Chapter 28

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I CAN still hear her voice up there. I look at myself in the mirror, my face filled with my tears.

I missed her so badly. I want her back, but it's not possible right now. Everything's so complicated. She's the one who gave up on us. Why is she ruining everything? I hate her so much!

I heard the door creak, and it was opened by someone else. I automatically wipe my tears in my hands and look down. I didn't bother to look at the person who went inside. When I heard that they locked the door, I looked at them in the mirror. And saw a red hair goddess standing at my back. She's looking at me in the mirror.

"Are you okay?" she asked sincerely.

I never bothered to answer her. I wash my hands and just ignore her. A long silence was taking place between us. I dried my hands and was about to walk out, but she was blocking my way. I tried the other way, but she's just mimicking me.

"Let me pass," I said in a commanding tone, but she didn't budge. "Are you deaf? I said Let. Me. Pass." My anger is flaring up.

"Gretzel, we need to talk," she said in a begging tone.

I clench my fist because of her stubbornness. Of course, I will not let her deceive me.

"We don't have anything to talk about. And don't call me that name. I'm not that person anymore," I said sternly and walked past her. But she caught me at my shoulder.

"Please, we need to talk," she said, still in a soft voice. Heart! Don't melt. Don't give in.

"Let me go, Geste. Or else..." I said more forcefully.

"Or else what?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Or else... Or else I will tell your father you're harassing me," I replied.

She chuckled. "Really? Is that all you can muster up?" she asked.

I angrily glared at her and wiggled my shoulders for her to let me go. Because if we stay longer in that position, I can't promise to do anything stupid. Her touch makes my knees weak.

She didn't let go. She's too strong for me. Ugh!

"Damn! Let me go! What do you want from me?" I ask angrily.

She was shocked by my outburst but just for a moment. "Let's talk about us. We need to talk about ourselves," Geste said in a more serious tone.

"No! There's no use! We were done, though. I'm your father's fiance. Leave me alone! Your past! I'm moving on. I'm not gonna let you ruin everything that I have started again. You don't have any right to do this to me. You're the one who gives us up. You never fought for us. You just let go. It's all your fault why I suffered like this. I hate you. I hate you so much," I cried weakly after I said the words I'd been longing to say to her for a long time. For seven years, I buried these feelings in my heart. The pain, the bitterness. It's all there.

Geste let go of me, biting her lower lip but not in a sensual way. She's biting her lip to hold back the tears forming in her eyes.

"I tried to fight for us. I did," Geste said in an almost whisper tone. "They took away everything from me. My job, my future, you. But they did not stop there. Your father threatened me that he would take away my loved ones. He said he would kill Inay and my best friends if I didn't stay away from you. I had no choice, Gretzel. I love you, but that moment was not our time. I had to choose my family."

I stood there, frozen.

"Liar." That is the only word that came out of my mouth. My fist balled. "You're a liar."

GESTE [English] - GirlXGirlWhere stories live. Discover now