Chapter 11

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Flashback continues...

THE PAST months were like heaven for me. The happiness that Gretzel was giving me is priceless. I'm finding myself falling hard for her every day.

Today is my birthday, and I told her that Inay wanted to meet her officially. I told Inay and my BFFs about us, and they are very supportive of our relationship. Their reason? They had never seen me happy like this before. And I could say that I am.

Of course, we hide it from anyone in school and be casual with one another if we are there. Though sometimes Gretzel gets too touchy, they know Gretzel to be like that, and it's no biggie after all.

She was busy, as usual, because the School Fair was up. But she's trying to sneak out or making ways to make up with me, and that act was giving me more reason to fall for her. Even at CC, we're stealing kisses when we're sure no one can see us.

Everything was normal. Mike is still sending signals of liking me by his pick-up lines that mostly Gretzel will interrupt and destroy his line. She's a jealous girl. While Jason and her, I saw Jason sometimes tried to kiss Gretzel on the lips, but she would look to the other side, and his lips would land on her cheeks.

I can't help giggling whenever I see that scenario. Jason doesn't know about us. And we don't have any plans to tell him about us, not now or never. Who knows what he's capable of doing if he'll know about us? I'm not taking the risk. I don't want Gretzel's parents to hate her. Not now. But if they learn about us, I'll fight for her no matter what, even if it means losing everything I have right now.

Whoa? Really? Why did I say that? Do I mean that?

I thought harder about it. Then I smiled. Of course, I mean it. I just realized I love Gretzel, and I'm willing to do everything for her. Just for her. I love her!

I'm so excited to tell her that, but at the same time, I'm afraid. Many things come to my mind. What if she freaked out? What if she goes away? What if...

I'm in deep thoughts when someone covers my eyes with their hands. They're at my back. Before they could say anything, I recognized them by their intoxicating smell of chocolates.

Gretzel! I mumbled to myself, smiling.

"Guess who?" she asked with a low tone. She's trying to change her voice so that I can't recognize her easily. Nice try, but too late, baby.

I giggled and answered, "Hmm, maybe a rapist?" I jokingly stated.

"What?!" She unwrapped her hands on my eyes, stomped her feet heavily, and sat beside me while pouting. So cute!

"Hey, babe." Grinning, I hug her from her side and peck her pouting lips. We're on the rooftop of the old building. Nobody comes here because they said it was a creepy place, but I found the place peaceful, so Gretzel and I are practically making this place our hideout.

I looked at Gretzel when she still said nothing. Aww, she's faking to be upset. I know she's playing that card again. I tell you, this girl has a lot of jokes in her mind.

"You called me a rapist. How dare you?" Still pouting and crossing my arm.

"You ask me to guess who it was, so I just did what you've asked me to do. I'm just being obedient here." I played, throwing my hands in the air and sitting still while facing her. I'm trying to hide my smile and suppress my laugh.

She noticed I was on her game. She narrowed her eyes and stared at me with a mischievous grin. Uh-oh, here we go.

"Rapist, huh?" she said still with narrow eyes, staring at my lips and then at her eyes. "Then I should rape you now." With that, she grabbed me by my shoulders and straddled me.

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