Chapter 31

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"SO WHAT did you do to the mansion?" Marie asks, not looking at me but concentrating on cooking.

We are now in my house. After talking with Sylvia, she called me because she wanted to talk about something important. But even if we wouldn't talk about something important, I would still love to ask her to come over and stay with me for the rest of my life. Cheesy!

"Sylvia was having a lovesick problem," I said, grabbing the apple from the basket and washing it in the sink, then going back to sit on the counter.

"Oh! So finally, she was interested in someone. Who's the lucky guy?" she asked, still on her back. I wanted to burst out laughing at her question, but only a wide smile suppressed on my lips, but she couldn't see that. I swallowed the apple I ate before I answered her.

"Remember the young couple at Yuan's. The Gwen girl and her boyfriend?"

"Uh-huh. So? Don't tell me she's in love with Gwen's bf?" she asked, looking at me with a comprehensive eye.

I smirk. "Oh my God, Sylvia! That is so not good! The boy has a girlfriend!" she exclaimed, going back to cooking.

I laugh. Putting the apple on the table and going to her, hugging her from her back and nuzzling her sweet smelly hair.

"No, baby. She's in love with Gwen." I felt her stiffness as I continued what I was doing. I dunno if it was because of what I've said or what I'm doing to her right now.

"Sylvia's gay? Wow!" she exclaimed after a long pause. She went back to cooking.

"Yep. Guess there's two of us in the family, eh," I said while giving her neck small kisses.

She snickered. "David didn't mind, right?"

"No. Not at all. We talked about it once, and Dad said he will support Sylvia if she is gay like me."

"Hey, stop that; it tickles." She giggled. Aww, she's so cute. I didn't stop what I was doing; instead, I attacked her neck and groped her v-part.

"Baby... Ummm, I-i'm cooking." I can feel her breath hitching. Did I turn her on that quickly? Whoa! I smirk at the thought.

"You're much yummier than that, love," I said, not letting go of her neck. I lick it and kiss it gently. I'm being careful not to leave hickeys in her exposed area. Dad would accidentally see that, and bam! We are busted.

"Shit, baby. Ugh! You're turning me on." she moaned. Uh-huh, I know.

"Don't you like it?" I asked her, still kissing her neck.

"'C-course, I do." She moaned again. I love my effect on this girl. I move my other hand and put it inside her shirt to her breast. "M-Geste, I-i'm cooking." She whimpered. I didn't listen to her; instead, I continued what I was doing.

I was kissing her neck hard, and all she could do was moan when she couldn't take it, she faced me and ravaged my lips immediately. I smiled while kissing her.

"You will pay for this. You should make me come right now," Marie said and gave me a hard kiss on the lips.

"I'm so scared." I teased her.

"Stop talking. Just kiss me." She grabbed my head to make our lips connect.

We make out for a moment. Tasting each other's mouths. Marie nibbled my lower lip and caught my tongue when I put it inside her mouth. She sucked it, and all I could do was moan in the pleasure she was giving me.

She started to unbutton my shorts, and just when she was going to put her hand inside my panties, I smelled something and realized what it was.

"Uhh, Marie, I think something is burning," I told her in a hesitant tone.

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