Chapter 33

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Three weeks later...


"BABY, can you please zip my dress?" the redhead asked as she faced her sexy back to me that only I could do was gulp. "Or maybe later, babe?" she teases as she sees that I was ogling at her back.

"Not today, Ges. You don't want to keep your in-laws waiting, right?" I answered as I zipped her dress. I was trying my very best not to join in her teasing.

"Maybe after meeting my in-laws, we could, you know..." she whispered with a teasing smirk on her face as she faced me. I felt the hairs of my arms grow by just her mere breath touching my ears. "Baby?"

"Ges, stop." My heart was racing fast as she tried to give me little kisses on my jawline down to my neck while sensually touching my breast. "G-Geste, s-stop."

"Stop?" she snickered, looking into my eyes as she saw it was half close, and I'm biting my lip not to suppress a moan. "Are you sure you don't want this?" she asked while leading my hands to her v part. Now my other hand was inside her dress in between her thighs.

I bite my lip so hard that I can feel her warmness and wetness in her panty.

"Wow, someone's horny." I teased.

"Uh-huh. Just because of you, baby. Just because of you," she said sexily as she was trying to unzip my dress.

"Babe, no. We have to be on time, right? This is your first meeting with my parents. I mean, the official one. Baby, you need to have a positive impression of them," I explained. Of course, I want to do this with her. I would love to, but we have an appointment with my parents, and I don't want to make any wrong possibilities or ideas against Geste though it was their idea to meet her.

Yeah, Geste and I were okay now. It's been three weeks since that incident happened. She followed me to my condo even if it was past midnight.

I cried that time till my eyes were out of tears, then I slept still crying. I was awakened by a loud knock and was shocked to see Fiona in the peephole.

But Fiona was just their bait because the three Stuarts are hiding on the side of my door. I was hysterically shouting to shoo them out, but Geste managed to make me shut by kissing me in front of everyone.

I was shocked at her boldness but gave in. Then we were cut off by David's coughing, and I slyly looked at them, but it turns out they already knew because they heard Geste when she was chasing me outside of their mansion.

So to cut the story short, David and Sylvia accepted our relationship because Geste had explained everything to them. About our past, about our love. David also explained his side and I was so happy he found a person he could love.

Oh yeah, and Fiona, I already knew she was only her friend. Fiona explained to me what had happened.

My joy in seeing that David and Sylvia were not against our love was uncontainable. I felt immeasurable happiness when they accepted us with no hesitation.

That time was like the happiest moment of my life. I was crying again but not for sorrow but purely tears of joy.

The first week was also hell for The Stuart and me because we were the headlines in all the business magazines. Yeah, our families are famous in the business world, and as you all know, you can never hide from the paparazzi.

Some judge us and make nasty comments and bash us but as weeks passed, people from LGBT+ groups, who I also found out belong to famous and rich clans in the country, supported us and fought for us even if we didn't ask them to.

You know, I can consider it all as a blessing, and I thank God for being so good in my life and for bringing back the person whom I thought I could never have again. Thank you, Lord!

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