Chapter 9

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Flashback continues...

I DON'T know what to wear to the dinner, but thankfully, Cheena is my super best friend because she did all the work and helped me with the dress. I'm happy I have a friend like her. She's my fashion designer. All thanks to her!

I'm nervous about what to wear. I want The Salazar to be impressed, but I want Gretzel to be impressed with what I will wear deep inside.

"And finish," Cheena said, finishing my makeup. She just put on light makeup; she knows I'm not a fan of it. "I'm pretty sure they'll look at you in awe," she said, looking at me up and down.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was content with what I saw. I'm wearing a silver-white dress that perfectly hugs my curves, and its length is above the knee, showing my legs, which is my asset, and a pair of silver and black heels. I let my straight black hair down and put a thin silver headband separating my bangs.

Hot! I thought to myself and smiled.

"Anak, hurry up. Gretzel is here." When I heard her name, I suddenly felt nervous. I can still feel her lips on mine.

"Let's go, best," Cheena said. I grab my purse before she drags me downstairs.

Then I saw my goddess Venus looking gorgeous in all her gloriousness. My Venus? As if I own her.

She's wearing an all-black dress that reveals her cleavage not in a sexual way but in a sexy way, matching her black heels. Her hair was down and in big curls. At that moment, all I was thinking was to kiss her right there. If only Inay and my BFFs were not here, I would surely do that. I unknowingly bit my lower lip. What am I thinking?

"Ahem." Abel cleared his throat to catch Gretzel's attention and mine. I forgot about them. I'm so obvious! "Kaye?" he asked, "are you not going to introduce us" look at me.

"Aye. Uhm, G-Gretz, this gorgeous woman here is m-my Inay Melinda, my mother." I pointed to Inay. Why am I stuttering? "That is Cheena here and Abel there," I said, pointing to them. "And she's Gretzel, the daughter of the owner of CC."

"Nice meeting you all," Gretzel said sweetly, smiling at them. My family just nodded and smiled in response.

"Let's go," I said and kissed the cheeks of the three essential persons in my life. Then say goodbye to them.

Gretzel waved goodbye also and promised my Mom to take me home before midnight. Inay just said yes. Then I walk out with Gretzel on my side. She smells like chocolate. She's so edible right now. Uhm, I'm thinking like a perv again.

When we were in front of her car, she opened the front door for me. Aww, so sweet. I smiled sweetly at her. She just smiled back.

The drive to Salazar's takes too long, and nobody between us talks. The silence is killing me. We never talked ever since we went off to the road. Gretzeljust drives while I often steal glances at her.

I didn't say anything either. Great, now I'm more nervous. Why is Gretzel so silent? Instead of talking, I just focused on watching the places we passed to the window.

At somewhat ages of driving, we are at Salazar's. Their house was huge. The interior and exterior design was Spanish style. Overall, it's elegant and beautiful. I look around and admire their house when we arrive at the entrance.

"Wow! Your house is... beautiful," I said, looking intently at the designs.

"Yeah. Beautiful," Gretzel whispered but enough for me to hear it. I snap my head towards her and find her so close to me. My heart pounds so fast when I look at her consuming blue eyes.

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