Chapter 17

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I STARTLED even more when my phone vibrated. I took it from my purse and answered it while walking to my family's table.

"Where are you?" Sylvia said with furrowed brows. I can see what she's doing. She's tapping her finger on the table, one of her mannerisms. My big sister is something.

I calmed myself before I answered her.

"I'm right in front of you, your little kitty," I said with a smile. Then just that, she cut the line and looked in my direction, then she smiled hugely. As if she saw her special someone. But I know my sister just adores me, that's why I love her.

"Hey, Dad." I kissed him on his cheeks, and he was shocked for a while because he thought I was just someone else, and Dad smiled back when he realized it was just me.

I half smiled at his fiancee, earning a genuine smile from her. I froze for a while because I was so stunned by the effects of her smile on me. I felt the familiar butterfly flying on my stomach every time she did that to me. I mentally scolded myself for thinking such things to my Dad's betrothed.

I shook my head gently, and then I went to my 'Lil sis giving her a bone-crushing hug.

"Hey, kiddo," I greeted, half-heartedly smiling without breaking the hug.

"Oh. Stop. You're killing me," Sylvia said, escaping from my embrace. "Huh. Oh God, you're choking me to death." She pouted and crossed her arm. My 'Lil sis is so cute.

"That's how I show love, baby." I pinch her cheeks.

"Aw. Aw. Hey! Stop that." She tried to get up, but she was at the corner seat beside the wall.

I heard Dad chuckling and his fiancé just amazingly staring at us. I can't read what's in her mind right now. I just shrug it off. Now I'm feeling more comfortable because of Sylvia's stubborn cuteness.

"Yeah, sure. Loving or killing?" Sylvia raised one eyebrow, and I just smiled cutely.

"Hey you, two. Stop that. Come on, girls, have a little respect for Zel," Dad calmly said. Oops!

"Sorry," we both said and then looked down. Sylvia nudged me, and I glared at her. They were so childish, but we were just playing. We are so immature.

"Hey, it's fine," Marie said. "Come on, let's order. What do you want, girls?" she asked.

She sounded like a mother, I cringed. Sylvia stared at me confusingly.

"Yeah. I'm starving," I said without looking at Marie because I can't assure myself not to drool over her beauty. She's freaking hot tonight! Wooh. It's getting hot here.

After we finish giving our orders, we drink our wine, waiting for our meal except for Sylvia, who is not allowed to drink, of course. She didn't order any beverages but only water. She's so concerned with her voice.

I tried to talk with Marie while we ate casually. Dad and I talk about Confection, and sometimes we talk about CC and then Sylvia's school when suddenly Marie drops her utensils and holds her head. I can see the pain rushing to her beautiful face. I tried to pull an 'everything's fine' face, but honestly, I'm so freaking out inside.

"You okay, Sweetie? We can go home now if you want?" Dad asked her with a worried tone.

"Nah, I'm fine. I just felt a little bit dizzy, but I'm fine," Marie said, trying to sound okay. I know she's lying. I still can't forget that tone when Marie is not feeling okay. She's still the same Gretzel that I knew before.

"No, you're not," I commented. Me and my big mouth! It was too late for me to back out.

Dad seems not to notice my action because he is so worried about Marie. Meanwhile, Marie's looking at me with so much pain in her eyes. I don't know if it's from her head or because she knows that I know she's not okay. I drank my wine to break at her gaze.

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