Chapter 18

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THE HEADACHE was so unbearable. I ruined the family date, and I feel sorry for that. But I was happy seeing Geste being so lovey-dovey to her family. At least she didn't change the old her that I have known. She's still charming to the people she cares about a lot.

How about me?


No, you're excluded.

Of course, I am. I'm part of Geste's past. Yes, past. And as I've said, the past is the past.

I shook the thoughts out of my mind. It will bring more pain not only to my mind but also to my heart.

But I feel better now. My headache attacks at an unknown time, and it eases if I drink the meds that my Doctor prescribes to drink. This headache has been happening since the accident seven years ago that hit my head severely, causing partial amnesia for three years.

However, I forgot to bring my meds last night, and David knew that's why we went home immediately when he noticed I didn't have them. He also knew I had a spare in my medicine cabinet in his house, so he preferred to make me stay at his house because it's nearer to the resto than mine.

I saw David sleeping on the floor. He is a gentleman. He didn't force himself on me if I didn't want to. Yes, we didn't have sex yet. For almost two years in a relationship, David didn't do anything to make me uncomfortable. We had intimate makeout and touching but nothing more. He respected me so much that he didn't push me on anything sexual that I couldn't do. I don't know. I just can't.

So, I reasoned that I'd have to do it with him when we get married. I promised him that. And he respected it.

I climbed down from the bed to wake him up.

"David. David, wake up." I throw kisses on his nose to wake him, and it works. He smiled and hugged me closer to him. And that brings me to his top.

"Oh, I love mornings. I even love it when an angel wakes me up," he said, cupping my face close to him. He is so sweet. I smiled.

"Oh, you sweet lover boy." I kissed him lightly. I was the one who first pulled up, but he refused to let my lips go, so we kissed for a while till his touches went to some places they shouldn't be, and I just let him.

When he noticed I was not resisting his touch, he continued and squeezed my other boob with his big hands. Then I didn't know what happened, but he was on the top now, caressing my whole body. Me? I just returned his kisses, and my hands roamed his body. I was turned on.

I wear close to nothing because I'm just wearing a negligee and undergarments. Who changed me last night anyway? I think I dozed off quickly when I had taken my meds last night. I'm sure I didn't have the time to change. Just when I was thinking like that, David found my soft spot, and I moaned as he continued to suck it.

"Oh K----" Oops! What was I about to say? I was about to moan Kaye's name! Oh my God! The hotness I felt was like being thrown into nowhere. I was dumbfounded. I pushed his shoulder to make him stop.

"David, stop," I said, feeling like I wanted to cry. Why does she always have to ruin things for me? I can't do this with his father if she still haunts my thoughts and heart.

I can see the lust in his eyes but automatically exchange a worried look when he sees that I am about to cry.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I got carried away. It will never happen again. Please don't cry," he said, wiping my tears with his hands.

I wanted to tell him there was nothing to be sorry for, but I just let my tears flow as I realized that my feelings for his daughter were as strong as before. I'm so fuck up!

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