Chapter 12

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Flashback continues...

THE DINNER was great. Inay, Cheena, Abel, and Gretzel get along well. They like Gretzel because she's a genuinely wonderful person.

"Hmm, Miss Romero, can I take Kaye to dinner this coming Saturday night?" Aww, she asked for my mother's approval first before mine. I appreciate it. I didn't know about the dinner until now.

Inay just smiled. Cheena and Abel are just staring silently. "Of course, dear, but only if it's okay with Kaye." What a wonderful parent! I love Inay!

"You are kidding, Nay? I'm sure Kaye's on cloud nine right now because of your approval," Cheena interrupted. I jokingly glare at her. She just stuck her tongue. Abel snickered. Nice friends! Grrr.

We talk over dinner but only about casual topics. Inay's recipes for the night were superb and delicious. It was my favorite Filipino cuisine. She served Pochero, Ginataang hipon, Afritada, and Gretzel favorite, Bicol Express.

The chilly and sweet taste of Bicol Express was heavenly. I noticed Gretzel ate more than usual intakes, but she still managed to pull her gracefulness. Yep, after two weeks of a relationship with her, I came to know her deeply. She keeps on complimenting Inay's cooking.

When the desserts came, which was a set of fruit desserts, such as compote, crumble, and dumplings, I only watched Gretzel and my BFFs with closed eyes admiring her desserts. I'll ask Inay for those recipes later, I mentally noted in my brain.

We're still at the dining table when I ask about Abel and Cheena's activities for the past weeks. I missed them, and we haven't hung out for quite a while.

"Busy at practice," they said.

Then Cheena said, "I'm dating Lee." Nonchalantly, still eating, or I might say, playing her fork. She's done eating.

"Lee? As in Lee Dixon? The quarterback?" Gretzel asks in an unconvinced tone.

"Yeah," Cheena mumbled. Something's wrong. She seemed not happy dating this guy, but she did. That's not so... Cheena. She always dated a guy she fancied or something like that. Abel just keeps silent and frowns. Uhm, this isn't good.

"But I thought he's..." Gretzel cut her words but added, "He is okay." Averting her eyes from Cheena and shrugging. What's wrong with her?

"All right. If you're happy, then I support you, best. But if that punk will just make you cry, then Lee will meet the tigress he will regret meeting," I said to lighten up the mood.

I said that even though I know that I might be just like an ant that Lee guy can easily crush.

"Thank you, best," she said, smiling but not reaching her eyes. What the hell? Then she looked at Abel and looked away with a frown on her face. What was that expression?

I cleared my throat because Abel was in his awkward silence. "Abel?" He looks at me with that hurt look.

"I'm happy for you, Cheena," he said, looking at Cheena and smiling genuinely.

"Thanks!" Cheena grinned. They look genuinely happy for each other, but as their best friend, I know something's wrong.

After dinner, we decided to watch another movie. Cheena and Gretzel have agreed to watch Salt because the latter adores Angelina Jolie. Abel and I wash the plates. Inay always sleeps earlier than me because she needs a good rest from cooking.

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