understand what he just said, only the second word. He called me a whore! What a friend!

I started reading again the info gathered by Diego. A mischievous smirk formed on my lips.

Seems fate is working well with me also. Caramel City will be mine. And most of all, My Marie will be mine. I knew that she was only playing the amnesia thing. Marie recognized me. From the way she kissed me, it confirmed my thoughts. I'm going to win her back.

I gulped the champagne one last time and gathered my things to meet Cheena at Yuan's. I hummed happily and then went off.

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