Chapter 26

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At Yuan's resto...


WE ARE here at Yuan's to have dinner with the family. Yes, including Marie. So, this would be our first meeting after that hot make-out session in her office.

We sat at our usual seats. Yuan's pretty crowded tonight because a band is singing. Yuan improvised into a social resto-bar.

I was just here two weeks ago, and after that lunch with Cheena, this is just my third time going here. They indeed are fast in renovating. The place was excellent, though. It's still as cozy as ever.

There was a stage with complete instruments, amps, and mics. This just proves that Abel and Cheena still love music. I didn't know if Cheena was there, and I didn't want to disturb her, so I didn't tell her I was there.

"Kids, Zel will be late for a minute. She's stuck in traffic," Dad said, tapping at his phone.

"'Kay, Dad," I said. I'm playing it cool. Of course, Dad and Sylvia shouldn't know about Marie and me. Not yet.

Then I noticed Sylvia glaring and frowning while watching the young couple at the other table. I watched the couple that didn't notice a pair of green eyes throwing daggers at them.

"Syl?" I nudge her gently. She looked at me with an annoyed look.

"What?" she said with an attitude. Eating the sorbet she had first ordered. She spoons the sorbet as if stabbing it.

"What's wrong? Why are you staring at them like you want to kill them?" I said, also annoyed at her change of mood. She was so happy a while ago when we picked Dad up from the airport, and now she's like this.

"Nothing," she plainly said and pouted.

Dad was oblivious to us because he was still on his phone texting somebody. He smiles whenever he receives a text from his text mate. Maybe it's just Marie. Jealousy started to fill me, but I calmed myself and recited that I must stick to the plan.

Then suddenly, the beautiful brunette arrived, wearing skinny black jeans and an oversized tank top printed with a Tazmanian devil and exposing one of her shoulders, then a pair of black heels. She's ravishing yet straightforward. Hmm, yummy. I can't help biting my lower lip at the sight of her boobs visible on the soft cloth.

She blushed when she saw my eyes looking at her boobs. "Hey, guys." She smiled sheepishly. Cute! Sylvia and I just nod to her. I'm trying to be casual here.

"Hi, sweet," she said, greeting my Dad with a peck on the lips. Dad didn't notice her if Marie didn't kiss him. He was so busy with his phone. Really Dad?

"Work," he said to me and put his phone in his pocket. He must have seen my confused look at his phone. "Hey, love. Come here; I missed you," he said and hugged Marie.

"So, let's take our orders," Dad said.

We agreed to eat seafood tonight and eat when it was served. Dad was the only one talking. He talks about his trip to Guam and where he has been. He also mentioned a girl named Magda a couple of times, but I think I was the only one who noticed it because the two girls were not in themselves.

Marie and I are stealing glances at each other. I wink whenever I catch her looking at me. Now, she was just looking at her food and never giving me a single look.

Sylvia was stealing glances again at the couple at the following table. I thought she was staring at the guy, but when I saw the pretty girl was also stealing glances at my baby sis, I felt my gaydar flare-up. I saw that the assistant manager was talking to the pretty girl and her boyfriend, then the couple nodded and went to the stage.

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